Wednesday, August 16, 2006


The last couple days has been taxing. Work is coming along and rehearsals for "Once Upon A Mattress" at S.T.A.G.E. are going swimmingly. Last night both the musical director and the director at one point, seperately, said that the part of Prince Dauntless was tailored for me. A perfect fit. I think I probably would have blushed if not for the events of the night before. I have been kind of numb since I woke up Tuesday morning. I know things will grow back together and feelings will return to working order eventually. Anger is so easy...and not being able to feel it through this thick cloud of confusion is frustrating...but that too has fallen deep within the folds of the harsh cloud. But I do see a future just beyond the mist. I have a job, I have school, and I have people who love me. Even if at times they do things that I don't understand. I will blog later with more info about Mattress. I know it opens on September 20th and runs some wierd days. That's about it. Please come see it...It's going to be awesome. I mean as they said....the part was tailored for me. :) Later everyone.

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