And Then....
Well the last two days have been amazingly fun and interesting with a bitter aftertaste. The show is going amazingly well..even though for some reason each day I cry a little less at the end..the Thursday I had some tears, the Friday I was nearly sobbing through the end, then Saturday and Sunday hardly any tears at all. But the show is still going very very very well. I am getting almost continuous praise...eventually interrupted by Alyson's "STOP TELLING HIM THAT, HE'S BARELY BAREABLE NOW!" It's a wierd sensation..I just don't feel that I am doing anything different..but everyone is loving me in this part..guess it shows off my voice...or maybe it's the contrast of Padre and Paco the Muleteer that Alyson pointed out. I think she gave me the best compliment for this run though..she said that she thinks people are noticing that I can be a strong male character and not just a wimpy background guy. That's nice to know. As Alyson mentioned on her blog Laura broke her leg in two places backstage Saturday night...but one correction..Laura told me that she quietly F-ed her way through her entire vocabulary while she was sitting there on the ramp waiting for something to tie her foot in place. It's wierd that she and I are smiling and laughing together..never saw that coming.
Saturday night I went to Bill and Tracy's for Burnout 3....Amazing good time. I really want to talk about the thing that I think Alyson wanted to talk about on her blog but I fear that I am not supposed to say the thing that I want to say even if you know what I know I want to say but can't say. It was the best greeting I ever got..even if it did go unnoticed for nearly a full minute...well..second best greeting. ::contented sigh followed by goofy grin::
Now for my happy for the day and the explanation therein.
For the first time in a long time Moonlight is where I want to be. I should be exhausted right now but I am still running on the high from today's show. I have cleaned my living room, my room, my bathroom, and baked 3 dozen peanut butter cookies and I am still wide awake. I am in a remarkably good mood right now...and I think I can contribute it to Moonlight and the people that are there that I love..and they know who they are. I know I may bitch and complain..but that's what I do..I vent a lot. I think that is cause I spent so much of my life not venting to anyone. I would just sit and sulk and I was misserable a lot of the time. Now everyone gets on me for being negative..but I am actually happy the majority of the time...and that's cause I vent. So my happy is..that I am happy...and that my second home is back. It's just like my first home..yeah it pisses me off sometimes...but's home. Anyway..I think that's it. I'll blog later.
You can post the story. I just didn't feel like I could (I got halfway through typing it and thought, "Wow, this really doesn't seem like something I should post for everyone to see.") But I think it's because I know that a lot of people I don't know well read it - or people who keep up with me mostly through my blog and I didn't want them going "Who IS this person I used to know?" But DAMMIT it's a good funny story.
(And, you know...I work for the government. Keep up appearances...all that.)
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