Sunday, June 02, 2013

Changing Labels

I have previously discussed the need for labels in life.  Quantifies things, gives them boundaries, clearly spells out what something is and what it contains.  However there is a dark side to labels.  Labels can leave us stuck.  I labeled Rodney as my soul mate, Adam as the perfect man, My relationship with both of them as the end of my single days, Accidentally In Love as Mine and Rodney's Song, The sound of him breathing next to me as my goes on and on.  Labels make life easier to navigate but they also give those things power.  So much power.  Luckily some of those labels don't stick and we pick them up and save them for when they can find their proper place.  As for the label's that adhere tightly to the other objects, with a little work and conscious effort we can remove them.  My soul mate is out there...and I will hold his label against my heart.  Each person I entrust with my heart will get the label and have the opportunity to see if it sticks.  The perfect man doesn't exist...we are perfect in our imperfections.  Labeling someone as such is dangerous and unfair so I have destroyed that label.  I wasn't done with my single days yet...I still have more to learn so that label I reserve as well.  Accidentally In Love will always be mine and rodney's song so I added an additional label reminding me of how much in love we were.  So in love that it happened without either of us meaning for it to.  It may have ended...but we had it and that is something to be rejoiced and not mourned.  And as far as my lullaby...I can't depend on anyone else to lull me to sleep at night.  At the end of the day I can look back at how I lived that day and be content in my actions and in the future those actions will bring forth and sleep will come.  And one day soon...I'll have the rhythmic metronome of my soul mate's imperfectly perfect lullaby next to me to guide me into the night.