Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Third Time's The Charm

Ok..so here it goes. The last week or so has been great! I apologize to my readers..if you still exist. I will try very, very hard to post more regularly. Between my brother living here, work, my newly found romantic side that is constantly at work trying to eek out a few more minutes with the beautiful Alicia while not giving up time with my friends and making them 2nd, rehearsals for two shows, and freaking out about said shows during the hour drive between work and home..I just haven't had time. Jaws is one of the greatest places on earth. I have discovered the joys of text messaging..and I am sure I will discover the woes when the bill comes in. My next couple of days is frustratingly busy...but I don't really care. Tomorrow up at 5, leave at 6, back by 6:15, leave for work at 9, work at 10, out by 6, rehearsal an hour away at 7, take Billy home at 10, home by 11...repeat. Friday I have to be at work at 8:30 and I don't have rehearsal afterwards..but that's pretty much the only deviation from the afformentioned schedule. Man of La Mancha is going pretty well...concidering where we are doing it. I get to sing "Little Bird" which I am very excited about...GREAT SONG...as long as you don't know what is going on in the show during it. My part is getting progressively larger as we go along..which is fine with me...I am such a freaking stage whore...but the unpaid kind..so I guess I'm just a stage slut...Oh well. I will post later. In an attempt to catch up with Alyson I am going to try to post atleast twice a day.


That's twice in a row I've written a really good blog and it's not posted it. I gotta go to work now..but I will post later this afternoon.

Sunday, November 28, 2004


Ok..so I just wrote like a really long blog and then tried to post it and it disappeared. I am too mad at the computer right now to continue...I will come back to it later today.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A Long Nights Day

Sorry everyone for not posting for so long. I house sat for Allison this weekend and I just didn't get around to blogging. Billy and I hung out all weekend, it was good times. I am not going to go into all the details..but there was Pizza, Bacardi O (dear god that's good stuff), Dead Like Me, Futurama, and happy times. I hung out with Alicia on Sunday night a little. Good times. I got a new phone on Saturday..good times. Last night I did the rehearsal thing at Moonlight...stress compounded by more stress and a little joy. It was an all around good weekend....even if the cat I was catsitting...did hate me. My voice is slowly returning. And Lu Lu called me twice...get that...TWICE. GO Lu Lu!

Updated Menu for "G.T.G.F" - Lime Lu Lu- "There's always room for Jello, but when you decide you really want it you have to wait 4 to 6 hours for it to get ready."
Updated "The Jilly"- A burrito featuring grilled pineapple and marinated steak. Tangy, spicy, and wonderfulicious.

Gotta think more before I can come up with more menu items. I'll blog later.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

A Long Day's Contemplation

So I took today to sit around and wait...see what came of my grandma's situation, think about mine. I am feeling some better..as is my grandmother. They gave her a lot of antibiotics over the last 24 hours and about hourly breathing treatments...so she is doing much better. I cooked lunch, cooked dinner, did some more laundry, plays some Paper Mario, talked to Alicia some. It was a pretty stressful day being that I didn't find out about my grandmother's condition until like 6 this afternoon. I went to one of the two rehearsals that I had scheduled for tonight. Man of La Mancha musical rehearsal went pretty well. The musical director is great....except I think he has a lot of unfounded faith in me as a singer. Alyson said I was flat a lot of the time I was singing..and part of it I didn't sing at all cause when I get to a certain point in my vocal range it just totally cuts out and all I have is this kinda painful sounding moving air noise. I did however get the very end of my latin song finally. I apparently am a little too "poppy"..which is something no one has ever told me. I am going to work on it. We have some more rehearsals for Man of La Mancha next week...which kinda excites me. I am genuinely enjoyingg rehearsals for that show. I want to talk to Billy and see when Alicia and I can get together with him to block that scene and maybe run it a few times. I need to get some cigarettes...not for smoking..but because I would feel REALLY stupid bumming some off of someone knowing full well I will never ever smoke them. Need them for that scene...so...I will just buy some...and leave them in my car in a totally obvious spot so that my mother freaks out. One time in High School she found a lighter in my car and accused me of being a smoker..so why not leave cigarettes in my car..just for kicks...and really not be smoking them at all. The Improv shows are looming in the very near future....I am a little scared about them..but that should pass.

I came up with a plan for a restaurant. If I ever open a restaurant I am going to name it "G.T.G.F- Good Times, Good Friends" and all the dishes are going to be named after my friends. Dishes that have already been thought up are "The Jilly"- Steak marinated in tropical juices, wrapped in thinly sliced pineapple, and grilled with a little black pepper. "Two great things put together and made better just like Jen and Billy". "Lime Lu Lu"- A Jello dessert featuring several flavors. "There's always room for Jello but it never calls you."...That one's gonna need some work. :p

Going to Jaws tomorrow and Friday and then to Allison's for the weekend. Sorry about the confusion. I am talking about Allison from Halloween Horror Nights...Brad's girlfriend....NOT Alyson from Moonlight and Blog fame...J's fiance. I told my fingers that...they just weren't listening..something about all the clicking as they slammed into the keys...I don't know..they complain a lot. I am going to go to sleep now. I will blog tomorrow night sometime. It may be late cause I am going to try to get ERed so I can go to Fiddler On The Roof at Windy Hill Middle School. Alex is in it as Motel. I am so proud of that kid. He's great. Not only is he doing theater...and doing it better than people 10 years older than him..but he is playing the part that I started with at South Lake High School. Great show. I can't wait to hear if he can sing as well as he can act. I am sure he can. Ok...So...Blog later.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

More News

Well I got a call this afternoon from my mother saying that my grandmother has most likely come down with Pneumonia. That is most likely very bad. The reason "most likely" keeps coming up is because they aren't sure if she has it. They took an X-ray last night and said she didn't have pneumonia but then someone else read it today and says that she does. They are getting someone else to look at it tomorrow and we will find out then. I'm worried...they told us that if she got pneumonia she would probably die. As wierd and as awful as it sounds...I am not as worried about my grandmother dying as I am about how my dad will handle my grandmother dying. She is in a lot of pain...a quadruple bypass is not easy to go through. She is completely misserable and has been everytime I have seen her since the surgery. This weekend I am looking after Alyson's place by myself. I think Billy is going to Gainsville and Jen is staying in Gainsville and I told Alicia that I think it would be better if we postponed the fun and fabulous weekend we had discussed. She has a show this weekend...and I need some...time. So...we are fine...everything is fine. Just dealing the only way I know how. You being here helps...remember that.

Happiness Overflowing

It has been a great couple of days. Sunday I spent the day with my parents. Went out to breakfast, saw my grandmother a couple times. Then I went and picked up Billy and went to Jaws, checked our schedules and saw Alicia for a few seconds. Then off to Allison's condo to get the grand tour. It's an awesome place. Then on the way home both Billy and I called our girlfriends and then traded phones and talked to them and then traded back. Then I dropped Billy off and called Alicia back and talked to her all the way home. Then I got on the net and talked to her for several hours..and then called her again...after making her fill out the 60 question survey from my October blog. Then we both went to sleep. I got up at 5 a.m. cause I am still taking my brother to school. CAme home...did laundry, cleaned...that kinda stuff. Played some Paper Mario...cooked dinner...ate dinner. Went to see Alicia and Billy. We ran our scene which is going to be a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun hanging out with Billy and Alicia at the same time. Then Alicia and I drove around for a while in the general direction of her house and I finally got there and dropped her off. I met her parents...not that scary..all was good. I came home and talked to Anya...caught up a little. Then I called Alicia and talked to her till 11. Good night. I'll blog later.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

My Cheeks Hurt

Ok...that title is serious. I have smiled more over the last three days than I have in my entire life. My cheeks actually hurt...like from a workout. It's a wierd sensation. Tonight was the best night ever...to date. It's going to be hard to top..but I am up to the challenge...and so is the amazingly awesome girl I am dating. That's right...it's official..I am off the market. Today started with work...which, even though my voice is almost totally gone...was an amazing day at Jaws. The rain was there in full force...but still I smiled all day. Then we left work at 6 and went to Valencia where I saw Chris' new show "Blood Relations". It is a great show...very interesting. Chris did an amazing job in the space he was using...and with the cast that he had. I had pretty much no problems with his direction at all. While we were there Yvette and her ex-husband came in and sat in front of us. Great time with Alicia. The we went to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory..mostly because she had never been. We talked...and talked..and talked...and laughed...and I blushed for pretty much the first time that I can remember...ever. It's wierd..but I think I like blushing. Then I drove her home and we sat in the car for a while talking. I loaned her the Last 5 Years..after making her listen to "Next Ten Minutes". We have decided that we both made the first move...lol. It was just all around a great night...ending with me...being satisified with the way the night went..but not wanting it to end at all. I am at home right now...wishing I was still in my car..in her driveway. I will blog later

Friday, November 12, 2004

2 Dates, 2 Days

Today was a great day. I got to work at 9:30 to find out that they were 90 hours over budget. When Alicia got there I said that we should take the day off and go hang out in the parks. She wasn't all for it at first. I gave her a hard time for a few minutes then gave up with every intention to continue that on later in the day, knowing full well that it wouldn't take much more to convince her. As I was walking down to load with Rebecca May I told her about my idea and she was all for it. She went back and told Alicia to put her name on the list. She quickly did so. Then she and I had a great time...riding rides, walking around parks, talking about...everything. For example: I know that her favorite pizza topping is pepperoni but she likes most everything except for mushrooms, She believes and fully endorses the "Bum Day", and she wants a giant stuffed shark from Amity Games...and that is my quest...along with many other things. I gave her the blog information...and I am sure she will read this eventually. If she still likes me after reading my blog...there's hope. :) The giggling, high fives, smiling, and just all around happiness for the two of us at Jaws is continuing. I watched her show today...she is so great. If you get a chance you should go and see it. Talented, beautiful, funny, intelligent, AND interested in me. I am seriously waiting to wake up. I will blog later...most likely after our date tomorrow night..which I am oh so eagerly awaiting. Now I am going to bed...Oh, So tired.


So today was...as you probably noticed a great day. I asked Alicia out...and she said yes...and the day progressed with me in a very good mood. That totally threw off some of my coworkers...who all know about what's going on...even though no one told them. Alicia's best friend Rebecca May says that anyone with eyes knows what's going on...cause...well apparently..in the all the of two minutes that we saw eachother today at work we were...doing something that made made people see that we were going on a date on Saturday. Whatever...by the end of the day I think we just both decided that everyone knew already so...whatever. I had originally decided not to go to Jaws Jen's birthday celebration tonight at PI...but through a brilliantly sneaky move executed by Alicia and thought up by Rebecca May...I ended up going..seeing Polar Express and going to Planet Hollywood. Alicia and I however ended up basically ignoring everyone else there...there were a few minimal conversations with everyone else...but to tell you the truth I kept forgetting they were there. That's bad...but good. The night ended with a hug and a goodnight...and me running at like 90 miles an hour trying to make Saturday night come faster.

The other awesomely amazing thing that happened today is Alyson and Sarah came and rode my boat at Jaws today. I LOVE IT WHEN PEOPLE DO THaT! They seemed to genuinely enjoy the show. Even though I scream too much. Doing that whole....acting thing. lol...don't know what that's about. I am really glad they were there today. In a realated note..I would like to make a few ammendments to my blog of previous date. The one where I discuss how my friends will be a close second and all to whoever I am officially dating. Well I think that was grossly missinterpreted. My girlfriend and my friends will be equals...I have come to this decision because you need both in your life. Now..there will be understanding on both sides of the equation I hope. My friends will not fall into second...atleast until much farther down the line...if ever. Alyson, Billy, Lu Lu, Jen, Kyle, Sarah, & all the others who know who they are..will be here to stay...at the top of my list...just with an additional player. I hope that this satisfies all parties..if not..you may put your requests in blog comment form and they will all be taken into concideration.

People who get cool points for riding my boat at Jaws: Billy, Alyson, Sarah, Kyle
People who are exempt from this decision due to distance: Jen
People who just haven't made time to come and see me: LU LU! It's a five minute tour...COME ON! :)

I'll blog later.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Today Is The Day

Well everyone..today is the day of reckoning..the day when I stand before a beautiful woman and ask her out on a date...and there is a possibility it could end with a positive. YAY! She wasn't in yesterday..fully realizing my fear of life cocking the Fuck-with-Me gun. I was afraid that for some reason Universal had sent her to Antarctica for the first ever Jaws on Ice theme park attracion located not in a theme park. Work was tiring...I lost my voice some...but whats new. Saw my Jaws people...love those guys. Then I went to Improve rehearsal..which is shaping up to be...scary as hell. But oh well...Alyson said I am witty...so I must be. The funniest thing all night was when I said "I'm a good Plane...driver." Billy congratulated me on that one..even though no one else in the room laughed. ANYWAY...I am off to work..as my brother continues to sleep in his bed on this the most noble of holidays that I am going to spend..saving the world...one boat load at a time. I'll blog later.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


So...I know what you are thinking..."Damn Eric is posting early." Yeah..that's what I am thinking too. I got up to take my brother to school and being that I have to be at work at 10...there really isn't much point in going back to sleep. So I figured I would take this time before my shower to post in my blog. My grandmother got out of the ICU last night. She is now back in progressive care and all around much happier as far as I can tell. Today is going to be kind of hectic...I go in at 10, get off at 6:15, have rehearsal in Clermont at 7, get out of that at 10 and then I have to get up tomorrow morning at 5 to take my brother to school again. Fun times. Tomorrow won't be much easier probably...planning on going to SAK with Billy, Alyson, and J...it's A Night At SAK, Take 2. It should be fun. Then Friday will be a little slower...but Saturday..if things go well..I should have a date, hopefully. And contrary to my friends beliefs (Billy and Alyson) I will not entirely abandon my friends when I have a girlfriend...yes..they will most likely become second on the rank of importantce in my life..but they will be a close second. We will see. Anyway...shower awaits..followed by breakfast and then the working...and the hoping that Alesha will be there so that the awkwardness of both of us knowing that the other one is interested but neither of us doing anything about it can be brought to a screeching hault by yours truly. I'll blog later with the results of the day..my luck...she won't be there..ever again...but hey..luck changes rght? RIGHT?!?!? later

Monday, November 08, 2004

And We're Back

Sorry everyone, namely Alyson, it's been kinda busy..and now that I am back to the roach-innfested rat hole that I am currently calling home...it's harder to find the time to post. My grandmother is doing much better...she ended up with a quadruple bypass and suffering from serious Morphine rage. She is already stronger than when she went in..so that's a good idea. Since Thursday I have..well...spent time with Billy, Alyson, and Sarah mostly. I visited Billy's dad a couple of times to see how he's doing..doing much better. I saw SAW, The Incredibles, and Shark Tale. SAW was pretty good...despite all the naysayers that were there. Shark Tale...not even worth mentioning. The Incredibles...well...it was...incredible. I bonded with Sarah over our 6 hours at the movie theater. It was fun. She and I have a lot in common. I also found out that the girl that I like at Jaws likes me too...that's nice to know..Eric may end his single life soon. That sounded somewhat suicidal...but it wasn't meant to. You get it. Man of La Mancha rehearsals are...well..fun..and annoying. The fact that the director actually uses the term.."Slap it together"...is a little unnerving. Less of a director most of the time and more of a...periodically suggestive leader of action in relation to the stage. We'll call her a PSLARS...I think that will do. That's my post..I will attempt to post daily..but no garuntees. I'll blog later.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Groggy Morning And A Threatening Day Ahead

Well my alarm went off at 6:15 but I couldn't talk myself into getting out of bed till 7. I am going to spend most of the day in the hospital. My back and neck are hurting from being all tense all night, my stomach is all knotted from waking up worrying all night. It sucks how sleep makes you deal with whatever you have been denying all day. I have a bad feeling about today.....but it could just be a bad feeling. In any case, the next 10 days are going to be very rough. The surgery takes about 3 and a half hours..if everything goes perfect. I will be there most of the day. Then tonight I am going to visit Billy's dad at the hospital after his knee surgery. I am so freaking tired. I'll blog later.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


So today was such a long day..that headache stuck with me the majority of it. I was at the hospital until 4:30 or so. The heart cath went well...they couldn't do anything..but it went well. They found that 2 main ateries and a main vain in her heart were 95 to 98% blocked and atleasat one other artery is significantly blocked. They are doing atleast a quadruple bypass, possibly a quintuple bypass tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. I will be there. Obviously I care about my family...cause I am spending too much time in places I hate. Then I came back to the house of dog watching and house sitting and walked the dogs while watching the house. Then I went to meet Alyson, J, and Billy for SAK (). Well before I left I didn't think Billy was going to come..just one of those gut feelings I get sometimes that I have learned to respect. Sure enough he called at 7:20 during a barrage of calls that kept interrupting my call with Alyson so I could find out how to get to the Gelato place. He couldn't come cause his class ran way over..and he didn't think he could make it. So I met J and Alyson for Gelato..my first Gelato ever...very good. And I think that the stalking of Alyson down the streets of Downtown saying, "I see you...you just turned..looking left...now right..You're washing a dish..now you heard something..and you came out...where are your shoes?" made it more fun.

We headed down to SAK..it was...dissapointing. The people weren't great...the show was mediocre...the funniest thing all night was when Alyson suggested "Eating Paste" as a topic for a scene. That got the biggest laugh of the night...all night. An old friend from my good Moonlight days was on the piano..playing it..not sitting on it..Jim doesn't look so good in a red sequined dress..maybe blue..wait..no.. nevermind. We talked breifly about moonlight..kinda..cementing in my mind that he is not coming back. On an unrelated note..he thought Alyson and I were an item. lol! J was in the bathroom..so I can see where it could be construed as that. ANYWAY..it was a good time had by all. Blog atcha layta!

Well I'm Up

I am getting ready to go to the hospital to see my grandmother and wait through her Heart cath..but one thing. Is it bad when you wake up and your eyes hurt..and I mean like...real pain...not from looking at something too hard or from getting poked in the eye. It feels like someone punched me really hard last night..or maybe there is a little man behind the actual eyeball and he is trying to push it out. It just is kind of unpleasant..and it's been like that since I woke up. ANNYWAY..I am off to the hospital. FYI: Billy and I are planning to go to SAK tonight to catch a cheap improv show if anyone wants to join. The show is at 8...everything will be defined a little better later in the day when I see how my grandma is. I will blog later.

Tung My Wang...And An Unrelated Pleasant Surprise

So today I was driving to the hospital to visit my ailing Grandmother..and I almost got in a car accident..it wasn't so much because I wasn't paying attention..or because someone else wasn't. It was actually because I was paying too much attention to my surroundings. I was driving down Mills..and I got to the Vietnamese section of downtown..and there..low and behold was a massage parlor...and the name..posted in large light up red letters was.. "TUNG MY WANG" I laughed so hard I almost ran off the road. I know that that is their language..and it shouldn't be funny..but I am 22 and that reference had to be laughed at...I nearly chocked on the air I was breathing..swerved back into my lane and continued to the hospital.

They had moved my grandmother and I didn't know...I walked into the room where she had been previously and there was someone else in the bed..I had a sudden panic attack. I was sure she had died in the night and being that my Aunt is executor or whatever...the hospital called her..and being that she is mad at my father..he didn't know..and being that he didn't know..I didn't know. The woman in the bed told me they had moved my grandmother and that someone else had just asked for the same person. I went down to the nurses station who showed me the way to her room..kinda...she told me to walk all the way around the hospital and it would be on my right. My grandmother is getting a heart cath at around 10 tomorrow morning..and I am going to be there with my dad..it's not looking too good..but if something happens atleast she won't be in pain anymore.

Then Billy and I went to auditions for the Improv troop they are trying to start over at the Pier house. It sounds really cool..start with a paying crowd and we get part of the money..then move up to a possible late night show on the WB. This guy supposedly has connections...I am just doing it to have some fun and maybe earn a few extra bucks in the process but if I get recognized on T.V. and get a few acting jobs in the process...so be it. Billy and I both made it in. Along with Jodie from a few years back in "A Christmas Carol" and a guy I took my class at SAK with. Then there were two other guys who made it in..can't remember their names but one of them is currently studying at SAK and writes sketches constantly..and the other came with the director from Minnisota or somewhere like that. I think we are going to have a blast...and hopefully it will help me stop feeling inadequate as an actor. 22 and constant paid acting work since I was 19..that's not to shabby for someone without a degree. Can't support myself on it..but still..not to shabby.

Jen and I got in a little tiff about politics...lending to my theory that politics and all things related are evil..and therefore have no place on my blog. So I am done blogging about all things political..until the next time they piss me off.

In the last 2 days, 2 people who know me very well(Billy and my Aunt Jackie) have told me that the only time they see me truly happy is when I am onstage. Billy saw it tonight at Improv auditions. It's true...the times I am truly happy are when I am onstage or hanging out with my friends...or hanging out on stage with my friends in front of a large audience pulling bits out of the air. I am genuinely excited about this chance.

In the last two nights I have eaten out with two of my friends. Last night Alyson and I went to Ale House for our first outting as friends and it was thuroughly enjoyable..even if the demon yorky did attack her. Tonight Billy and I went to Chili's cause he played Paper Mario ALL DAY and forgot to eat. It's almost like I have a social life again. I have to get back into the quasi-city life. That trailer is sucking my soul out like the cream out of a really good canoli and for the first time ever..Billy understands why..after our visit out there when no one was home. He totally understands why I hate it there so much...and it's nice to find understanding..even if his girlfriend hass decided that she hates me. :p

I'll blog later.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Things I Learned Today

1. Bad Elections bring out the angry in nice people...and not the normal angry..the irrational threating to move out of the state angry. (oh, that's right..I went there.)
2. Doctors suck..unless they are saving your life...then they are temporarily excusable.
3. Doctors changing their schedules after you have changed your schedule to work around their previous schedule...suck.
4. Life goes on, people talk, we will surive.
5. Things don't brown so good in a glass baking dish.
6. Lunch is always better when you have a complete resume.
7. Things brown much better with tin foil.
8. No matter how the vote goes...roughly 50 percent of the threatens to leave for 4 years.
9. I make friends very easily...somme might say too easily.
10. I also make enemies pretty easily...Skills I don't need # 1..checked off.
11. My blog gets more and more boring every day...and with each of these boring posts I have the potential of pissing someone off...or if it's todays post..I have the potential of piss lots of people off.
12. I always end my posts with "I'll blog later."
I'll blog later.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Great Latin Translation Search Of 04

So what do you do when your grandmother is in the hospital and you don't want to think about it? You continue to try to get the perfect translation of a Psalm you are going to sing in nearly 3 months from now. My parent's called me at 11:28 and took me out to lunch. We talked and then we went to Barnes and Nobles where I went straight to the Christianity Section for the first time in my whole life and started thumbing through Catholic bibles...I knew I would have a better chance finding it there and looked for a prayer that started with something along the lines of "I call from the depths to you." I realized that most psalms start that way...but this one I think is pretty close.
"Psalm 130
Out of the depths I call to you,
Lord; Lord,
Hear my cry!
May your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.
If you, Lord, mark our sins, Lord, who can stand?
But with you is forgiveness and so you are revered."

Not so sure about those last two lines...I don't actually have the whole Latin Psalm..cause the script cuts off mid psalm and just says "The Padre's Hymn concludes as the lights dim out and then immediately..." I know Alyson has the sheet music...and I know she will read this..and I am hoping she can help me out with the rest of the Latin..I will get the english..but I need the rest of the Latin. I am still going to a priest and asking him for the translation as best he knows...can't hurt to cover all sources of information. I have Macy's auditions tonight...YAY CHRISTMAS CLOWN BANANZA! Anyway...I need to go to the hospital pretty soon..so I will blog atcha later.

What Did The Padre Just Say?!?!

So I decided while I was sitting here with a high speed internet connection that I would translate the latin prayer that my character sings at the end of Man of La Mancha. Because...believe it or not..but it's nice to know what you are saying..helps with the character. The original Latin Prayer goes as follows.

"De Profundis Clamo Ad Te,
Domine, Domine,
Audi Vocem Meam!
Fiant Aures Tuae Intentae
Ad Vacem Obsecretionis Me Ae.
Si Delictorum
Serva Veris....."

The English translation as best I could decipher is

"I call from the depths to you,
Lord, Lord,
Hear My Call.
May your ears be eager.
I implore you
for forgiveness
the memory,
Watch over your servant."

I am going to ask some Catholic friends of mine to ask their priest if they don't mind. Just for a more literal translation..and if I have to I will go to a Catholic church and ask. It is a beautiful prayer none the less. I will blog later

Long Day Of Loafing

So today had all the criteria to be a great day...but apparently that was not in the cards for the Eric. I got up at 11:30...and proceeded to talk myself out of doing anything other than playing X-men Legends on the Gamecube. I walked the dogs..all that stuff. The owner, Buffy, called to check on her babies...gee...so paranoid..but they pay good...and I have decided that is so that the paranoid phone calls don't bother me. I would do this for free...if they weren't paying me for it. (That remark is hereby stricken from the record because I am frikkin broke.) So at about 3 o'clock Billy called me to tell me he wasn't going to rehearsal..not feeling well...that's what you get when you work HHN one night and Jaws bright and early the next. Then shortly thereafter my mom called to tell me my Grandmother is in the hospital. She is having a heart cath on Wednesday morning..basically they aren't giving her much longer to live unless she has a bypass...only problem is...they don't think she will survive the recovery from the bypass and so they are making the difficult decision of do nothing and make her comfortable until it happens or do surgery and take the chance that her last days might be very uncomfortable...but atleas then there is a chance. She has been popping Nitro Tabs like crazy...so I don't know what they will do. I would blog about last night in Disorientorium when Billy and I scared Alyson and Sarah and everyone..but I think she covers it quiet well...except for the fact that I jump out and yelled "Aldonza" just as they came into my room...then followed behind them and laughed maniacally in Alysons ear causing her to jump and laugh histerically...then I ran around to the back entrance door that is no even supposed to be used for scares and yelled "bye" in a high pitched crazy voice (demonstrations available upon request) as Sarah was walking through...it was good times had by all as far as I could tell. Ok..so maybe I will blog about last night at Disorientorium....ANYWAY. I am going to be chilling here for a while tomorrow and then going to vote in Ferndale...damn Ferndale. Then on to Macy's auditions and then back here...it's good times. It is 1:26...I am no longer required to stay up this late...and I am wide awake. I work Jaws on Wednesday....yay. (notice the lack of exclamation points...) So my decent tenor is going to go the way of the Transformers for a while..Blog later.

Monday, November 01, 2004

And The Eric Stands Alone

Damn Halloween...it always goes and ends on me just when I am enjoying it so much that I am afraid my heart is going to burst. I made friends...met some hot girls...all the good stuff. Then it's over...and I am the only one that is upset by the fact that I no longer will don my Checkerboard gear and scare the piss out of suspecting tourists. It's sad. But I will get over it.330 days to go until I get to do it again. Next year streets will rock..and I'll be there. Gotta say though that it never fails that whatever cast I am in is the one that exceeds expectations...unless they say that to all the casts and I am just not aware. But anyway...it's over..I'm sad...but not so sad as to cry. I would also like to remind everyone that Titanic the Musical is great... The music is moving and that's all there is to it. Listen to it. BYE

Scary....Very Scary

Loves to joke. Attractive. Suave and caring. Brave
and fearless.
Firm and has leadership qualities. Knows how to
console others. Too generous
and egoistic. Takes high pride of oneself. Thirsty
for praises.
Extraordinary spirit. Easily angered. Angry when
provoked. Easily jealous.
Observant. Careful and cautious. Thinks quickly.
Independent thoughts. Loves
to lead and to be led. Loves to dream. Talented in
the arts, music and
defense. Sensitive but not petty. Poor resistance
against illnesses. Learns
to relax. Hasty and trusty. Romantic. Loving and
caring. Loves to make
friends .

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