Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Long Day Of Loafing

So today had all the criteria to be a great day...but apparently that was not in the cards for the Eric. I got up at 11:30...and proceeded to talk myself out of doing anything other than playing X-men Legends on the Gamecube. I walked the dogs..all that stuff. The owner, Buffy, called to check on her babies...gee...so paranoid..but they pay good...and I have decided that is so that the paranoid phone calls don't bother me. I would do this for free...if they weren't paying me for it. (That remark is hereby stricken from the record because I am frikkin broke.) So at about 3 o'clock Billy called me to tell me he wasn't going to rehearsal..not feeling well...that's what you get when you work HHN one night and Jaws bright and early the next. Then shortly thereafter my mom called to tell me my Grandmother is in the hospital. She is having a heart cath on Wednesday morning..basically they aren't giving her much longer to live unless she has a bypass...only problem is...they don't think she will survive the recovery from the bypass and so they are making the difficult decision of do nothing and make her comfortable until it happens or do surgery and take the chance that her last days might be very uncomfortable...but atleas then there is a chance. She has been popping Nitro Tabs like crazy...so I don't know what they will do. I would blog about last night in Disorientorium when Billy and I scared Alyson and Sarah and everyone..but I think she covers it quiet well...except for the fact that I jump out and yelled "Aldonza" just as they came into my room...then followed behind them and laughed maniacally in Alysons ear causing her to jump and laugh histerically...then I ran around to the back entrance door that is no even supposed to be used for scares and yelled "bye" in a high pitched crazy voice (demonstrations available upon request) as Sarah was walking through...it was good times had by all as far as I could tell. Ok..so maybe I will blog about last night at Disorientorium....ANYWAY. I am going to be chilling here for a while tomorrow and then going to vote in Ferndale...damn Ferndale. Then on to Macy's auditions and then back here...it's good times. It is 1:26...I am no longer required to stay up this late...and I am wide awake. I work Jaws on Wednesday....yay. (notice the lack of exclamation points...) So my decent tenor is going to go the way of the Transformers for a while..Blog later.

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