Oh What A Glorious Day
So today I went to class. It was a good time. I love this class. I feel...at place. I read a scene today and Doc pretty much tore everything I thought about the character to pieces and introduced me to the deeper meanings. And I loved every minute of it. Then I went over to Billy's and ran some errands with him..and then on to Nunsense rehearsals. Things are kinda...not great. There was a mix-up with the books and so they aren't here. Now we have no books and 5 actresses very ready to go. They should be here by Thursday. Then we can get some work done. Chris is getting my opinion on a lot of things directing wise..which I love.
To close...here is a little exchange between Alyson and I that nearly made me run off the road laughing.
ME- "Eww...there's this creepy latin guy staring at me out of his car window."
ALYSON- "What? You mean like an ancient roman guy?"
Here's another one actually...this one in text messages.
ME-"The sky's so clear and the sun's so bright. How could anything go wrong on a day like this?"
ALYSON-"There's a story coming isn't there?"
::Phone Rings::
ALYSON-"What's wrong?"
Same conversation with Billy
ME-"The sky's so clear and the sun's so bright. How could anything go wrong on a day like this?"
BILLY-"I'm late!"
BILLY-"I got out early...chipotle?"
I find it feverishly interesting how the same comment of positive origin brought about two completely different outlooks on my mood. I'll blog later.
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