Monday, February 28, 2005

The Glitter Of Professionalism

Sorry I haven't been posting much...sleep has just been taking priority. My days are crowded with rehearsals, work, and school...AND IT'S FREAKIN' FANTASTIC! Rehearsals at Icehouse are so different. Everyone is there, when they aren't there rehearsals don't stop. Like tonight for instance. The male lead wasn't there. Christian was he couldn't come..director's orders. Not like he was sick and just didn't come..but he was going to and Terrance told him not to cause he didn't want to run the risk of infecting the cast...SECONDLY...we got a LOT done tonight..without the lead of the show..the guy who is in pretty much EVERY SCENE. Then we spent half an hour working on the smallest details of my scene. He is teaching me so much. Rehearsals are where I want to be..I am a happier person at Icehouse...Thanks Tracy, Thanks Terrance, Thank You World.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


This morning started with an Avenue Q reference. I was walking through get my costume..and I kicked a penny on the floor that I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Then I went on my way...when I walked back by where the penny was it was still there. It was heads-up so I picked it up, then I looked at the date. It's from the year I was born. It's a sign! So the rest of the day went swimmingly...cause I wouldn't allow it to go any other way. Then I went to rehearsal.

I am constantly amazed by Terrance. Seriously. The man is a genius. I watched him go through 5 of the actors in the show in about 10 minutes. He was giving a speech about how our characters are two dimensional right now..and he wants us to be three dimensional. A speech that hurt..but needed to be said and is a great inspiration. Something that would never be said at previous theaters I have worked at...or atleast not articulated so well. This role is going to be a serious challenge for me..he has compared my character to Gene Kelly. I have some movies to watch. I have to develop Luke Gant. I have to make this the finest I have ever been on stage. I have to find out if this is something I can do well enough to actually make it...and Terrance is going to push me to whatever my heights as an actor can be...or make me realize the depths that I truly reside in. We will see..either way it's going to be one hell of a ride. I'll blog later.

Monday, February 21, 2005

I Killed Him

So the show ended yesterday. The title of this blog is the line that went through my head everynight during the death scene in Man of La Mancha. My internal monologue during that scene was basically that by wiping Don Quixote out of Alonso's mind I had also destroyed the man that I knew. That along with thoughts of Alonso had no true friends, only Don I watched Aldonza and Sancho plead for the life of their friend. Then when he died I would also find myself with the same thought, "I did this. I killed him." Last night it hit the hardest it has ever hit. I almost totally lost it. As I leant over Alonso to cross his hands and close his lifeless eyes a single tear fell from my face and onto his. I touched Aldonza's hand and looked her in the eyes before she pulled away from me and dropped Don Quixote's hand. The Psalm still sounded good, but I was obviously struggling to hold it together. Then when we got to the Finale and I stood to sing my intro lines to the song, "To bear with unbearable sorrow." I realized what I was saying..and lost it again..I couldn't hold it together that time though...and I struggled to sing the song. Honestly one of the few times I was fully immersed in a character. EDIT: Another great character moment that I need to add. When I am first chosen as the Padre in the show I would wipe my nose with my sleeve. Last night during the scene just before the finale but after the death scene I had a runny nose and I went to wipe it with the sleeve of my priest's robe..then I stopped...without thinking, looked at the sleeve and rolled it back just enough to wipe my nose with my arm instead of the robe. It doesn't mean much to anyone else either..but I there were thoughts in that that I cannot even recreate..I was a better person for being in that story, I would not sulley the robe.

Then after the show Dan, the musical director, came up to me and said probably the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me in my entire life. He said, "Don't listen to all those people who tell you that you can't act. It is easy to be way out there and flambouyant. Subtly is hard. It's very hard to pull back and be natural...and you have that. You have the gift of subtlety. It is rare and precious..and if you keep will make it." Then he hugged me. I think that if I hadn't exhausted my tear supply for the day I would have started up again. Then I left and went to Icehouse theatre..for yet another great rehearsal.

I officially got the part of Luke Gant in "Look Homeward Angel" on Saturday..after a very brief reading. Then a few hours later got blocked into my scene. The people in the show are amazing..I constantly find myself challenged. Terrance, the director, is amazing. Every moment I am on his stage I find myself wanting to impress him, no...not really impress him..make him proud. I just don't want to screw it up. His vision and direction are spotless, flawless, jewels of inspiration. I learned my lines overnight..something I NEVER do. Then went back for another rehearsal sunday. Great, great, wonderful times. Spending a lot of time with Tracy, which is fun. She and I have a lot in common. Good talking during our car pools. Rehearsal all the time will not be as bad as I thought.

Working back into the swing of 5 day weeks at Jaws. It will be great...I can already tell. I kinda blew of the Oliver! rehearsals cause if you have no spoken lines a readthrough is kinda pointless. I do miss my La Mancha crew that are all part of the show. I'll blog later..I am off to bed cause I gotta get up at 5:30 a.m., work at 7:30, out at 2:30, class at 3:30, out at 4:40, pick up Tracy in clermont when I get there, rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. out by 10:30. Fun times. I'll blog more when I get time.

Friday, February 18, 2005

A Little Scared And Dissapointed In Myself

So I guess my body kinda shut down last night. I went to bed at 11 o'clock and then I didn't wake up until 10:30 today. I decided to call in cause there wasn't any point in going in for 2 hours. I pick up the phone and dial the number. The girl on the other end says "Calling in sick?" and I opened my mouth to say yes and NOTHING COMES OUT. I don't mean that I squeaked an answer..Nothing came out..and I tried like 3 times. NOTHING. So I ended up hanging up without explaination. Then I tried again a couple of times. Nothing. I finally text messaged Billy and asked him to make the call for me...about an hour late. I knew I pushed myself to far yesterday in the double boat rotation. I'm sure it will come back..It's already a little better...I can make noise now but have decided to not speak until warm-ups tonight. I'm sure I will be fine.

I got my DVD of Man of La Mancha. I gotta say...vocally I am awesome...physically I look awkward, fidgity, over-rehearsed, and a little hunchbacked. But vocally I sound great. The rest of the cast is really amazing. Kyle does an amazing job all around, same with Billy, and Alyson(don't care what she says). Sarah looks and sounds amazing. Gerard does a great job..everyone is really great.

I didn't make it to Lu Lu's show last night...stupid..everything. Maybe next time. Anyway...I am going to go...hopefully Billy made that call for me. I'll blog later with vocal updates.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Sorry...Forgot My Tip-toeing Shoes

So yeah...last night and today have been long...long...long...hours. I got up this morning did the whole work thing..I really love those people out at Jaws..REALLY DO. Then I came over to Billy's..that is where I am now. I am here at Billy's..blogging..after reading something that I have to say...kinda irritated me. But I think I handled it fairly cooly...fairly. Tonight is Nunsense dance rehearsal number 1...I am making Billy come along cause if he doesn't I think I will throw myself under their tap shoes about 20 minutes in and let them trample me to death. Tomorrow I work and then have school....and I have to do my monologue tomorrow for performance. We haven't done that yet..kinda nervous..cause I haven't studied at all these past few weeks...should probably do that. ANYWAY..I am off..cause I am totally taking over Billy's computer. Should be home later..and then veg out in front of TV for Smallville..and then sleep..before the working...and the schooling...and the Josephing. I am going to find a way to go to Lu Lu's show tomorrow night. Joseph played by Encore "Dear God What A Voice" man. Gotta see that. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


One must incite change for change to occur. A pile of gun powder without a match is worthless. Letting things be the way they are just for the simple sake that that is the way things have been is no way to go through life. Life is stagnant and uninteresting without change of any sort. It may be comfortable, but where is the growth? Without growth we will never rise above and become better than we were. We will forever sit in the past being a secondary element in the world we live in. Change is necessary for life to stay in motion. One must incite change for change to occur....and a storm is brewing.

We'd Like You To Be Our Apple....No...Wait...Rose Seller

So I went to Oliver! auditions last night. Some funny stuff happened...but Alyson blogged about go read it if you want to. So we sat around after the auditions to find out what parts we got. Billy and I had been joking around about how we were going to end up as Apple Sellers Number 36 and 37. Then Tim comes out and tells lane her part, then turns to me and says "I want you to be my rose seller soloist. It's a great song." Then there is an awkward pause..Lane looks at me and tries to mask a laugh. Then to billy and they offer him the part of Fagin. I am really happy for Billy and Sarah. Fagin and Nancy. And for Alyson and Nick...Widow Corney and Mr. Bumble. And Alex...he's the shit...our little Dodger. So I have accepted the part..even though it hurts me to do so. I am tired of getting parts with no substance. I am going to come out at the beginning of Act two and sing a song. Great. Why am I there? Is it intrical to the plot? Does it matter at all? Who cares really? Anyway...I am auditioning for lots of stuff and if I get something better...I'm taking it. I'll blog later.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Oh, What A Weekend

So this weekend we did show some more. It's going very well still. Luerne came on Saturday night with her parents. I cooked ribs on Saturday and sold them. It was pretty much good times. Last night was the joke that is Oliver! auditions. Lots of people showed up and Moonlight, in proper unprofessionally theater form, didn't have enough audition forms. I got up and sang "If I Didn't Believe In You" from Last 5 Years..well a piece of it. It was total out of key..but it is like the hadest song to play in the show. Kyle said I sold the song so the singing didn't matter as much. I was consistantly off key. Billy say that it sounded like Dan was playing one song and I was singing another. Either way..I am not unhappy with my choice. They let me read for Sikes and Fagin..the reason I say "let me read" instead of "had me read" is becausee it was obvious they were doing it simply to do I couldn't say "HEY You didn't even let me read." They paired me...22..looks younger..with a 50 year old nancy and a 40 year old Fagin. Ridiculous. Then they let me read as Fagin one time with Billy, and then as Noah..the undertakers son..which is usually cast a teenager. Anyway...I don't think I am going to get anything which is fine. Ass one person's a director who doesn't direct and a director who can't direct. I won't accept anything less than a lead..ensemble in this show would amount to babysitting. Anyway..they sort of asked me to come to callbacks...sort of. I walked up to the table to take care of some business I had with the director regarding chicken..and the A.D. asked me if I was coming back the next day..and I said "Only if you guys want me to." and she replyed with "Yeah..we want EVERYONE to come back." Whatever. I'll blog later.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Monkey Noises Make Everything Better

Alyson...said nice things about nice things that I said. I am profoundly tired right now. Today I went to Jaws and it was a lot of fun. We decided it was Monkey day. So several of my felllow skippers and I ran around the attraction making convincing monkey noises. I won..the best monkey noises..ask me and I will demonstrate. Today on the ER board I was Eric (V boy). I did an entire show..minus the guests...making loud monkey screams and pointing..while jumping up and down. It was great times. So I have a show tonight. YAY FOR SHOWS! Boo for lack of sleep. Monkey noises..will resurface and power me through the show.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

How Do You Ruin A Good Mood?

well for wake up at 5 a.m. to a house with no hot water, then you go change the tank thinking it's not a big deal, then you spend the next 20 minutes trying to light an arcaic hot water heater, then call your father who has these helpful and time-honored words of wisdom "Yeah, sometimes it'll do that." I have been in a remarkably good mood for the past 2 or 3 days...and today I woke up in a good mood..but right now I just want to loosen a gas line and watch the place burn. I hate this place so much. It's 6:09, I should have left at 6..and I haven't even had a shower yet. I just want to punch something..I am thinking that a punching bag would be a good investment..cause I have recently found these testosterone filled jets of anger kinda of annoying cause I just want to punch something..anything. And if I had a bag made just for the punching..I would feel more comfortable about the venting of that anger. I have Jaws today, which I am still excited about, cause lets face's not here. Then I have a W.E.T. meeting at Valencia West...which stands for West End Theatrics...not some underwater sex club. Then I am going to block the first act of Nunsense with Chris, then off to Acting II for the learning and stuff, then to Nunsense rehearsal where we will actually block the cast into the blocking we devised earlier in the day, and then home..where the sleep happens. I open again on Friday and then show Friday night and then Saturday off...for the sleeping. The hot water should be reasonably hot by now..maybe I can take that shower and start my day outside of this place. I'll blog later

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Oh What A Glorious Day

So today I went to class. It was a good time. I love this class. I place. I read a scene today and Doc pretty much tore everything I thought about the character to pieces and introduced me to the deeper meanings. And I loved every minute of it. Then I went over to Billy's and ran some errands with him..and then on to Nunsense rehearsals. Things are kinda...not great. There was a mix-up with the books and so they aren't here. Now we have no books and 5 actresses very ready to go. They should be here by Thursday. Then we can get some work done. Chris is getting my opinion on a lot of things directing wise..which I love.

To is a little exchange between Alyson and I that nearly made me run off the road laughing.
ME- "Eww...there's this creepy latin guy staring at me out of his car window."
ALYSON- "What? You mean like an ancient roman guy?"

Here's another one actually...this one in text messages.
ME-"The sky's so clear and the sun's so bright. How could anything go wrong on a day like this?"
ALYSON-"There's a story coming isn't there?"
::Phone Rings::
ALYSON-"What's wrong?"

Same conversation with Billy
ME-"The sky's so clear and the sun's so bright. How could anything go wrong on a day like this?"
BILLY-"I'm late!"
BILLY-"I got out early...chipotle?"

I find it feverishly interesting how the same comment of positive origin brought about two completely different outlooks on my mood. I'll blog later.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Who Says That?!?!?

So it's been an interesting weekend...most of which I am not going to put in this blog just cause..well I am lazy and I don't want to type it. We did 3 shows, all good to pretty decent crowds. I got a mention in the review. That's good times. Friday night and went and saw Boogeyman with the Jaws crew and Sarah. Great times. Bill came and saw the show Saturday night and told me that he didn't know I could sing like that. I am still really not doing a great job at taking that compliment..even from people who have never seen me in anything before and can legitimately say that. I fear I may be coming off as rude..and I am going to apologize to Bill next time I see him..cause I think I may have come off that way. Then today Jan pulls me aside to tell me something in private. This is what she had to say...or atleast the high lights. "Before this show I would see you onstage and say, "oh there's Eric."..I really didn't think you could act at all. I always knew you have a beautiful singing voice but you really couldn't act. But in this show I see that you can. I am really proud of you. You are doing an excellent job. Like when you lear at Aldonza and Sancho. Those are great moments. You really are coming into your own. You should go for character parts..cause that is where you shine." My response..."Thank you.?.?.?" How do you respond to someone telling you that you sucked for the past 6 years of your life...but are doing a great job in this show. I have decided to take it as a compliment...but I gotta tell hurt at first...a lot..still does a little. Tracy says I need to go to Icehouse..great, fairly professional theater in the area. I am trying for a Fringe Show that Lu Lu is musical directing. That should be fun..not really sure about the subject matter..but I love playing dark it should be fun. Yay for Super Ball Sunday. I'll blog later.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Stupid Freaking Groundhog Was Right

So yesterday...nice weather. Perfect even, for most of the day. Then I wake up and it's cold as Aldonza's gaze and as nasty as that freaking token. I refuse to not be a good mood today. Even though things seem to be working against me on that one. I wake up and call in to work because I would only be able to work for 3 hours and I wouldn't even make enough to cover the gas it takes me to get there. A girl I used to work with at MIB answered and was talking to me. She informed me that she doesn't like my supervisor at all, asked me if he scheduled me against my availability and that she can't wait for the supervisor swip/swap. That made me smile. It's bad when the call-in line people ask if your supervisor is scheduling you against your availability just by how often people call in to your attraction. Then I come out to check blogs/mail/general internet stuff and my mother shows up. Gives me a hard time about not working..and leaves..gotta love mom for those impromtu visits. Especially when she comes to give you shit for not going to work...and she didn't go to work cause, and I qoute, "She just didn't feel right.". I think I had a ligitimate reason. Anyway. Apparently our show got a "must see" in the review. Not sure whatelse was said. I can't wait to read it...if someone doesn't bring it to the show tonight I am going to explode with anticipation. I am goin to go now. I'll blog later!

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Mario sent me this I am answering it.

1. Full name:
Eric Nicholas Bridges

2. Astrological sign:

3. Religion?
Grew up Baptist. Have varied beliefs now...still don't think anyone has it 100% correct.

4.Where were your decendents from?
Britain, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany.

5.Craziest thing you think you've ever done:
Proposed to a girl I wasn't even dating..and really meant it.

6.Your worst nightmare:
Being forced to watch horrible things happen to the people I love and not be able to do anything about it.

7.Do you believe in ghosts?:

8.If you were just given a million dollars, what would you do with it?:
Pay off all of my debt, then my parent's debt, then I would buy a house over by Universal. Then I would invest part of it and travel with the rest.

9.Do you like your name? If not, what would you have wished for your name to be?:
Yeah. After nearly 23 years it tends to grow on you. I can't think of any name I wish I had..I have always liked Leo for some reason.

10.Which is your favorite choice for a day of play: Amusement park, the beach, picnic in the park?
That's a tough one...How about a theme park on the beach.

11.Which is your favorite choice for a night out: Dinner and a movie, clubbing/dancing, broadway show?
Dinner and a movie is fun..and if the cast is show is fun too.

12.If were a wild animal, what would you be?
A Liger. Of course...cause you get all the best qualities of both the Lion and the Tiger...and you have the skills and magic to go with

13.You're an insect, what are you?
Insect...hmm...not sure. How about a drone bee. Lots of responsibility.

14.Dog person or cat person or both?

15.If you believe in re-incarnation, who would you say you probably were in a past life?
I am not sure how I feel about re-incarnation. But if it does exsist...then I believe I was probably an evil person. Because I am not that now..but I truly enjoy being that..and some say it's scary how easily I assume that role...something primal takes guess..yeah..evil.

16.If you were to choose a different job or purpose in life, what would it be?
Anything in the entertainment field that I could support myself on.

17.If we had to go back and live in one of these past era's, which would you choose? the 50's, 60's, 70's
Umm..I am ok with the current era..but I guess...50's. Cause of..stuff.

18.Pop Music, Soft Rock, Hard Rock, Rap, Country or Disco?
I listen to everything...including Disney soundtracks and broadway musicals. I am kind of a wierd guy.

19. What are you most likely found watching on TV: the news, reality shows, sitcoms, educational stuff?
Little bit of everything. Lots of Food Network..discovery channel, Sci-fi, mtv, FX, Cartoon Network.

20.Your spending a weekend away, which of these would it be: Camping trip, Disney World or a shopping spree in the Big Apple?
Big Apple..but not for shopping. I would keep the money that any other person who chose this answer would have spent..and I would go buy tickets to some shows.

21. List a few things you want to do in life before you die:
Be part of something big. Play Princeton/Rod, atleast 3 out of the 4 male characters in Charlie Brown, Seymour Krelborn, Fiyero, Jamie, along with a million other roles. Support myself through acting...comfortably. Fall in love, have a family, own a house, Be totally self sufficient. Not have to live pay-check to pay-check. Fly. Go a day when atleast one other person can agree that I was positive.

He's Gonna Go In A Different Direction

So is it a bad sign if you are talking to a director that you know for a fact precasts all of his shows, even goes to the extent of telling people to go ahead and learn stuff specifically for a certain part, and when you tell him you don't know much about the show he responds with..."Lots of kids." Then goes on to say that there are "only maybe two roles in my age range". Not really expecting much to come of this audition but I promised Alex I would I am going to go..just probably not going to be in the show. I want a decent sized roll in the show..but I think that the only part that the directors thinks I fit the age range for, he also thinks I don't have that I don't have the ability to play. He told me the only major role in my age range was "Bill Sikes, bad guy/villian, thief, killer, etc." Not really complaining..just making an observation. I'll blog later!

Clarification: I was talking about Oliver! in the above post. Just to clear things up for those who didn't understand.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

We Are All Just The Playthings Of The Feline Puppet Master

So today was a long ass freaking day. I got up entirely to early and went to work..where I had to wait for a few hours before I could even clock in. They were really over budget so I couldn't clock in early. So at 11 I clocked in and at 2 I left. 3 hours there, 3 hours at the Middle school getting to know the children. Some of those kids seriously make me fear for our future. But the majority of them are pretty good. Then I went to Cingular cause my phone broke. I don't know why..they said it has bad software..which is what they said on the last 2 phones that messed up. I am thinking that if one client goes through 3 phones in 2 might want to check the software out a little more thuroughly. Then I went and saw Hide N' Seek. I liked it..I don't care what anyone else says. Alyson and Travis didn't like it. Billy and I did. Good times. Now I am at home..trying to work on my homework..but I am falling I am going to bed. I'll blog later.

What's Wrong With This Picture

It's 5 a.m., I'm awake, the world is not coming to an My body refuses to change sleep patterns for some reason. I got up early yesterday and I still couldn't sleep last night. I got about 2 hours sleep...My head is killing me. I was going to go to work at 7:30 but that just didn't happen today. I am going to go in 9 or 10 and tell them I am coming in at 7:30 tomorrow. I am thinking that 2 days of sleep deprevation might allow me to go to sleep at a decent hour tonight. If not..then I will just take a sleeping pill or something right after Smallville tonight. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Wait...You Mean Growing Up Means Responsibilities?!?!? Why Didn't I Get THAT Memo?

So today I went to class..Good times. I truly love hanging out and talking about theater with other people who are generally interested in theater. It's strange..but the only time you can get a group of theater people together and talk about the same subject long enough to get any real depth into when you are in a theater class. I truly enjoy it. I love all my theater friends outside of class...but subjects change so rapidly most times that I find myself just listening in fear I might break the flow. I came home from class feeling very good about life in general. Got home and hung out for a few. Then on to grandma's for dinner and the doing of my parent's taxes. I got the strange opportunity to read the blog of the person that I had to tell that we had "gone in a different direction". It was strange. She was angry..and understandably so. I have been there..all of us actors have been. I do however agree with what she had to say. Euphamisms don't make it easier to know you weren't the one cast. As an actor I agree that it is kind of a waste of energy to devise ways to make that blow less painful...but as an Assistant Director I did what I was told. It was my first time telling someone they weren't going to be in the show..and it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. We all have our roles to play..and unfortunately they all have their downsides..but they all have their rewards. Emotional outlets, watching something bud and bloom under your care and direction, watching crowds of people applaude the mutual works of you and the actors. I may be totally wrong on the directing side..but that's how I see it now. It will be interesting to see how my views chance over the next few months. I'll blog later.

Oh The Joys And The Tears Of The White Trash Actor

So the last couple of days I have been really busy and happy. I have had Nunsense auditions the last couple of days. They went pretty well..I agree with the cast..mostly. I am probably going to join Chris as his assistant at the YMCA After School program rather than taking over completely. It should be fun..and the pay is great. 16 dollars an hour and a Y membership. I need to use that Y membership..Alyson doesn't think I will. I am not sure I will laid plans and all. She and I sang "As Long As You're Mine" last night after the auditions and that went pretty well..concidering we had sang it together 3 times prior to that...with some practice it could be awesome. I went to Kyle's birthday dinner last night..which was a lot of fun. Talked to Gerard on the phone for like 45 minutes in what I think is probably a friendship strengthing talk. Then I got up this morning and didn't feel good. But I am feeling better now. I had some serious stomach over in pain. It was wierd. Then I go to make some phone calls when I woke up..including the "I'm sorry, but we decided to go a different direction" call that I had to make from auditions. I hate making those calls. Anyway..the point of the story phone was turned off. I called my mom and she said I had to choose whether I wanted to have TV or telephone. Hard decision for me..but I went with the it's back on..and they haven't turned off the TV it will hold out. I just can't handle havinng to walk down the dirt road outside my house to use my cell phone when I want to make a call. Now I have I will blog later.