Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Who's Who Of Who Came To Opening Night

My parents came last night, along with my mom's best friend Frankie. They really enjoyed the show..even though apparently they only spoke to me. Alex was there with his mom..gotta love that kid. I attacked him a couple of times, picked him up, swung him around like a rag doll. He begged me to audition for Oliver! again..and I probably will..but now the begging has been upped to not just me..but also Cindi. Sarah's parents were there but I didn't meet them. Sarah's friend Lindsey was there..she's great. Said she didn't realize it was me until halfway through the show. "OH, it's Eric Foreman." Yeah..that's Lindsey. Anyway..I am going to go..I gotta go take a wet load of clothes and a dry load of clothes to my grandmother's house to use her dryer for the wet ones and the washer for the dry ones so that I have clothes to wear tomorrow. My dryer has been broken for a couple of weeks and it is looking like it may not be fixed for a a while..I mean months..or years. This should be fun. YAY! Show tonight. Later.

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