Monday, July 03, 2006

36 Hours Of Random Wonders

Ok...well only like an hour and half was really random..but whatever. I had a great couple of days. A BBQ with swimming and Lilo and Stitch, 13 hours of sleep, Brunch with a group of great people and one little girl who loves to touch other people and thier food, "The Devil Wears Prada", a walk around Lake Eola, my first trip to Wine Bar, dinner at Anthony's, Dessert at Gelatone, Family Guy, The Simpson's, The Venture Brothers, 8 hours of sleep and a kiss goodbye. It really was great. So now I am back in reality...but still happy. So anyway....I have Encore tonight, 4th of July tomorrow, and the rest of the week is kinda up in the air. I will be going in for my 2nd interview at Disney for Innoventions presenter sometime at the end of the week. That's all I know..and Friday night is the costume party...that will be fun. I'll blog later.

1 comment:

LuLu said...

nice to see you the other night! Sounds like there have been lots of developments...