Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Great Latin Translation Search Of 04

So what do you do when your grandmother is in the hospital and you don't want to think about it? You continue to try to get the perfect translation of a Psalm you are going to sing in nearly 3 months from now. My parent's called me at 11:28 and took me out to lunch. We talked and then we went to Barnes and Nobles where I went straight to the Christianity Section for the first time in my whole life and started thumbing through Catholic bibles...I knew I would have a better chance finding it there and looked for a prayer that started with something along the lines of "I call from the depths to you." I realized that most psalms start that way...but this one I think is pretty close.
"Psalm 130
Out of the depths I call to you,
Lord; Lord,
Hear my cry!
May your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.
If you, Lord, mark our sins, Lord, who can stand?
But with you is forgiveness and so you are revered."

Not so sure about those last two lines...I don't actually have the whole Latin Psalm..cause the script cuts off mid psalm and just says "The Padre's Hymn concludes as the lights dim out and then immediately..." I know Alyson has the sheet music...and I know she will read this..and I am hoping she can help me out with the rest of the Latin..I will get the english..but I need the rest of the Latin. I am still going to a priest and asking him for the translation as best he knows...can't hurt to cover all sources of information. I have Macy's auditions tonight...YAY CHRISTMAS CLOWN BANANZA! Anyway...I need to go to the hospital pretty soon..so I will blog atcha later.

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