Sunday, February 06, 2005

Who Says That?!?!?

So it's been an interesting weekend...most of which I am not going to put in this blog just cause..well I am lazy and I don't want to type it. We did 3 shows, all good to pretty decent crowds. I got a mention in the review. That's good times. Friday night and went and saw Boogeyman with the Jaws crew and Sarah. Great times. Bill came and saw the show Saturday night and told me that he didn't know I could sing like that. I am still really not doing a great job at taking that compliment..even from people who have never seen me in anything before and can legitimately say that. I fear I may be coming off as rude..and I am going to apologize to Bill next time I see him..cause I think I may have come off that way. Then today Jan pulls me aside to tell me something in private. This is what she had to say...or atleast the high lights. "Before this show I would see you onstage and say, "oh there's Eric."..I really didn't think you could act at all. I always knew you have a beautiful singing voice but you really couldn't act. But in this show I see that you can. I am really proud of you. You are doing an excellent job. Like when you lear at Aldonza and Sancho. Those are great moments. You really are coming into your own. You should go for character parts..cause that is where you shine." My response..."Thank you.?.?.?" How do you respond to someone telling you that you sucked for the past 6 years of your life...but are doing a great job in this show. I have decided to take it as a compliment...but I gotta tell hurt at first...a lot..still does a little. Tracy says I need to go to Icehouse..great, fairly professional theater in the area. I am trying for a Fringe Show that Lu Lu is musical directing. That should be fun..not really sure about the subject matter..but I love playing dark it should be fun. Yay for Super Ball Sunday. I'll blog later.

1 comment:

LuLu said...

She didn't say you sucked -- she just didn't appreciate you before. Besides, I think she's right -- you are a great character actor. Trust me, it's more fun to be a character actor -- we get all the juicy roles.