Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Tired...So Very Tired

Today I went to work at Jaws. It was fun to be back..but all in all it was a dissaster. I got my 79.5 hour work week down to a respectable 50 or so and worked a nice 8 hour overtime shift today. I am so freaking tired. Jaws is far as the ride goes. It was down for 2 of the scheduled 3 to 5 weeks..and more is broken now than was before. It is ridiculous. Billy and I were talking the other day and mentioned that neither of us had ever seen any of the techs working on anything the whole time the lagoon was drained...we thought it was just us. NOPE..they didn't do anything but stand around and scratch their butts. Even the things they did putting new skins on the sharks...were done hald-assed. They were put on wrong and are already starting to peel off around the lips. So mad about that whole situation. Anyway..that's all really. My voice is totally shot after a day at Jaws and 3 nights of halloween. It should come back I can lose it again by Sunday. Ahh..the joy of Halloween. I'll blog later.

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