Tuesday, October 19, 2004


This doesn't really have a whole lot to do with me..and I know that writing this in my blog probably won't affect many people due to the relatively small number of readers that I have. But I am writing it none the less. Think about what you are saying and who you are saying it to before you say what you are going to say. Seriously people. Great people are getting hurt because of stupid things that you are saying in a moment of absent-minded stupidity. There have been several instances of this in my life and lives of people I think about lately..and I thought I would address it. People get hurt enough without us hurting eachother. I know how bad this next part is going to sound..but I am going to say it anyway, If you are going to hurt someone...do it intentionally, not because of some comment that wasn't enough thought through enough to do anything other than leave a glancing blow. In a perfect world we wouldn't want to hurt eachother that way..but in this world..it happens.

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