Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Sorry...Forgot My Tip-toeing Shoes

So yeah...last night and today have been long...long...long...hours. I got up this morning did the whole work thing..I really love those people out at Jaws..REALLY DO. Then I came over to Billy's..that is where I am now. I am here at Billy's..blogging..after reading something that I have to say...kinda irritated me. But I think I handled it fairly cooly...fairly. Tonight is Nunsense dance rehearsal number 1...I am making Billy come along cause if he doesn't I think I will throw myself under their tap shoes about 20 minutes in and let them trample me to death. Tomorrow I work and then have school....and I have to do my monologue tomorrow for performance. We haven't done that yet..kinda nervous..cause I haven't studied at all these past few weeks...should probably do that. ANYWAY..I am off..cause I am totally taking over Billy's computer. Should be home later..and then veg out in front of TV for Smallville..and then sleep..before the working...and the schooling...and the Josephing. I am going to find a way to go to Lu Lu's show tomorrow night. Joseph played by Encore "Dear God What A Voice" man. Gotta see that. I'll blog later.

1 comment:

Alyson said...

The great thing about good, strong friendships is that you don't always have to agree...and in fact, it would be boring as hell if you did. But it is important to appreciate your friends' viewpoints. I respect your stand here, and I will support you in whatever moves you make, because that's what a friend does. I don't entirely disagree, I'm just not fed up enough to sign any petitions or anything. Don't be upset with me because we don't hold 100% of the same viewpoint...and realize that I still admire, love, respect, and appreciate you even when we don't.