Wednesday, November 10, 2004


So...I know what you are thinking..."Damn Eric is posting early." Yeah..that's what I am thinking too. I got up to take my brother to school and being that I have to be at work at 10...there really isn't much point in going back to sleep. So I figured I would take this time before my shower to post in my blog. My grandmother got out of the ICU last night. She is now back in progressive care and all around much happier as far as I can tell. Today is going to be kind of hectic...I go in at 10, get off at 6:15, have rehearsal in Clermont at 7, get out of that at 10 and then I have to get up tomorrow morning at 5 to take my brother to school again. Fun times. Tomorrow won't be much easier probably...planning on going to SAK with Billy, Alyson, and's A Night At SAK, Take 2. It should be fun. Then Friday will be a little slower...but Saturday..if things go well..I should have a date, hopefully. And contrary to my friends beliefs (Billy and Alyson) I will not entirely abandon my friends when I have a girlfriend...yes..they will most likely become second on the rank of importantce in my life..but they will be a close second. We will see. Anyway...shower awaits..followed by breakfast and then the working...and the hoping that Alesha will be there so that the awkwardness of both of us knowing that the other one is interested but neither of us doing anything about it can be brought to a screeching hault by yours truly. I'll blog later with the results of the luck...she won't be there..ever again...but hey..luck changes rght? RIGHT?!?!? later

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