Saturday, January 01, 2005

Where Did You Find Red Vodka And How Did You Get It To Congeal?

So we went to Phil's party. It was fun. I got the tour of the house..very nice..but kinda creepy. There is a door on the second floor that leads to's a sliding glass door and if you exited from would fall to the ground..and break something. There was twister and jell-o shots..but with less jell-o and more vodka. Amazing that they were solid enough to call jell-o. I had two..and I buzzed..and now I have a headache. Things weren't really all that akward between Alicia and I..I was afraid that they would be. They were a little strained..but no more than they had been the days before the talk. I come to Billy's and we watched the rest of Christopher Tidus' One Man Show on Showtime. HILARIOUS! Eric's statement for the new year... "Why don't you get down off your cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it!" Great stuff. I really enjoyed hanging out with the Jaws people tonight. Seeing other people drink enormous amounts of alcohol is funny. ANYWAY..I am going home now...and I am going to continue to ring in the new year at my house with Bacardi 0 and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. I'll blog later. Hope everyone had a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eric, I read most of you entires and their is not one about me. Or maybe even stating my name. Nope nothing about me, or about how cute i am and how i am a pretty pretty princess. Thanks i thought you were my friend.....