Friday, November 24, 2006

Self Doubt

So I know every actor goes through these dry spells..but this one is hurting. I auditioned for Urinetown and didn't get it..which was one of my dream roles...but that's ok. I can take it. Then I audition for Damn Yankees and didn't get it. When you compound that with auditioning for Disney and not getting even a callback. I am starting to think maybe this thing that I tend to need so bad that it's like air is something I am not good enough for. Maybe I am not cut out for this theater thing. Maybe I should hang my masks up and pick up my knives. I don't know. I love's what I's part of who I am. I just don't know if I am good enough anymore. And don't get me wrong...I know you don't get cast everytime. I know that. It's just like everything don't always win. But I think if you play a few games without scoring even should look at what you are doing and decide if you are cut out to play. I know I have talents. I know I am good. I just don't know if I am great. If I can't make it here in nothingsville could I ever stand up to REAL life. I continue to watch my more talented friends rise to greatness and leave me in the wake and then I am nothing more that that random blog comment and occasional call. I don't want to be that guy who did that thing one time who keeps calling even though we haven't talked in years. I want to be SOMEONE. Just what's going through my head right now. I'll blog later.

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