Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A Long Nights Day

Sorry everyone for not posting for so long. I house sat for Allison this weekend and I just didn't get around to blogging. Billy and I hung out all weekend, it was good times. I am not going to go into all the details..but there was Pizza, Bacardi O (dear god that's good stuff), Dead Like Me, Futurama, and happy times. I hung out with Alicia on Sunday night a little. Good times. I got a new phone on Saturday..good times. Last night I did the rehearsal thing at Moonlight...stress compounded by more stress and a little joy. It was an all around good weekend....even if the cat I was catsitting...did hate me. My voice is slowly returning. And Lu Lu called me twice...get that...TWICE. GO Lu Lu!

Updated Menu for "G.T.G.F" - Lime Lu Lu- "There's always room for Jello, but when you decide you really want it you have to wait 4 to 6 hours for it to get ready."
Updated "The Jilly"- A burrito featuring grilled pineapple and marinated steak. Tangy, spicy, and wonderfulicious.

Gotta think more before I can come up with more menu items. I'll blog later.

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