Friday, February 04, 2005

Stupid Freaking Groundhog Was Right

So yesterday...nice weather. Perfect even, for most of the day. Then I wake up and it's cold as Aldonza's gaze and as nasty as that freaking token. I refuse to not be a good mood today. Even though things seem to be working against me on that one. I wake up and call in to work because I would only be able to work for 3 hours and I wouldn't even make enough to cover the gas it takes me to get there. A girl I used to work with at MIB answered and was talking to me. She informed me that she doesn't like my supervisor at all, asked me if he scheduled me against my availability and that she can't wait for the supervisor swip/swap. That made me smile. It's bad when the call-in line people ask if your supervisor is scheduling you against your availability just by how often people call in to your attraction. Then I come out to check blogs/mail/general internet stuff and my mother shows up. Gives me a hard time about not working..and leaves..gotta love mom for those impromtu visits. Especially when she comes to give you shit for not going to work...and she didn't go to work cause, and I qoute, "She just didn't feel right.". I think I had a ligitimate reason. Anyway. Apparently our show got a "must see" in the review. Not sure whatelse was said. I can't wait to read it...if someone doesn't bring it to the show tonight I am going to explode with anticipation. I am goin to go now. I'll blog later!

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