Sunday, May 01, 2005

Wait...Is This Stupid Thing Actually Gonna Work?!?!

So if you are reading this it means that my computer decided to push it's problems with me to the background and actually allow me to update. So Three Days of Rain is over. It's sad..but I think it was time. Running sound was a great experience. Went out after the final show on was...interesting. Lots of fun. Drank a lot, made some decisions, or didn't...and we will see how all that turns out. Guilt set in pretty quick..thanks conscience (thanks..Billy and Jen). Who apparently, by the way, think that I am a guiltless bastard apparently. The exact comment was, "I know this is a new feeling for you Eric, It's called Guilt." That makes you feel great when your best friend says that to you. Class is coming to a close, work is coming to a close, the show already came to a close. Things are beginning anew. I am hopefully going to get this new job at the law firm where Allison and Andrea work, downtown. AWESOME opportunity. 10.50 an hour as a file clerk. I can handle that. Flexible schedule...great. Hope that works out. I'll just add that to the list of phone calls I am waiting on. Foreigner has started...for me anyway...the rest of the cast has been very busy for weeks. I am finally there...getting to know everyone. I think that's pretty much it right now. Except for the things that happened during 3 Days of Rain. Alyson came to the show, we hugged, said we would get back in touch. Several people came up and expressed confusion about me being at Icehouse, one actually said "You're at the wrong theater." Apparently evenwith my minimal roles at Moonlight I made an impression. A couple of older people from Royal Highlands told me how good I was in the old people show. That was nice. Anyway..I will blog later.

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