Thursday, October 28, 2004

Another Survey On Eric...SOOO SORRY

Ok everyone...if anyone has a problem with this survey...don't read it...Here goes everything.

1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?
Eyes...all it takes is a beautiful set of peepers and I am gone.

2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?
Yes...if they were the best for the job. Do we really still need this question in 2004?

3. Would you marry for money?
No...I would marry for love...but if money was there...I would marry a lot richer.

4. Have you had braces? braces..but my teeth are getting slightly crooked in the front...

5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?
I have before. Gotta keep the unibrow in check...never met a girl who would answer question one of this survery with...Love a sexy Bert from Seasame Street...

6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?
Ummm..Hello..I'm Eric..Have we met? I'm 22 and I have already had knees surgery..Shall I just spell it out. A-C-C-I-D-E-N-T P-R-O-N-E

7. When was the last time you had a hickey?
Never had one...taking applications... Last time I gave one...about 8 months ago...that was a fun night.

8. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy List, etc.?
Yeah..what of it?

9. If so, how many people are on your list?
over 100..but I only talk to like 10.

10. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?
Hmmm..not sure. Maybe...Renaissance.

11. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?
Usually take them off as soon as I walk in the door..but sometimes..I don't.

12. What is your favorite fruit?
Fugi Apples...and Grapes.

13. Do you eat wheat bread or white?
Mostly white..but I love Honey Wheet.

14. What is your favorite place to visit?
Not sure...Haven't been many places...I do like going to my Grandfather's place..and hanging out in the creek.

15. What is the last movie you saw?
The Grudge

16. Do you kiss on the first date?
Yes...if it feels right.

17. Are you photogenic?
Hmm..I don't think so..but others do..sometimes. I make one hell of a scary monster guy in my HHN pics.

18. Do you dream in color or black and white?
Depends on the dreams..but usually very vivid color.

19. Are you wearing fingernail polish?

20. Do you have any dimples?

21. Do you remember being born?
I remember a tunnel...and getting spanked..but that could have been...last I don't know.

22. Why do you take surveys?
because...I feel's wierd. If someone takes the time and effort to fill one of these out and send it to me..I feel so obligated to do the same.

23. Do you drink alcohol?
Sometimes..not a lot..but sometimes..but only in social settings.

24. Did you like high school?
No..not at all.

25. What is the most beautiful language?
Italian...I think..but a girl with a slight southern accent tends to throw me for a loop.

26. When you are asleep, do you like being kissed awake?
Never happened...but..we will take that to the bottom of the application.

27. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?
Depends on who I am spending them with...but in all reality..if they are special enough...both. Sunrises because that usually means you just finished a great ight...and sunsets because that usually means a great night is yet to come.

28. Do you want to live to be 100?
Depends on what my life is like..who I am with...ect.

29. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?
Expected? No. I do find it’s more pleasant that way, though.

30. Do you prefer salty or sugary food?
Sugary foods with slightly salty makes the sweet sweeter...Damn..I am a cook.

31. Is a flat stomach important to you?
Not really...I would like to have a flat stomach..but it is a lot of work..and I don't expect that from everyone.

32. Do you or have you ever played with a Ouija board?
Made my own once...with my friend Jeremy. It was wierd..stupid kids medling with the unknown..and my dad's shotglass.

33. Are you loyal?
I think so...but you would have to ask my friends. Sometimes too loyal I would think.

34. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs? long as they don't include telling me what mine should be.

35. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
Usually off. Glare on TV bothers me.

36. Do you believe in magic?
Yes. If you don' is to scientific.

37. Do you have nightmares frequently?
No..but when I do..they are dooseys.

38. Do you like your nose?
Not seems really big..but it's ok.

39. Do you like abstract art?'s cool.

40. Do you think you can draw well?
No....I have trouble with a circle...when I have a compass.

41. Do you listen to music every day?
yes...more like every minute.

42. Do you like to watch cartoons?
Yes...if you don't...start.

43. At what age did you find out Santa Clause wasn't real?
Not and dad weren't so good at that whole...fantasy thing.

44. How many pairs of shoes are in your closet?
Maybe 3.

45. Do you write poetry?
yes..not all the time..just when I am moved.

46. Do you snore?
Not that I know of.

47. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
Rottweiler..poodles are froofy.

48. Do you lick stamps?
Sometimes..if that's all I have.

49. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?
No..but I plan to..on a very romantic date..some day.

50. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
Emotional...and I have had my fair share of

51. Do you think balding men should shave their heads?
Not if they don't want to.

52. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?
My mother...she's heavily medicated...

53. Do you know someone who has cancer?
Not at the moment.

54. Are you a sex addict?
It's hard for a virgin to be a sex addict...

55. Do you hunt?
No...Part of why I stand out so much in my family.

56. Do you like fast food, or expensive restaurants? any point in time.

57. Are you basically a happy person?
That's a blog would say no..and so would most of my friends...but I think I am happier than some.

58. Are you tired?
Yes. Always....but that's because I try to keep busy...and I fail at it...

59. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?
Cherry Coke.

60. Have you ever met anyone on the internet?
yep...not anyone dateable.

61. How long is your hair?

62. Do you get along with your parents?
Not usually...cause I am living with them..but when i am not living with them we get along pretty good. Part of it could be my age...22...

63. Are you an active person?
Do video games, parades, scaring people at HHN, and all that stuff count.

64. What does your bedroom look like?
Ummmm....a lilly pad pond...but more with a bed and stuff? WHAT A STUPID WAY TO END THE SURVEY!!!

Long Day With Luvya, the Helper Monkey

Today I am bored...that was the theme...bored and tired. I didn't sleep at all last night...I finally passed out at around 12:30 this afternoon and got up at 3 shower and go to work. Well I get in the car and it sputtered but didn't start. It appears I got some bad gas from a gas station..and my tank and filter had to be cleaned. So I called work and they told me to take the night off. So I did. Then I sat at home and tried to gain back all the weight I worked to lose..I don't think I did it though. Now it's almost 10 p.m. and I am making brownies and reading my friends blogs...I guess I should look into culinary arts...I mean I cook when I am bored, when I am mad, when I am depressed...There is something soothing in taking things and making them into other things that taste really good. In reading everyone's blogs I noticed that ONE...(Billy's Blog) For the first time in a long time I have no romantic's strange...cause even when I didn't have any real prospects..I still had Carrie prospects in the back of my mind..and being that we haven't spoken in TWO...(Alyson's Blog)I am going to either bore you to death or pull you deep into my interesting web of finformation that is "ERIC AND THE BLOG SURVEY"

1) What is your favorite cd currently?
I am not really one for favorites of anything..cause it takes to much time and thought to decide on the favorite and then when I make the decision something new comes along and I am all...OOHH!!! THAT'S GOOD! But I think it's either the most recent "Three Doors Down" CD or Stephen Lynch's "A Little Bit Special".

2) Favorite sandwich?
Panera Bread, Ham and Cheese on Honey Wheat hold the Alfalfa crap...lots of Mayo. With Chicken Noodle Soup. Mmmm....

3) Characteristic you despise?
Disloyalty, Two-Faced people...Things like that.

4) Favorite article of clothing?
Don't really have a favorite...but there are these shorts that I have had for years...they are bluish but faded...and sooo comfortable...but I lost a lot of weight and they fall off me now.

5) If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland..World Tour anyone?

6) What did you want to be when you were little?
First was a Clown...then Space man, then doctor for a long time, then vet, then actor..still there...and maybe a chef. So maybe I'll get the Culinary Arts degree and have a cooking show..but like...Tyler Florence Style cooking show. Where I could be a great actor..but just concentrate on the cooking.

There ya go...wipe up the drool from the sleeping on the keyboard..and I'll post later.

And Then I Peed Myself

So today was a day of Billy and Eric hang time that will go down in infamy. It started at 1:3o when he called and told me that I should come over and go and see "The Grudge" with him...I agreed. It took some time for me to get a shower and get over there cause TV and stuff distracted me. After I got there and picked him up we went to Chipotle...Mexican Fast Food Burrito & Taco Bar Heaven....GOOD TIMES! Then we went to see the movie. The best thing is we were both sufficiently freaked out by the time the movie started just from the freaky of which looks to have some serious promise for scaring me...which takes a lot. The name of that movie is "White Noise". You can check out some stuff about it at It looks really cool. We watched the was really good. Billy was very very freaked out....and we decided that I am immune to's wierd. We went back to his place and I played some Paper Mario..then we watched Smallville..SOO GOOD...Then we went to Blockbuster where I discovered I bought the wrong video game system. We wanted X-Men Legends for the has it...everyone has it for the PS2 and the XBox...but not for Gamecube..WHATEVER! Then to the bank and to the Super Walmart...where Billy purchased Futurama Volume 4...Good times. Through the day and night Billy tried very, very hard to get me to leave him with Paper no avail unfortunately. I just can't part with it...and I am a bad friend. Oh well..I'll deal..He's got a girlfriend and I've got game..I think we all see who got the losing end of the deal here. Anyway...I have Halloween tomorrow and I am looking forward to it. And for the first time in a very long while...I am looking forward to my next rehearsal at Moonlight. I'll post later.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I'll Try To Do Better...I Really Will I haven't been blogging as much as I should. Sorry. I forget that people actually do read this. It has been a long weekend. I went to Halloween Horror Nights on Saturday as a guest with my cousin, Dawn, and her friend Buffy. Dawn was in a wheelchair because she has 2 hurniated disks in her back and one is pressing against here spinal cord. Long story..not for here. I spent the majority of the night pushing her around through all 7 houses, Bill & Ted, and the Parade. It was good times. We made it through all of that in 6 hours on a sold out Saturday...that is unheard of..and we wouldn't of heard of it either except my boss has a crush on me and I know everyone who does Halloween so there wasn't a lot of line-waiting for us. I went back to work on Sunday and worked Parade as a bead captain. It was fun to go back for a day, see what has changed, how everyone has been. They were all glad to see me and we all caught up. Lots of hugs and near tearful goodbyes from parade management. This is the only part of Halloween I hate..the end. It's not as bad in a house as it is in the streets...we are close..but not as close as we usually are. Man of La Mancha rehearsal was fun..but annoying. Jan didn't do as much directing as she used was a lot of Billy directing. She loves the show and it is great and all..but it is very much like she is trying to recreate the show they did however many years ago..but with upgrades. Today I am annoyed with my mother...fully reminding me why I have to get out of this house. I didn't sleep last night...a mix of Halloween schedule, excitement about the show, and Paper Mario(damn addictive game that is). So I was up when she and my brother got up to go to school at 5. She comes out and tells me to take him to my Uncles to catch the bus. I don't know about anyone else..but telling your son who hasn't slept at all to get in the car with your other son to take him down the road when you have gotten a full nights sleep..that's just not right. It's not safe...I hadn't slept in over a day..I was exhausted and putting me on the road..not a good plan. She had a headache...and I can't help but remember when I was in school...or lets just go back to this past week when I was hacking up my freaking lungs and passing out..I wanted to stay home, and I did..but I got so much freaking greef for it cause I am an irresponsible little brat. Whereas my mother called in this morning for the 2nd time this week cause she had a headache. She calls in atleast one day every other week. She is going to get fired...that is what she is trying to she can just stay in bed until she dies. I don't get depression...I just don't. But I can tell you...if she says one more word to me today...I am going to say some things that I will probably not regret...but i don't think I should regret the truth...even if she is my mother. There's a blog for you..I'll try to do better..but this dial up crap is killing me.

Friday, October 22, 2004

That Is My Lung There....On The Floor..Where It Should Not Be

So several things have happened in the last couple days. Billy and I discovered that I can do an excellent Carl, from Auqa Teen Hunger Force, impression. I went and saw Man Of La Mancha at West Orange High School. I saw Team America: World Police..which sealed my fate..I am going to hell for laughing at that movie. And I caught the Black Plague. The little cough that I had on Sunday night has progessed into a wall rattling hack that threatens to pull my lung out of my body and display it promenently on the floor. I didn't go to work last night because I thought I better stay home and sleep..try to get better before I exposed myself to the dense fog of death that fills my room in the haunted maze. Man of La Mancha was amazing visualy. I am not sure how much of it was just me and how I was feeling falling into my interpretation of the actors and thier performances. A lot of the music seemed to be sharp or flat...or just wrong. The lead male seemed to play the character a lot more feeble than I liked...and sang the songs...not so good. The male supporting role was almost nonexistant. Their Aldonza, female lead, was great. Her songs were good, her acting was good...she truly shined. Granted..our Man Of La Mancha cast is going to blow the socks, shoes, shirts, pants, underware, and first layer of skin off of thiers. If we had access to that set and those costumes....we would rival any broadway cast. That's about it..I am going to work in a few hours..and tomorrow I am going to have fun at Halloween Horror Nights as a guest. Post later.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


This doesn't really have a whole lot to do with me..and I know that writing this in my blog probably won't affect many people due to the relatively small number of readers that I have. But I am writing it none the less. Think about what you are saying and who you are saying it to before you say what you are going to say. Seriously people. Great people are getting hurt because of stupid things that you are saying in a moment of absent-minded stupidity. There have been several instances of this in my life and lives of people I think about lately..and I thought I would address it. People get hurt enough without us hurting eachother. I know how bad this next part is going to sound..but I am going to say it anyway, If you are going to hurt it intentionally, not because of some comment that wasn't enough thought through enough to do anything other than leave a glancing blow. In a perfect world we wouldn't want to hurt eachother that way..but in this happens.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Hilarious False Accusatons remember the girl that quit a couple nights ago..Megan. Well apparently she told the bosses, Bryan and Angela, that she wasn't the only one that was unhappy and that she couldn't work in the negative atmosphere that ME AND BILLY were creating. This is only funny because we sit in a trailer and joke around all break long while she would complain about life. We told the other two people that we hang out with during the break and they almost fell over they were laughing so hard. I was a Bird Person last night instead of a Checkerboard Person. It was fun...I was over there with Alyson and Brad, the afformentioned "Other Two People", and Billy. It was a pretty good night. At the end of the night I went and talked to Bryan and told him I thought that we had been grossly misrepresented. He pretty much agreed and that was the end of that. At the beginning of the night I had to put on my checkerboard costume so the costume lady could see me in it to decide what alterations to make. I walk in with the costume on and she looked and me and goes,"What do you think we should do?".........I was just like, "Umm..I don't're the costuming lady..I think YOU should tell me what WE should do." They are going to try to make it bigger..cause I am just too tall. I also have to talk to Benefits at work..they took out 60 dollars in taxes and insurance from a check that was only 120 to begin with. I was not happy to say the least. Trying to find something out now. I will blog later.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Lost Treak and Beer Bottle Battles

Well last night was a long night. I got hit in the back of the head with a beer bottle last hurt like hell. Couldn't identify the person cause there was a group of like 15 people around my corner with beer bottles and all of them were laughing. It sucked. I understand how violated Billy felt the other night...I didn't even want to keep scaring that night. It wasn't until the last set...about 5 hours later that I was getting into it again. Megan, on of the Treaks, left last night in the middle of her shift..said it wasn't for her. Whatever..she has been complaining non-stop about everything anyway. I mean shit happens to all of us..we get out it eventually...she could complain about anything..and her's was always worse. I told my ASM Angela last night that I am not doing houses again. I mean..I don't HATE's just..not safe. I will do parade or streets..hopefully streets. Anyway..I will blog more later when I have slept and don't have to go to work in an hour.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Inappropriate Comment That Made Me Laugh

"I want you in the worst way. Which is standing up in a hammock."-Louis Ramsey

I don't know why I laughed so hard that I almost snorted up a piece of Peanut Butter Sandwich..but I did. It was hilarious in a totally wrong magnitude. I work tonight. We won house of the week. Got the cheesiest trophy known to man but atleast we rock. We get a pizza party on Saturday. I can't wait for the temp to drop to a managable degree of uncomfortable in our house. Blog later.

Eric's Thoughts For The Night

People are stupid, I just happen to make friends with the smarter ones.
It sucks that I never know what I want until I choose the wrong thing.
Man Of La Mancha is going to be fun, matter what.
I miss my friends.
I miss my life.
I miss being a social person.
People who complain all the time are annoying...aren't we?
I am so freaking tired...making a 6 foot 2 man scream like a little girl is exhausting.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Tired...So Very Tired

Today I went to work at Jaws. It was fun to be back..but all in all it was a dissaster. I got my 79.5 hour work week down to a respectable 50 or so and worked a nice 8 hour overtime shift today. I am so freaking tired. Jaws is far as the ride goes. It was down for 2 of the scheduled 3 to 5 weeks..and more is broken now than was before. It is ridiculous. Billy and I were talking the other day and mentioned that neither of us had ever seen any of the techs working on anything the whole time the lagoon was drained...we thought it was just us. NOPE..they didn't do anything but stand around and scratch their butts. Even the things they did putting new skins on the sharks...were done hald-assed. They were put on wrong and are already starting to peel off around the lips. So mad about that whole situation. Anyway..that's all really. My voice is totally shot after a day at Jaws and 3 nights of halloween. It should come back I can lose it again by Sunday. Ahh..the joy of Halloween. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Eric's First Trip To The Airport, Insomnia, Tingling Nerves, And Blending In

Well..It is 2:49 a.m. as I start writing this blog and I am supposed to be at Jaws ready to work at 10 a.m. I took some sleeping pills at 10 p.m. to no avail. The problem is that my sleep schedule has been reassigned to go to sleep at 4, get up at 12. The other problem is that the nerves that were cut during the surgery having finally started waking up and reconnecting...My leg is tingling like crazy. It feels like someone has a muscle massager set on a really low speed laying on my leg. This weekend was interesting and fun and tiring. I spent all weekend at Billy's house. His parent's went out of town and being that we are both in the same haunted house and his house is closer to universal and he's my best just made sense to stay there. Working in a house is..dangerous. I am enjoying the scares..but not the constant worry that the next guest could deck me and I could lay there unconscious for up to 45 minutes before someone would even notice. They need to work something out for houses and security. 2 management people watching over a whole house..not happening. In my room the other scareactors can't even see I would be screwed. The scares are good..and fun. I am in ridiculous amounts of's worth it. Any job were you can cause a full grown man turn to his wife and say, "I just peed a little." worth my time and scaring expertese. Staying at Billy's made me want to get a house of my own even more. I may have had bad roommates, high rent, and just all around a not great first apartment experience..but I miss it..I miss the hell out of it. I also miss the hell out of Lu Lu. I know she's busy....but I still miss you..when you read this. The read through for Man of La Mancha has come and gone. It went pretty well. I am generally happy with all casting descisions...generally. Just one or two that I am little worried about..and mostly not because of talent or ability..but because of irresponsibilityin practices. I got a few nods tonight when I sang my solos..and a scratch on the knee from Alyson to tell me I did a good job. I am excited about my part..but I think Billy is more excited for me than I am fo myself..he says that I could steal the show with a few of my solos. Maybe that's true..maybe not. I am not going to try to steal the show..just do my best. Me as a far from me can you get. And the first part of my title..but the last part of my blog, I went inside an airport for the first time ever today. It was a really cool I don't think I will experience many times. Experiencing something I have seen and heard depicted SOO many times. It was great. People laughing and smiling as they were rejoined with people they hadn't seen for years, weeks, days, hours..people crying as people go away. The looks on kids faces as they get in line to get on the plane..excited to fly. The parent's smiling and crying at the same time..excited for the child that is going to get to fly to wherever they are going..but worried. It's a strange place. A full range of the human emotional experience...thrown into one building. Well I am going to try to sleep now. Got work in 7 hours..that means I have to get up in 4 hours. I hate living in B.F.E.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Ok so a lot has happened in the last few days that my computer decided not to let me blog. I am no longer a Bead Captain, I am now a Checkerboard Man in Billy's House (DISORIENTORIUM). Billy had an allergic reaction to his latex clown mask at work and had to be put on sterioids. Very elaborate way to get out of being Clownman. He then went to Jen's for a trip to long for me to go...PUNK! I let Alyson talk me into going to Man Of La Mancha auditions and scored the part of Padre...which really doesn't mean much to me..but alyson and kyle assure me it is a great part with several solos...all of which beautiful. I am sure that I thuroughly shocked most everyone in the room when I showed. It was the kinda shock where it's like. "What the hell are you doing here?!?! Glad you're here cause we needed more guys...but..what?!?!?!" I'll post more later...tired..