Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Well..This Is Awkward

You know what the problem with knowing someone really well is? You know when they don't want to be around you anymore. It is painfully obvious. Anyway...guess that one's over...oh well. So I went to Thrill Me tonight. It was really good. Lu Lu played beautifully, Matt was Amazing, Kyle played his character pretty close to flawlessly. The show has creepily beautiful harmonies that stick with you. I got a new cat. Looks just like Figaro did as a kitten. I am going to name him Ninja. He definetly has the stealth down. That is unless I name him Stealth or something like that. I don't know. It will happen eventually. I am going to work tomorrow for the first time in 2 and a half weeks. That should be..painful. I am going gto the parks for fun with Joel on Saturday. Looking forward to that. It will be nice to be out with a friend and not feel damn near alone the whole time. It really is sad that it seems that I am not capable of having two great groups of friends. It sucks. Anyway..I'll blog later.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Random Awkwardness

So the last couple of days have been wonderfully random. I spent Thursday hanging out with Joel. We went to his house, rented a couple movies, abandoned them for Star Wars Episode III, ate some George Foreman burgers, watched some old Icehouse theater movies, looked at pictures of Joel's hilarious stories, just hung out in general. Great times. Then had the show, didn't work Friday either. Then last night we all went to Eduardo's after the show...well first we hung out with this guy Nick that Joel is friends with then we went to the bar. Awkwardness abounded there...damn near got to witness several throwdowns. That was fun, in a totally awkward not fun kind of a way. Going to a Fringe show tonight about Porn...good times. And to the person who posted on my blog anonomously...I was actually talking about a friendship..not a dating situation....but that's cool...wish I knew who you were. Definetly sparked my interests. Got to admit though...part of me thinks it was Joel or Madeline playing a trick..and if so...Good one. If not...come forward...I like to know what people are thinking. You guys have a good week.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So This Is Irresponsibility

I haven't been to work all week. My back was all blistery and even started bleeding at one point. Not pleasant. It's much better now...used up what was left of my vacation time. I hate that place sooo much...really hope that law firm thing comes through. Billy dropped out of Cabaret. That sucks. I was really excited that he was going to experience the Icehouse...but I guess that won't be happening. He will be in Taming of the Shrew. Not going to get into that whole situation. There is a kitten at the icehouse that they want me to take home...looks just like Figaro used to. Probably will soon. My mom is saying with my Aunt Jackie and my cousin dawn for a while to get away from everything. That's kinda been what this week has been for me...but all it's really done is made me not want to go back even more. I have decided that the worst thing I have experienced to date is knowing when a relationship between you and another person is breaking down right in front of you and not being able to do anything about it. It sucks..but I guess that's life. Joel and I are gonna hang out tomorrow. That will be fun. He even informed me that he called me first when he had a day off. That's made me feel good...even though I had to make a joke out of it.
Eric: "Oh Great...I get to be Joel's bitch."
Joel: "nope...if you were my bitch I would tell you to bring food."

Everyone wish Alyson and Lu Lu birthday wishes. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy

So the past week or so has been really busy. I got cast in Cabaret...probobly the highlight of my week. I will be playing Cliff. It's going to be awesome. My mother had another breakdown...which is bad. She probably won't be working any more...not sure though. I have a terribly sunburn at Wet N' Wild on Friday. I wore sunblock and everything...wierd. Got to hang out with Rebecca Cullars which was fun. Bonding experience even if everyone else bailed on us. And I spent the week building set with Terance and Joel...which I think was one of my new favorite things to do. Well...I think that's it. The computer is lagging really bad in fact that I have to wait several seconds for whatever I type to appear on the screen. ANNOYING. Blog more later.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another Day..Another...Something...witty

So here I class...blogging. Good times. I think I broke my hand a little at work. Not a big deal. Work is going...well..crappy. I am going to change jobs..somehow..soon. Hopefully it's an acting job...well not that I don't have an acting job now..just the next one I would like to be actually called an actor...not a speiler. My boss is an idiot. He gave me a week off when I asked for a day off then yelled at me cause I wasn't meeting my weekly 32 hour minimum. Foreigner is...well...sucking a little. I am sure it will get much better. The actors have the talent..they just need to push the diva out of the way. I had Donato's with Billy today. Good times. Still no word from the person that the thing happened with. My conscience is still bothering me....(Thanks...billy...) Today is the first day of 10 minute play thingies. It's gonna be fun. Lots of theater in a short period of time. My scene is Thursday. Fun. This is being projected on the big screen. I think I am probably done now..I'll blog more later.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Wait...Is This Stupid Thing Actually Gonna Work?!?!

So if you are reading this it means that my computer decided to push it's problems with me to the background and actually allow me to update. So Three Days of Rain is over. It's sad..but I think it was time. Running sound was a great experience. Went out after the final show on was...interesting. Lots of fun. Drank a lot, made some decisions, or didn't...and we will see how all that turns out. Guilt set in pretty quick..thanks conscience (thanks..Billy and Jen). Who apparently, by the way, think that I am a guiltless bastard apparently. The exact comment was, "I know this is a new feeling for you Eric, It's called Guilt." That makes you feel great when your best friend says that to you. Class is coming to a close, work is coming to a close, the show already came to a close. Things are beginning anew. I am hopefully going to get this new job at the law firm where Allison and Andrea work, downtown. AWESOME opportunity. 10.50 an hour as a file clerk. I can handle that. Flexible schedule...great. Hope that works out. I'll just add that to the list of phone calls I am waiting on. Foreigner has started...for me anyway...the rest of the cast has been very busy for weeks. I am finally there...getting to know everyone. I think that's pretty much it right now. Except for the things that happened during 3 Days of Rain. Alyson came to the show, we hugged, said we would get back in touch. Several people came up and expressed confusion about me being at Icehouse, one actually said "You're at the wrong theater." Apparently evenwith my minimal roles at Moonlight I made an impression. A couple of older people from Royal Highlands told me how good I was in the old people show. That was nice. Anyway..I will blog later.