Thursday, June 08, 2006

Here Goes, Here Goes

So here I am....11 minutes before I need to leave for my Characters audition and I am still nervous as hell. This audition has a lot of weight on it. I need the job, and it's a job that I have been wanting to do for a long time, and it partially is dependent on being a positive person...which according to some people I am not. But I guess life doesn't have the best timing sometimes...but that's ok. Anyway...I'm nervous, but lots of people seem to have a lot of confidence in I guess I'm alright. We'll see what happens...according to Lori I have nothing to worry about and either way I'll get a job at Disney again cause there are casting people at the audition to offer jobs to people who don't make characters...kind of a coselation(sp?) prize. So anyway...I should be employeed very soon....with a company I still good. I'll blog later. To those of you who called or texted or whatever today to wish me luck...thank you so much. I'll blog later.

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