Rhinestone Cowboy New Years
So my new costume is hot...lol.. Take a gander. I'm shiny.

My thoughts on life starting at the age of 21, a gay man dating women for everyone else in his life and continuing through turning 31 and learning to live for himself. Keep in mind as you read that this story was written over the course of 10 years and, much like it’s author, it grew and matured as time went by. If Art is a living, breathing thing, these pages are the marks on the doorway to keep track of it’s progress.
So I am finding myself more and more frequently confused with life in general. No matter what I try things just don't turn out as planned. I get a good job, it falls short. I meet a fantastic person, they turn out to be not so fantastic. I start a great day, it turns into a week I wish I could forget. I am not depressed...I just think I may expect to much of the people and the world around me. I take to many things at face value. I have to stop doing that. People aren't two dimensional...you'd think as an actor I would know that. lol...apparently not. My life in a nutshell right now is confusing.
I'm just trying to find the place where I fit in the world...and every time I think I've found a niche for myself it slips away and I fall face first into nothing. Culinary Arts school is looking fantastic but everyday it is something new. First my financial aid was a problem...well not just first, but still. Now Valencia is refusing to release my transcripts cause they say I owe them money..which I don't. Maybe I should just wait and not do school until after the land sells and I can be financially stable. I don't know.
Not to mention my love life...gah. I don't know...I think I just want to be with someone so bad that I fall faster than anyone ever should. I find someone..they show interest and so I reciprocate and continue on the "TV/Movie" romance track and before the end of a season they move on. And this could all just be me being paranoid. I found one person that I like right now, but I am noticing patterns already and I don't know how to stop it.
My financial life is...bad. I frequently find myself wanting to crawl into bed and just not get up...ever. Maybe that's why I throw myself head first into relationships, cause if I am there...I'm not here..and I'm not thinking about any of this.
I did do something today that I rarely ever do...cause I know I am a little self-absorbed. The person that I like was having a bad day and I listened and didn't say a word about what was going on with me. That is rare...I frequently get branded as the one-upper..cause when someone says they had a bad day I chime in with what happened to me. I hate that about me...and I try not to..but before I realize I am doing it..I'm done. I think my thought process is that "misery loves company"...so if I tell them that I had a bad day too..maybe they won't feel so bad about theirs. I don't know. It's stupid. I just want to know what to do with my life. Part of me wants to move far away and start over..but that takes money...and initiative...and at the moment I don't think I have either. Anyway...that was my random blog for the evening. Blog later.
You know how sometimes you run across something and it just kinda...fits. Well this song has been right under my nose for months...and today...it fit. Can't sleep so much...or really sing it very well at the moment...but I'm happy and content with who and where I am. Regardless of what anyone else might say or do.
By:Jason Robert Brown
I'll never be,
a knight in armor,
with sword in hand,
or a kamakazi fighter.
Don't count on me,
to storm the baracades,
and take a stand,
or hold my ground.
You'll never see any scars or wounds,
I don't walk on coals,
I won't walk on water
I am no Prince,
I am no saint,
I am not anyone's wildest dream.
But I can stand behind
and be someone to fall back on.
Some comedy
Your bruised and beaten down
and I'm the one
whose looking for a favor
still honestly
you don't believe me
but the things I have
are the things you need
You look at me
like I don't make sense
like a waste of time
like it serves no purpose
I am no prince
I am no saint
and if that's what you believe you need
You're wrong
you don't need much
you need someone to fall back on.
And I'll be that
I'll take your side
If I'm the only one
I'm used to that
I've been alone
I'd rather be
the half of us
the least of you
the best of me
and I'll be your prince
I'll be your saint
I will go crashing through fences
in your name
I will I swear
I'll be someone to fall back on
I'll be the one who waits
and for as long as you let me
I will be the one you need
I'll be someone to fall back on
Your prince,
Your saint
The one you believe you need
I'll be
I'll be someone to fall back on
someone to fall back on.
Tonight was the 2nd annual Moon's and Star's Gala..it was fun. Here's some pics.
Look...I got all dressed up.
My wonderful tablemates Denise, Melissa, and Layne.
Amber and Tracy sitting at another table...across the room....whatever... :)
Alyson....sitting with Amber and Tracy...
Melissa is either amused or angered by dinner.
Rob and Nathan singing Agony.
Our Masters of Ceremony Nathan and Andrew hamming it up.
Denise and Rob singing Secret Garden
Jan And Cathy....who can do anything better than who?
The show last night went pretty well. Carol and Jim loved it...I'm really happy. Their opinion means so much to me. Carol played my mother in Look Homeward, Angel. She is an amazing equity actress and an amazing person. Her husband Jim was also in the show and played one of the borders. Great guy and can definetly his own when onstage with Carol...so amazing as well. They got my number and we are going to grab some coffee or do lunch or somethingbefore they leave on Wednsday of next week. Carrie and Carla came to the show too and liked it. I'm glad. I finally got Giants in the Sky right. Tracy and I were talking about it and finally pin pointed what was wrong. I was telling the story and teaching them the lesson as Jan told me to do. I just had to find the difference between someone telling the story and teaching the lesson and experiencing the lesson while you are telling it. It took a while but I think I figured it out. Thanks for helping me get there Trace.
Now onto the other news of the morning....I GOT THE JOB!!! I am going to be working part time as a pyrotechnician guy at La Maire FX in Groveland Florida. Score. 25-30 hours a week with 12-17 dollars an hour under my belt. Going to be fun...hopefully. I'll blog later.