Saturday, May 21, 2005

Random Awkwardness

So the last couple of days have been wonderfully random. I spent Thursday hanging out with Joel. We went to his house, rented a couple movies, abandoned them for Star Wars Episode III, ate some George Foreman burgers, watched some old Icehouse theater movies, looked at pictures of Joel's hilarious stories, just hung out in general. Great times. Then had the show, didn't work Friday either. Then last night we all went to Eduardo's after the show...well first we hung out with this guy Nick that Joel is friends with then we went to the bar. Awkwardness abounded there...damn near got to witness several throwdowns. That was fun, in a totally awkward not fun kind of a way. Going to a Fringe show tonight about Porn...good times. And to the person who posted on my blog anonomously...I was actually talking about a friendship..not a dating situation....but that's cool...wish I knew who you were. Definetly sparked my interests. Got to admit though...part of me thinks it was Joel or Madeline playing a trick..and if so...Good one. If not...come forward...I like to know what people are thinking. You guys have a good week.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you,
Do you know I exist?
And do you ever think
There is something you missed?
Then take down your facade,
And be real, just for once.
You might like it.
I can see in your eyes
You are someone for me.
But your eyes are blinded
And you can't see me.
I could show you the world
Through my eyes, if you want.
You might like it.
There's Truth in the world,
And Beauty abounds.
Just open your eyes
And see what surrounds
The mass-media culture
Where all are the same.
You might like it.
All we need do
Is to change our perception.
We'll just live our lives
In a different direction.
We'll feel what is real
And forget all the rest.
I am scared

Alyson said...

Yeah, well, YOU failed to mention that you got to see ME, so I guess we're even!! ;)