Monday, January 24, 2005

Ok..So Funny Story

So the story I reffered to before but didn't actually put in my blog... I get over to Burnout night. As I am walking up Billy is outside on the phone with usual. I go up and knock on the door, hear a little scurrying inside and think nothing of it..just that everyone was watching the movie and wanted to make sure my knocking didn't disturb anyone. Travis answers the door and I notice that he is holding something in front of his crotch but think nothing of it really. The three girls are in the fold out bed and Kyle is sitting over by the TV. I walk in put down my Barcardi O's and Pineapple Juice. As I was walking over I realized that the covers were pulled all the way up over the girls' chests..and I thought nothing of it really.. Then I turn and realize that Travis is naked..then I look over at Kyle..he's naked too. EVERYONE WAS NAKED and I didn't notice. Well actually just the guys were naked..the girls were just semi naked and under the covers so I didn't actually see anything...just Travis' butt..and Kyle..which I believe everyone has seen on atleast a million occasions. One of the funniest things I remember from hanging out with Kyle was when he was making laps around Lu Lu's parent's kitchen at about 3 in the morning. Good times. Today I am cleaning up the house as best I can..started last night..continuing today. I'll blog later.

EDIT: There are two comments from Alyson becausee for some reason the fist one didn't take at first and then after she posted the second time 4 hours later the first one showed up. She asked me to erase one of them..but I like both of them for different they are both staying..if you don't like them...don't read them..Comments are included for my pleasure.


Alyson said...

Ah, but you left out so many wonderful details - such as your priceless reaction of "So I brought Bacardi Oh my God and that's your ass," followed by a bolt for the door. Not to mention your bizarre explanation of why on earth it seemed so completely normal to you that three women appeared to be naked in one bed.

My favourite, though, besides Billy's priceless and precious expression, was totally straight Kyle's remark to Travis: "Dude, I gotta tell you - you got a nice ass."

Alyson said...

Ah, but you left out the priceless reactions! Such as your "Okay, I brought some Bacardi Oh my God that's your bare ass!" And the bizzaro "Let me tell you why three chicks who appear to be naked in bed together seemed totally normal to me" explanation. (See, gentle reader, apparently all women sleep together naked. Nothing unusual there.)

My favourite was super-straight Kyle's reaction of, "Dude, I gotta tell you - you got a nice ass."