Monday, January 31, 2005

Ah Sleep..How I Missed Thee

So the last couple of days have been incredibly hectic..but also a lot of fun. I got up at 6 and cooked ribs on Saturday then delivered them the rest of the day until the show. The show Saturday was mnuch better than Friday. Nathan and Amber came to the show and both told me I did very well. I appreciate the compliments coming from people that I have had a falling out with. Then on to Bill and Tracy's. That is the highlight of every weekend now. We went there and watched Distraction. Great show, lots of fun to watch with a group. Then we huddled up on the couch and played Fatal Frame 2. Oh dear God that was fun. We played that until 3 in the morning when I starte to fall asleep. Then we all went to bed. Sarah, Gerard and I shared the sofa bed, Travis and Alyson were on the floor behind us. The arangment on the sofa was Me, Sarah, Gerard. Sarah in the middle. At one point in the night I woke up on my stomach, there was an arm across my back in front of my face and a leg across my butt, knee bent. I was like, "Ahh, that's cute, Sarah wants to cuddle.". Then I looked at the hand, "Gee, Sarah has big hands." Then I looked to my was Gerard. Sarah had moved to the floor. I pushed Gerard off of me and went back to sleep. Good times.

The next day we all got up blurry eyed and happy and went to the show. I thought the show went very well. There were a few minor flaws..but flaws are what makes something perfect. The audience wasn't very receptive. Alicia and Rebecca May came and I heard them laugh like 3 or 4 times. They don't really have distinctive laughs...but when the room is silent ANY NOISE IS DISTINCTIVE. After the show they told us it was very good. Slight awkwardness between Alicia..but not that bad. After the show I found out that one of Alyson's friends Larry came to the show and thought I had a great voice. I think the word beautiful even came into play. I was kinda taken aback. That's the first person that I don't know directly that has said anything that nice about my voice. To make it hit even harder he is a director, writer, actor himself who has been doing theater around here for YEARS. So he knows his shit. Still kinda floating in that comment now.

I rushed home after that, grabbed something to eat, and took a shower. Then back to the theater for Nunsense auditions. We had a really good turn out. And I was very happy that Chris made sure to involve me in the casting process. He asked me what I thought of every person. We were totally 50/50 on casting. We kept several that Chris didn't like a whole lot..that I loved. Call backs are tonight. There will be a lot of new people tonight too. Alyson and I are going to sing when we get there..just for the heck of it. After auditions last night Alyson and I sat in her car for a while and sang some songs..mostly me singing. We listened to Wicked and You're A Good Man Charlie Brown and we have decided that our voices blend really well. She has made it very clear that she would like to play opposite me soon. That makes me very happy. I am very excited to jump headfirst into our next adventure.

Now I gotta go. Lots of stuff to do today. I'll blog later! This blog is way to long as it is to put in the rest of todays events along with the rest of events from this weekend. I'll try to get the rest in there soon.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Cellophane Wrapped Candies, BAD. Tin Foil Wrapped Cookies, WORSE. Our Town, WORST.

So I went to Our Town last night. Not my favorite play, not my least favorite either..but definetly not my favorite. I brought Alyson the requested Oatmeal cookies, wrapped in tin foil in a ziplock bag. Yep..bad idea. Then I get home from the show..after eating only some Cheeze-its and a couple Oatmeal cookies ALL DAY LONG..and I ate some meatballs in spagettie sauce. Now..either bad theater gives me a stomach ache..or bad food..probably the bad food cause I have been sick all morning. Then I get up and convince myself to go to work..but decide to check my balance because there should have been a deposit last night at around midnight. Yeah..there wasn't. Universal apparently decided not to pay me for last week. Great...WHY DO I ALWAYS GET SCREWED WHEN IT COMES TO MONEY. The love part I can understand. If love is involved I will screw it up...but money things just seem to happen. I payed for Our Town in quarters...that I had taken from Billy. I put gas in my car yesterday counting on that money to be deposited last night..and it wasn't. Now my account is overdrawn by 8 dollars, my stomach hurts, I have to go to work where I can't actually do my job cause I can't lose my voice for the show tonight. GRRR! Really frustrtated. Try not to let it ruin my day..use it tonight. I have a feeling the tears are going to flow like wine...well..whine. Anyway..I'll blog later..after work..if I have time before the show. Tomorrow is Rib Cooking Day. I got a lot of orders so there is a chance I may make a little more money than my car payment and not be entirely broke for the next week or so. But if I know my life and how it works..I will get mugged, or lose the money, or get profoundly sick again and not be able to work for 2 weeks or something. Grrr...I hate money. Why can't the government just pay us for not breaking laws. Like a set salary is awarded to everyone..and then if you break a law they dock your pay. Whatever. I'll blog later. Bye.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Fantasy Mirrors Reality I was going to go into full detail on this but due to the fact that Alyson get to see Smallville last night and doesn't want me to spoil anything I am just going gto say that last nights Smallville was eerily familiar to me in regards to my life. So Clark falls for this beautiful girl named Alicia. They have several conversations that are fairly remanescent of some that Alicia and I had. I will elaborate more later..after Alyson has seen the episode. It was my life..but without Super Powers..and I am not as attractive as was clearly pointed out by Alyson. I said something last night while talking to Alicia that she dubbed qoute worthy..I'll place it here. "Everyone's has their krytonite, mine's just not a glowing rock." I didn't think it was that good...but good, much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess. Anyway..I am off to West End Theatrics Meeting Number 1. Good times. I'll blog later.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Septumberant..(Not Quite As Catchy)

So we ended up going to Ale House for dinner and to hang out. It was good times. Ebola Bullets..what a way to go. Then today Billy and I went to the Sea World Improv auditions..or as I have aptly named them..the Swimprov auditions. Neither of us got call backs...only skinny, muscley, pretty boy types. That's ok. They laughed through my entire audition. Whether that be because I was so bad or because they thought it was genuinely funny I will leave up to fate...No..I won't..I am going to say it was cause I was genuinely funny. Then Billy and I went and road some rides at Sea World..cause lets face it..even though we get in free..admission isn't worth the price of we were there...why not? We went through the shark encounter and then on to Kraken and Journey Through Atlantis. All was fun..until we get to the final attraction..JTA. Our boat was out of sync with the rest of the attraction and so when we went down the drops the demo spray that makes it look like everyone is going to get soaked through but doesn't actually hit anyone cause it happens a little before the boat get hit us right in the face. Then there was the fact that for some reason the boat was heavier on the left side and it was tilting throughout the ride letting water in occasionally. we were soaked...through. The couple behind us in the boat enjoyed our screams. I guess there probably is something funny about me yelling "This was not a good idea..this was not a good idea." and "How did we get here?" Along with Billy's various "Oh My Gods". It was good times. Then I came home and started to crash hard. But not completely cause well..I want to sleep tonight. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What To Do, What To Do

I think we are going to try to get the fun group from the cast together for some fun tonight. We are trying to decide what to do. It should be fun..I miss the hell outta those guys already. I'll blog later!

Did I Die Or Am I Just Really Bored?

So yesterday I spent most of the day watching TV and cleaning around the some stuff done..but not a whole lot. I am incredibly bored. Without something to rehearse for I don't know what to do with my time. I am going to go to some audition tomorrow at SeaWorld for an improv street group thing. It pays 15 an hour...much better than the current suckitude that I call pay. I have class at 3:30..until then I am not sure what I am going to do..didn't even scratch the surface of things that need to be done to make this house livable...but it's hard to do when pretty much everything here is someone elses. Can't really just start packing up mom and dad's stuff. Well I'll blog later.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Ok..So Funny Story

So the story I reffered to before but didn't actually put in my blog... I get over to Burnout night. As I am walking up Billy is outside on the phone with usual. I go up and knock on the door, hear a little scurrying inside and think nothing of it..just that everyone was watching the movie and wanted to make sure my knocking didn't disturb anyone. Travis answers the door and I notice that he is holding something in front of his crotch but think nothing of it really. The three girls are in the fold out bed and Kyle is sitting over by the TV. I walk in put down my Barcardi O's and Pineapple Juice. As I was walking over I realized that the covers were pulled all the way up over the girls' chests..and I thought nothing of it really.. Then I turn and realize that Travis is naked..then I look over at Kyle..he's naked too. EVERYONE WAS NAKED and I didn't notice. Well actually just the guys were naked..the girls were just semi naked and under the covers so I didn't actually see anything...just Travis' butt..and Kyle..which I believe everyone has seen on atleast a million occasions. One of the funniest things I remember from hanging out with Kyle was when he was making laps around Lu Lu's parent's kitchen at about 3 in the morning. Good times. Today I am cleaning up the house as best I can..started last night..continuing today. I'll blog later.

EDIT: There are two comments from Alyson becausee for some reason the fist one didn't take at first and then after she posted the second time 4 hours later the first one showed up. She asked me to erase one of them..but I like both of them for different they are both staying..if you don't like them...don't read them..Comments are included for my pleasure.

And Then....

Well the last two days have been amazingly fun and interesting with a bitter aftertaste. The show is going amazingly well..even though for some reason each day I cry a little less at the end..the Thursday I had some tears, the Friday I was nearly sobbing through the end, then Saturday and Sunday hardly any tears at all. But the show is still going very very very well. I am getting almost continuous praise...eventually interrupted by Alyson's "STOP TELLING HIM THAT, HE'S BARELY BAREABLE NOW!" It's a wierd sensation..I just don't feel that I am doing anything different..but everyone is loving me in this part..guess it shows off my voice...or maybe it's the contrast of Padre and Paco the Muleteer that Alyson pointed out. I think she gave me the best compliment for this run though..she said that she thinks people are noticing that I can be a strong male character and not just a wimpy background guy. That's nice to know. As Alyson mentioned on her blog Laura broke her leg in two places backstage Saturday night...but one correction..Laura told me that she quietly F-ed her way through her entire vocabulary while she was sitting there on the ramp waiting for something to tie her foot in place. It's wierd that she and I are smiling and laughing together..never saw that coming.

Saturday night I went to Bill and Tracy's for Burnout 3....Amazing good time. I really want to talk about the thing that I think Alyson wanted to talk about on her blog but I fear that I am not supposed to say the thing that I want to say even if you know what I know I want to say but can't say. It was the best greeting I ever got..even if it did go unnoticed for nearly a full minute...well..second best greeting. ::contented sigh followed by goofy grin::

Now for my happy for the day and the explanation therein.

For the first time in a long time Moonlight is where I want to be. I should be exhausted right now but I am still running on the high from today's show. I have cleaned my living room, my room, my bathroom, and baked 3 dozen peanut butter cookies and I am still wide awake. I am in a remarkably good mood right now...and I think I can contribute it to Moonlight and the people that are there that I love..and they know who they are. I know I may bitch and complain..but that's what I do..I vent a lot. I think that is cause I spent so much of my life not venting to anyone. I would just sit and sulk and I was misserable a lot of the time. Now everyone gets on me for being negative..but I am actually happy the majority of the time...and that's cause I vent. So my happy is..that I am happy...and that my second home is back. It's just like my first home..yeah it pisses me off sometimes...but's home. Anyway..I think that's it. I'll blog later.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Who's Who Of Who Came To Opening Night

My parents came last night, along with my mom's best friend Frankie. They really enjoyed the show..even though apparently they only spoke to me. Alex was there with his mom..gotta love that kid. I attacked him a couple of times, picked him up, swung him around like a rag doll. He begged me to audition for Oliver! again..and I probably will..but now the begging has been upped to not just me..but also Cindi. Sarah's parents were there but I didn't meet them. Sarah's friend Lindsey was there..she's great. Said she didn't realize it was me until halfway through the show. "OH, it's Eric Foreman." Yeah..that's Lindsey. Anyway..I am going to go..I gotta go take a wet load of clothes and a dry load of clothes to my grandmother's house to use her dryer for the wet ones and the washer for the dry ones so that I have clothes to wear tomorrow. My dryer has been broken for a couple of weeks and it is looking like it may not be fixed for a a while..I mean months..or years. This should be fun. YAY! Show tonight. Later.


So tonight's show went very well. Dan said I sang my songs better than I ever have before. Which is good..but kinda funny..cause I spent most of "To Each His Dulcinea" going.."WHAT THE HELL IS THE NEXT LINE?!?!?" The show was was a little lower apparently. I cried like a baby right after the psalm..and continued through the end of the show. Then I went to Denny's with my parents followed by a quick catching up with the show people at Chili's. Good times...even though I think I may have pissed one of them off. I'll blog later..I am totally gone.

Happy For Today: Alyson taking the time and money to bring champagne and glasses and make a toast before the show. It was great...and just for us.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Riding A High...Straight To Work

I don't want to go. Dammit. I am going to try to get out of spieling today..actually I am probably going to refuse to spiel today. I can't...My voice can't take it. I want to be able to sing my songs So today I am going to work, refusing to spiel, AND I need to leave atleast an hour early cause my supervisor screwed up, like usual, and scheduled me past the time I can be there. So I am going to play the role of theater bitch today at work. Oh well..that's life. I'll blog after the show tonight when I am riding my theater high.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

They Like Us, They Really Like Us

So reactions from the audience tonight were spectacular. Standing ovation on Final Dress...not too shabby. We had a few pitfalls throughout the went very, very well. Several people told me I blew them away..they didn't know I could sing like that. I coudn't help but think..You would have heard it sooner if I had gotten cast in a solo singing role a little more often. Bitterness lays wait in the back of my mouth at all times for some reason..maybe it's the tea leaves I injested tonight..BLEH! I am very happy with our cast as a whole. Moment of the night was definately when Alyson told me that something I did on stage to Aldonza caught her off gaurd. She was like, "Yeah..I wanted to be mad..but it was kinda sexy..and it caught me off gaurd." Not a direct qoute mind you, just how I remember it. I am sure Alyson will correct it in comments if it is wrong. A close second for moment of the night would have to be stepping up onto the box for Golden Helmet of Mambrino after knocking it over and falling off of it..only to find that I had stepped in a large pool of sticky spirit gum. I am just beaming right now..cause so many people said I caught them off guard...too bad I have to go to work tomorrow I need to go to bed. I'll blog later.


So before I get into this post let me just say..that I am a guy and therefore really have no say on anything I am about to say...but I still think it is hilarious. I will also say that is could be a rather vulgar post..not sure where it will go. The new stay-free maxipad commercial. I will explain the commercial and then I will elaborate on why it is funny to me. It starts with this woman in the maxipad aisle and another woman walking up to her..both in normal everyday clothes..both playing customers. The one who walks up says, "This is wierd me just walking up to you in the maxipad aisle huh?" Then she continues to ask very personal questions..things like.."is odor an issue for you?" and various other things while it pans through several woman..I am usually laughing so hard by this point in the commercial that I can't tell you very much else about it..cause I can't remember. Anyway..this would be like the equivalent, in my mind atleast, of a stange guy walking up to another guy in the condom ailse and giving him advice on condoms or personal lubricants. "Excuse me lubrication during masturbation an issue for you?", "Do you have a problem with the liquidness of most lubricants or do you prefer a gel?", "Are you jealous that some condoms are made for HER pleasure..but nothing ever put out to enhance yours?" DEAR GOD THAT WOULD BE UNCOMFORTABLE! I just can't imagine these conversations going on in a serious setting at a store...unless my friends are involved somehow..I could see us doing that..just to see how many people stop to listen. Just thought I would share that with you cause..well I love you guys and it brings me moments of laughter and joy for some reason. Hopefully some of you have actually seen the commercial in question and can back me up or disagree rather than just calling me a perve or something and running away. Not that you would do that..unless we were in public and wanted to see how many people would stop to watch. Have any of you guys seen the commercial? Use the comment's seriously out of use on my blog. I'll blog later.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Yes Doctor, I Did Break My Nose On A Spanish Whore's Breast Bone And I'll Do It Again

Sorry I didn't post yesterday..I crashed HARD after the day with Avenue Q auditions, class, and rehearsal. The Avenue Q auditions went wonderfully...I didn't get a call back..but I did get the nod that said that I had impressed them...AND I got to meet the producer of Avenue Q. Then I went and wasted a bunch of time. I'm good at that. Then I went to my first acting 2 class. I actually had a LOT of fun..even though the first assignment that I received SUCKS RANCID MONKEY BUTT! We have to draw a picture of our body...proportionately correct...NUDE. She knows we are all very self concious..and she knows that this project is killing us...expecially those of us in not great shape. The point of the excercise in some cases is to make people who are in decent shape realize they aren't the fat cows they think they flaw..what if you are a fat cow..and you know it? Then you are just screwed. So it is a huge project..the part I mentioned is just the first part and I have to do it tomorrow before class. Good times. Rehearsal is going wonderfully...except Jaws is stealing my voice again..even though I don't yell in my show anymore. It's just from the sheer quantity of talking that I do in a given day. Whatever. I will work something out..I always do. The show is really coming together. One of the parents that was there tonight said that I even LOOKED Catholic without the costume. I wasn't aware Catholics had a look..but..uh.. thanks..I think..maybe...I don't know. The show opens Friday..and we will be ready..and I WILL have a voice..I don't know how..but I will. Now I am off to eat and sleep a sleep of fear, uncertainty, and probably a little bit of self loathing for good measure...but believe it or not..I am pretty happy right now. I'll blog later!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Never To Be Sent

I just wrote an email that I will probably never send. I didn't know what else to do. I wanted to talk to the person..but everytime I get the opportunity I just end up sputtering and talking about nothing in general. I ate dinner with my parents, watched Charmed with my brother, then I got in the car and a song came on. I have heard this song about a million times..but tonight it made a lot more sense. I am stupid and dramatic..but that's me...get used to it. So here are the lyrics to the song. I took this internet what kind of animal are you in terms of your love life..I came out a Bison. Sounds about right. Big, dumb, and stubborn. I am going to go watch me some adult swim and then go to bed. I'll blog later

True- Ryan Cabrera
I won't talk
I won't breathe
I won't move till you finally see
That you belong with me

You might think I don't look
But deep inside
In the corner of my mind
I'm attached to you
I'm weak
It's true
Cuz I'm afraid to know the awnsers
Do you want me too?
Cuz my heart keeps falling faster

I've waited all my life
To cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try
Anything to be with you
All my life I've waited
This is true

You don't know what you do
Everytime you walk into the room
I'm afraid to move
I'm weak
It's true
I'm just scared to know the ending
Do you see me too?
Do you even know you met me?

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited

This is true

I know when I go i'll be on my way to you
The way that's true

I've waited all my life to cross this line
To the only thing that's true
So I will not hide
It's time to try anything to be with you
All my life I've waited

This is true

EDIT: So I read through this post and whereas I am not deleting will be the last post in direct relation to this subject. Reasons are as follows...whereas this is my guys are my friends and I want you to continue reading..and this is not good reading. It's me dumping on decisions I have made. I will try to stop that. Later

Sunday, January 16, 2005


So today I laid in bed most of the day. I watched some movies that I hadn't seen before. Bulletproof Monk, The Core, and Along Came Polly. They were pretty good. The antibiotic rejection that I was experiencing last night appears to be over. I am now at the point where all of the nasty tries to come out of your body at once. I am blowing my nose constantly, coughing stuff up every 10 minutes, and just not feeling good. I am going to my grandmother's for fact I need to be leaving. I will blog later.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Well That Was Fun that was a lie. But I am an excellent I got up and I was fine. Kinda iffy still cause of the bronchitis...but otherwise fine. I watched some T.V...did some dishes...started to get ready to go to a show with Alyson..and hit me. The antibiotics that I have been taking started to rip my stomach apart like a weed wakerin a rice pattie. It was terrible. I won't go into detail..but I wasn't able to talk to anyone for very long without a run to the bathroom. So I called Alyson and told her that I wasn't feeling well, told her that I was going to try to get better and call her at about the time I was going to have to leave to make it to the show. 6:30. Then I went to take some medicine..No Can Do. Antibiotics and anti-diareal medicines don't mix. So I started in on the home remedies. Then at 6:30 I called Alyson and told her I couldn't go..she was none to happy. We spoke again later and she told me some remedies she knew of. I spent the remainder of the night sitting between the living room and the bathroom nibbling on toast and drinking tea..oh so great times. Now I am going to my room. I'll blog later.

1) Tell me about your mother.

She loves us...but she can be profoundly annoying..a lot of the time. She goes out of the way to make sure my brother and I have what we need..and most of the time what we want.

2) Describe 2005 in one word.


3)If you were hosting Saturday Night Live, who would you want the musical guest to be?

John Mayer. I think he's great. Would love to talk to him for a while about his lyrics.

4) Tell us about something that's popular right now that you 'just don't get'...

Fashion before comfort.

5)When was the last argument you were in?

Not sure...I think the one I had with my mom the other day about me being sick.

6)What is you Mantra?

Don't really have one. I think it's just...May Today Be Better Then Yesterday.

7) A good nap or a good shit...?

ok...this is...interesting..I think I am going to go with a good nap.

8)Who is your Mentor?

Not sure..My friends..I respect the hell out of all of them.

9) Who, of all your friends, would you want to get into a physical fight with?

Physical fight...hmm..not sure. Probably Billy..cause I can't even imagine him throwing a punch.

10) Elphaba or Glinda?

hmm...I would have to go with Elphaba..but there are a few surgeries that would have to come first aren't there?

11) Make a sandwich.

I don't see what good it's going to do you..but...ok. ... ... ... ... ... ...'s peanut butter and potato chip on white.

12)Do you believe in psychics?

Yes...and empaths..and..mind readers.

13) Favorite Ancient Empire.


14) What's a Question you want to see on one of these Quizzes?

I don't know..I don't DO questions..I do answers.

15) These are a few of my favorite things...

Friends, being on stage, Figaro, Ink Blot, family, gameboy advance sp, Susie Q.

16) Quick! Staring contest: you and me.

K...go... ... ... ... ... ... Ha..I blinked..

17) What is the most romantic thing you would want someone to say to you?

Anything at all romantic would do now.

18) Who is your Arch Enemy?

The Insulter.

19) Miss Scarlet, in The Study, with...

a blender. That had to hurt.

20) Now there's a fetish I could really get into...

I don't bout some vanilla before I venture into the fetishes.

21) If it happens within our lifetime, would you want to help colonize Mars?

Colonize...that sounds like a lot of about you guys go..and I'll meet you there in 10 years or so..after all that's done.

22) Do you kiss hello?


23) So, what makes you so special...?

I have asked that same question...I think I have a fairly trustworthy appearance...people have told me that they instantly thought I was someone they could trust and depend on.

24) Would you rather be eaten by a crocodile or a shark?

A shark. Because it's faster and probably less painful. Crocodiles do that whole death roll thing. Sharks..chomp..and swallow.

25) Who are you really proud of right now?

The Cast of Man of La's coming together nicely. Alyson..for being awesome. Myself for not falling apart every afternoon like I have wanted to.


Well I didn't go to work today because it was raining and nasty. The doc told me the other day that if it is raining and I go work in it..I might as well flush the antibiotics and come back to the doc to get a whole new set of lungs. You don't screw with the Bronchitis. I spent most of my day doing nothing..I played some Metroid Prime 2. Good times. Then I went to the movies with Dawn. I saw White Noise again. So good. Just as good the second time around..noticed a lot of stuff that I missed the time before. Then I was going to go to Alyson's for t.v., ice cream, and just hang out time..but I decided against it. If it's resonably decent weather tomorrow then I am going to work...if it's not..then I am going to go to work on Sunday instead. Try to just show up and work. Anyway..I am broke..oh so broke. And being that Alyson let the cat out of the bag on my positive plans for the week I will elaborate. I am going to attempt to not be negative for a week..on hell week for my show no less. I think that anything negative I put on my blog doesn't count..due to the fact that it is forced on no one. I will not say anything negative..or atleast I will try my best. If I start to be negative..inform me and I will do my best to stop. It's a simple experiement for my own purposes. Anyway..that's about it..There are a lot of things swimming around in my head..but I don't want to post them here because..well..they are personal things that I don't want some people to read...and..they would if I posted them here. So I will just keep them in my head. If you want to know what they are..ask..and if they are not about you..I will probably tell you. If they are about you..expect a quick subject change. I'll blog later.

Friday, January 14, 2005

I Hear A Light At The End Of A Long Tunnel

My head is all stuffed up. Tonight I apprently sang "To Each His Dulcinea" beautifully..I couldn't hear it..but I sang it beautifully. "Little Bird" is not going to matter what. Basically as far as I can tell they have decided that it is going to be a group piece rather than the beautiful duet that it is written as. Why you ask? Not so much because it couldn't be done that way..not so much that we don't have the talent to do it..mostly because the musical director doesn't want to run it until it's right. It it is..why should we work on it. He said that most of the guys don't read music. He would be right...I don't read music either. The song is scored one should be sang that way if at all possible. I would understand if we didn't have the guys to do it..but we do. I think it's just stupid. And that is the last I am going to say on it. The rest of the show is shaping up beautifully. Lines are coming together nicely...the set is AMAZING..costumes are...well mostly there. My robe is the coolest thing in the whole world...even though annoying at times. I look like a cross between a dementor, a jedi, and the scream killer. It's great times. I am sure that the robe will lead to many laughs in the future. The cast seems to be getting along fairly well...even Laura and I have smiled and laughed a few times...Bizarro world much? The Bronchial death that has fallen over me the last week or so is clearing up..I just feel really run down a lot of the time..and I have these horrible coughing fits that usually culminate in a huge wad of nasty. I am supposed to work at Jaws tomorrow. I am hoping I will make it. Not feeling so hot at the moment but maybe I will feel better when I wake up. Tomorrow night I am going to see White Noise with Dawn. Should be good times. Saturday I will be at Jaws..then I have double booked myself and will have to fix that. Melissa is having a Big Sandwich party..I thought that meant a Big party with lots of sandwiches..I was wrong..that means a party with a BIG sandwich. I have also promised Alyson I will go see Our Town..those plans were made weeks in advance but in my codine induced drowsiness that I was in when Melissa called I forgot those plans..Gotta call her and apologize profusely. I believe that is all for the moment. I'll blog later.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Medicine Haze you know how sometimes you take a medicine for the first time and your body is like "Hey..Medicine..GREAT!"...and then the next time you take it your body is like "HEY! Medicine..YOU BASTARD!" Well that is what is happening right now with me and my cough syrup with codine. I took some this morning at aboutt 10 and I keep falling up. I was in my dad's chair watching T.V. and I fell alseep...the phone rang and woke me up. So I decided to go play some Metroid Prime cause it would keep me occupied..I fell alseep in the middle of a Boss battle. Then I got on the phone with my friend Melissa..and nearly fell asleep talking to her. I don't think I am going to make it to class today either..but only because I keep falling asleep and I don't think I should drive in this condition. I am definetly going to make it next week if they will still have me. Anyway..I'll blog later. Everyone send Alyson some good vibes so she gets this promotion. She deserves it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


So the doc said I have bronchitis. Big suprise. He gave me some antibiotics and some liquid narcotic cough syrup. Good stuff. I went to rehearsal and it was great times. The people there make me truly happy..even when I am running a fever and feel like shit. So I found something out today that I wish I hadn't found out. You know when you do something you know is right with every fiber of your being but it still stings more than ripping a band-aid off your heart? Well..I did that...and now I am paying. I miss you. But I feel that I must keep missing you or things will be worse later. Such is life. Man of La Mancha is shaping up nicely. The show should be a true theatrical achievement. I'll blog more later.

The Doctor Will See Me Now

Well it turns out one doctor will see me..and my insurance will change my PCP for me. So now I am going to the doc at 4 this afternoon. Yay for modern technology. I'll blog later.

Sad moment of the day: Checking Alyson's blog every 5 minutes for 45 minutes waiting for her to post.


Well I come to the conclusion that no doctor in central florida can see me until sometime next week. My insurance is a pain in the butt. They have a whole list of doctors that I could possibly go to...but only if they are my Primary Care Provider. Now that wouldn't be a problem if it was an easy process to change that. I have to change it by phone...and have them fax something over. Well that wouldn't be that big of a deal if their system wasn't down. The system, the system, the system is down. Sorry..strong bad moment. Anyway..I am actually feeling a lot better than I was yesterday. Still not over it though. My mother has suggested that I go to my grandmother's and use her nebulizer. The breathing treatment would loosen up all the congestion in my lungs. I still think I need to go to a doc for this one though. Still have the occasional fever..not good. Anyway..I will be at rehearsal tonight, one way or another. Blog later.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

This Is Serious

Well I am going to the doc tomorrow morning. If you know anything about me you know how awful I am feeling if I am going to the doc. I avoid doctors at all costs...but I am just not getting better. Coughing almost continuously, fever refuses to stay down. So going to the doc..then home for more rest..then to Man of La Mancha..cause I can't miss another night of rehearsal. I will just try not to get anyone else sick. I'll keep my germs in check. I'll blog later.

Nothing To Say

So I came here with every intention of saying something...but I have forgotten what it was. I am still sick...though less sick than yesterday, still not ready to rejoin the land of the living. I am not going to go into nasty details. I missed rehearsal last night..probably going to miss tonight. I miss everyone..and running the show. The set is apparently AWESOME...I can't wait to see it. Tomorrow I work at Jaws...and then rehearse. I hope I am feeling well enough to go to Jaws. I should be. Ok that's all. Going to drink more juice and sleep. I'll blog later.

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Mucus

I wish to be cryogenically frozen until their is a cure for whatever the medical name is for "The Death". I put this in writing here in my blog. I have hacked and coughed all day. I have sneezed my way through two DOUBLE rolls of toilet paper..only because I didn't have any tissues..and my nose is red and raw and painful. That is all. End Transmission.

Am I Dead Yet?

The Death has settled in. I am coughing almost continuously, my throat hurts, my head hurts, running a fever, and having to blow my nose about every 3.5 seconds. I took some Nyquil at about 9:30 last night and fell asleep at about 10:00. Then I woke up at 4:30 and took some more Nyquil and slept until 11:30 or so. I feel like crap. Trying to decide whether I want to go to Moonlight...I'm afraid I might infect the rest of the cast. Anyway...I am going to sick. I'll blog later.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Well I went to auditions today..sick as a dog...pouring every ounce of energy I had into a monologue that I was shakey on. I got a call back to read the Taylor side. I went in and started reading it. Lyle gave me some information on how it should be done. I did what I thought was what he about half way through the monologue and he stopped me. Then he said, "Thanks, I think that's all I need to see." WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?!?! Am I being concidered...did I blow my chance? I am so confused. Luerne was in the room as the accompaniast. I am going to talk to her later and get her take on my audition. to a Nyquil induced coma I go.

Lyle-Casting director at Universal. We have a very limited relationship. It mostly consists of him sitting across a table from me in a room that is lined with mirrors. I do a monologue. He asks me to read for Taylor..and then I come back to auditions in 3 to 6 months to repeat the process.

Luerne- A.K.A. Lu Lu. She and I met during Halloween Horror Nights XIII. She was my cooridinator in Jurassic Park. We started hanging out after H.H.N was over. Then she got cast as Psuedolus in A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum She is an AMAZING actress and singer. Incredibly funny and instantly lovable. She networks like no one else. I swear pretty much everyone in central florida knows her. She can play the piano like nobodies business. Her mother is the creater and only known holder of the recipe for the famed (Insert Lu Lu's Last Name Here) Punch. I love hanging out with her family. I can hostly say that many of the best times that I can remember in the past year were spent with her or in her presence.

I will blog later.

Saturday, January 08, 2005


I am leaning towards Antz. I think that one would just compliment me and the part of Taylor more. I don't know. I still want your opinions..but I am going to start memorizing the Antz one. time for bed. I will try to post about the parade later. It was a good last day. I was a fireman..which was actually kind of fun. I made many children smile. That's what makes the 30 days of not having a life worth it. I'll blog later.

When Will The Hurting Stop?!?!?

Well as the day did the severity of my cough. Tomorrow I will probably be coughing uncontrollably. I found some monologues...they are..pretty good. I think I have decided on one from Idle Hands...but I really like the one from Antz as well. It's so hard to choose. I am going to read them a few more times tonight before I go to bed and then make a decision tomorrow morning when I get up...memorize it on the way after that..and then probably end up telling my sad story of how the monologue didn't get written instead. It's good times. Here are the two monologues if anyone wants to post a suggestion before 11:00 tomorrow morning. I will gladly take it into concideration.

Idle Hands

It only has to be a minute long monologe and all of your input would be GREATLY appreciated. I'll check it periodically tomorrow morning.

Are There Men In The Room?

So last night at about 2:30 there were the flashing lights of an ambulance poiuring through my house. Something was going on at my neighbors house..not sure exactly what. Then at EXACTLY 2:30 half the power went out at my house. Now normally I would wonder why this was and go around looking for breakers and such. But this time I huddled in my room for a a little girl. At a bout 2:45 I got a flashlight and went and starting flipping breakers...nothing worked..then this morning I called my mom and she told me to try the breakers on the back porch..which I had forgotten about. I started flipping them and the lights came back on. I was like..OK..fine. Then I called my father and he informed me that those breakers have nothing to do with the power where it was off. So...Even though it came back on...we don't know why it was off or how it came back on. Freaky.

I found out today that Avenue Q auditions are coming to town. I am so there. I don't think I will get anything..but I am all for the experience. The show would be in Las Vegas..which would be hard..but worth it.

I am apparently coming down with the death again. I have this horrible cough that is fairly productive...not to be to graphic. I am going to try to get rid of it before rehearsals start again on Monday...good luck to me. I have auditions tomorrow for Universal contracts. I am not sure about my monologue...but what can I say..I don't have anything else. They have seen me in action..they know what I can do. If they like me, they like me. If they don't, they don't. Today it was offically decided that I am assistant directing Nunsense with Chris. It should be fun.

Acting II class starts Tuesday at 3L25. It should be an interesting adventure. Today is the last day of the Macy's parade. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun..I am also sure that I will be a Fireman Clown..which isn't sucking as much lately. I decided recently it would be funny if I was the ghetto fireman clown. I mean how often am I going to be able to be the ghetto one in the group. My name is still Nozzle but now I have a crooked mustache and my hat is tilted and turned to the right. It's good times. I think I have officially run out of things to say on for today. I'll blog later.

AHHH!!! I May Have...Yep...I Just Wet Myself A Little

I went to the movies tonight with Alyson, Billy, Travis, and Stephanie. That was the scariest movie I have seen in a long time. White Noise is an excellent movie. It made me jump...and come up with my own obscenity. I combined all the greats..F*ck, Sh*t, D*mn, B*st*rd, and B*tch...Not sure exactly what came out...cause it all came out at was great. I highly recommend fact I will go see it again with whoever doesn't have anyone to go with. It's not one you should see alone..or see and then go home to an empty house as I am finding out now. I was in the car trying to find a good radio station, continually glancing into the rear-view mirror, and when not convinced that there was nothing lying in wait to kill me, actually turning to survey the backseat on my own ALL THE WAY HOME. Fear is great! I experience it so rarely that when I actually find it...I love it. Anyway..I am going to go try to get some sleep in my empty house...avoiding all things that in all way resemble white noise...silence being one of them..sleep should be interesting. I come. I'll blog later.

Friend Encyclopedia Update:
Alyson-I met Alyson in person a few months back..I knew her for a while before that due to her blog. We were mutual friends of Lu Lu and I have grown to think of her as a great friend of mine. She is very, very talented and witty. She is playing Aldonza in Man of La Mancha with me.
Billy- Billy is my best friend. I met him during Forum..can't remember how long ago that was but that's when I met him. He is ridiculously talented, a lady the good way..not in the "I'm gonna kill some ladies" way, A perpetual source of joy, and his family has adopted me as their other son. We are currently in the process of brainstorming a comic book. He is playing Sancho in Man Of La Mancha.
Travis- I don't really know much about Travis. We started talking recently when he took the part of Pedro in Man of La Mancha. He seems to be a pretty good guy. He's funny and laid back. Your typical cool guy...that's all I got on him..I've known him for all of a month.
Stephanie- She is one of Alyson's friends. Not sure exactly about the background there..but I know they were in Noises Off and Picaso At The Lapan Agile(sp?) together. She seems like she would be a lot of fun to hang around with. Very funny and right in there with the rest of our humour.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Freaking Theme Park Hours

So I didn't get to go to Mythos today as planned. For some reason they closed at 3...the park was open until 7..but they closed at 3. I guess they didn't want to make dinner crowd money. Whatever. We are going tomorrow for lunch instead. Parade today was really slow. One of the glitz clowns and I stood in one place so long during our set that the charicature guy stationed near us drew a picture of was great! I wish I had had the money to buy it. Speaking of the glitz clown..I am a horrible person..cause I can't remember her name. She changes her clown name daily..I think it is Cristine...but I am not sure. She is a hoot! Today she was Aveeno...cause she used some before she went out. She has been so many things...Yesterday she was Bob, One day she was Yahmaha(ride it hard), I can't even remember the rest...but i have laughed at every one. White Noise is tomorrow night with the theater crew. I have decided to do a monologue about the monologue that Billy never got around to writing..and the surrounding circumstances that have lead me to auditions without a real monologue. It will end with. "So here I am, standing before you, recounting the events of my stupidity in hopes that you will take pity on me and give me a part. Thank you." I think it will get a laugh. I realized today that I have am a jealous person. For stupid reasons..but I am jealous. I am not going to get into it..but I do hate being jeslous. I feel really...dirty, when I am haveing a jealous thought. Anyway..I'll blog later.

Switching to Auxilary Christmas Joy Reserves

So I have this theory about the Macy's Parade and why the Universal version is starting to not be so good. Each person is alotted a certain amount of Christmas Joy per year. Once you have used up your amount of's gone until the following year. It builds up in tiny increments and then your tank is full again just in time for December. Now most people don't use it ALL up..they just get it down till the light comes on and then they run off of fumes for a few months..around march or so they start thinking about presents they can get people and such. Unfortunately this is not the case for the Macy's Parade performer. We put all of our joy into 30 parades in the month of decemeber...we barely have enough left over to enjoy the holiday. Now even people with very little joy can get periodic refills from TV specials such as Rudoplh, Charlie Brown, and such. The Macy's Holiday performer however has to continue long after they are gone...draining their reserves down to nothing. Thus the parade comes up lacking. It's January 6th and we are still dressing up like firemen, bumble bees, pineapples, WHATEVER. Now..we will all recover and come back and do this next year with a full tank of joy and Christmas Cheer...and be very excited about the whole thing. Those last couple of days are just...difficult. So now I am going to my grandmothers so I can take a shower so that I don't stink today during parade. Tonight I get to go to Mythos with Jared, Sandi, Carrie, and maybe some other people. I guess I could start the Friend Encyclopedia...but I am kinda lazy..which sound stupid from a guy who just spent like 15 minutes writing about a tank of Christmas joy. Here Goes...
Jared- Met Jared a couple of years back at Universal. I think our first event together was Macy's Last year...but I can't be sure. He's a great guy..lots of fun to hang out with. Sometimes takes jokes past the acceptable line in conversation with most people..but that's ok..cause I sometimes go there too.
Sandi- I met her 3 years ago at the Macy's Holiday parade. She's a pretty, pretty princess..which I am sure you all noticed in a previous post. Every year we hang out at Macy's and then don't talk very much through the year..then try to decide whose fault it is that we lost touch. It's good times.
Carrie N.-This is another Carrie..not the one that I sorta dated or whatever a while back. I met her at Macy's parade also. She is very pretty..near model level...but also very smart. She has a problem with returning phone calls and that is why we lose touch between events..cause I tend to give up when someone doesn't call me back for 2 months or so.

I will make the rest of the friend entries later...when I have time. Maybe tonight after dinner. I'll Blog Later.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

It's Easier To Kick Them When They Are Down At Foot Level

So I went to Disney face auditions..nothing came of it. Except a lot of people told me that I look like Prince Phillip...someone should have told Casting. So I went to parade..I was a wasn't a bad day..but it wasn't really a great day either. Then I went to rehearsal. The show is actually coming together quite nicely...for the most part. Little Bird is still a disaster...but it will work way or another. Then I got home..and there is no no hot shower, no cooking, no anything that requires hot water. Anyway...i am going to go to sleep..and go to parade stinky tomorrow...unless I break down and go to my grandma's for a shower. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Get Outr!

I wish I could get rid of the depressed fat kid that lives in the back of my mind. I am constatly finding myself thinking I am not attractive enough, or not cheery enough, or not good enough. It's sad that I am so negative that people actually think I am incapable of being a positive person. Maybe that's why I stopped trying. I don't know. Just a few thoughts that I came across over the course of the night. I am nervous about the Disney auditions tomorrow...which is stupid..cause it has nothing to do with my talent...or anything really. I either fit the part..or I don't. But...still nervous. Rehearsal was fairly productive tonight. We ran all the music and worked though the fight scene. 9 rehearsals left. Anyway...that's me. I am a fairly skinny guy I guess...atleast that's what people have started telling me lately. I don't truly believe it..but...whatever. Anyway..I'll blog later.

Parade, Rehearse, Sleep, Parade, Rehearse, Sleep.....

Well yesterday i didn't go to parade cause I almost blew out the tire in my car and I had to buy a new one. I went and did that and hung out with Billy. Then I consolidated my credit cards so that MAYBE I can get out from under this freaking rock that I am under. I will know in a couple weeks if that is going to work out or not. Then I went to rehearsal. The sets not done it's not even near done for the's done for us...framed...but nothing else really. The show is not all. But that will come together...I hope. The musical director is never there. I was kind of an ass about the whole thing cause I told Jan we needed to have a music rehearsal...cause we haven't done all. We have had rehearsals with music..but never have we had a sit down, lets run all the songs until they are great, music rehearsal. I mean these aren't train wrecks..they are hydrogen blimp wrecks...into...preschools....filled with children, puppies, AND kittens. Anyway..I am off to get my hair cut..and then to work. I'll blog later.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Oh Happy Day

So yesterday I hung out in the parks with Alyson, Sarah, and Billy. Great times. They are such great people. Then I went and did parade and hung out with more great people...namely Jared, Carrie, and Sandi. It was just a great, great day. Then I came home and crashed...hard. Now on to this months annoying thing that Eric is posting on his blog!

1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?

Ummm..break up with someone that I cared about because I knew it was the right thing to do.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I actually did. My New Years Resolution for this past year was to lose weight. I did..I lost a lot of weight. I made several new years resolutions for this year...they are on the blog..just scroll down and read them.

3. What celebrity did you want to slap or otherwise hurt?

None that I can think of. Paris Hilton is guess her.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

No one really close to me...lots of people I knew. My grandmother NEARLY died.

5. What countries did you visit?

Ummm...does Epcot count..cause I went there once.

6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?


7. What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

Not really sure...probably the 30th of know why.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Weight loss..friend gain.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Friend loss..debt gain.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Knee surgery...dear lord let that never have to happen again.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

Not sure. Probably my car. I love Susie Q.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

Probably my dads...takingg care of my grandmother.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

Mine at times...but Nathans for this year.

14. Where did most of your money go?


15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Singing and Acting..or seeing my friends sing and act.

16. What song will always remind you of 2004?

The Last Five Years..all off it.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

I. Happier or Sadder? happier.

ii. Richer or Poorer? Poorer...even though I am making more.

iii. Thinner or Fatter? Thinner.

18. What do you really consider your biggest social triumph?

Everyone at Universal knowing me.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

Not having money.

20. How will you be spending the holidays?

Spent it with family and parade people.

22. Did you fall in love in 2004?

No...I possibly could have.

23. How many one-night stands?

Hi..Would you like to see my V-Card? I have it right here in my wallet.

24. What was your favorite TV program?

Smallville, Angel (I miss it too!), Scrubs, Charmed, Dead Like Me, ER.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

I don't want to say hate..but I extremely dislike Nathan a lot of the time.

26. What was the best book you read?

Wicked...laramie project.

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

The Last Five Years, Avenue Q, John Mayer.

28. What did you want and get?

I wanted a new car..I got a new car. I wanted to be respected as an actor..I think I got that.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?

Finding Neverland was really good...but so was Blade Trinity.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

Turned 22. I layed in bed in pain with my leg in a complete knee imobilization brace. Not one for the books.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Not fighting with roommates.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?


34. What kept you sane?

Having friends around me. TRUE.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Hmm..not really sure...that's a tough one. How about Awesome Wiley..she's gonna be a celebrity or public figure...and I fancy her.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?

The election. Without a doubt the election.

37. Who did you miss?

That's a tough one too. Probably Lu Lu and Nathan..I spent a lot of time and then we stopped talking as much...I miss them.

38. Who were the 5 best new people in your life?

Alyson, Billy, The McCoys, Alicia, Sarah...That's more than 5..and I could name more.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:

Sometimes the thing that hurts the most now, is the right thing to do...because it would hurt more later.

40. What were your favorite places to eat in 2004?

Anywhere that serves pasta. Cheesecake Factory is at the top of the list.

41. What was your favorite retail store this year?

Don't really have one...Hot Topic was good this year.

42. Did you steal anything in 2004?

Oh The Jaws clothes I have.

43. What was the saddest moment of the past year?


44. What's the most random memory you can think of right now, this second, about 2004?

Sitting outside Moonlight crying after Midsummer auditions with Jen and Nathan.

45. What was your favorite TV channel this year?

Showtime. Dead Like Me changed me.

46. What was the most gratifying moment of 2004?

Shan at work telling me that everyone in entertainment loves me and then hearing 3 or 4 "Yeah..we love you Eric's" from around the surrounding cubicles. Either that or Chad the casting director calling me by name to say hi to me from across the street.

47. What one news story (that did not affect you directly) really hit home for you this year?

The tsunami.

48. What do you think the best MUSICAL of 2004 was?"

Avenue Q. Hands down.

49. What one moment scared you more than any other this year?

Walking in to the Jaws New Years party.

50. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

"Give us your money."

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Pretty, Pretty Princess

I am now going to post about Sandi. She is a pretty, pretty princess. She works at Parade with me and has done so for 3 years. She is the best freaking roller blading, dancing, laughing, singing, whatever they need her to do clown in the whole world. Good times for Sandi. My parades are more joyful because she is around to make them so. Now I will post about Carrie. Carrie is a great girl. Very stylish and always lights up a room. She is a wonderful flower who loves cookies and pretzels but is in GREAT shape. great friend. He's funny, handsome, and wants to have mad passionate monkey sex with me. But that's ok...cause...well..cause...he's got Carrie...and I've got... cookies ... or ..something.....I'm sure. And that is the end of this post about a pretty, pretty princess, a pretty, pretty poinsettia, and a silly, silly, scarecrow. HAPPY NOW!?!?!?

Are You Going To Suck On Her? today's parade was great! It was kinda lacking cause a lot of people called out...what with all the drinking last night and all. I was a Banner Clown, then a Holiday Clown, then for a few seconds I was a Fireman, and then finally I was a Bumble Bee. Several of the funniest guest interactions happened today. I was standing next to Carrie N, she was a poinsettia. This little girl, maybe 7 or 8, walked up and looked at me, then Carrie, then this conversation occured.
Girl: (Totally genuine) Are you going to suck on her?
Eric: (Totally off guard) No!...she doesn't have any more pollen...I took it all earlier.
Girl: (pointing at pollen on Carrie's hat) There is some there.
Eric: That's left over..I have to wait for her to make some more..then I'll take it and make some honey.
Girl: Oh...ok. I like your costumes.

Shortly thereafter a woman walked up with her three kids they gathered around me and Carrie and then the mother looked at me and asked me to get out of their picture. She was just like..."Could you just go over there?" pointing out of the picture.

Then I did parade and around the first corner I heard someone screaming my name and it was Lu Lu and her parents. Love those people. After parade I hooked up with them and back doored them into Jaws and MIB. It was good times...Loved seeing them again. Then off to Billy's to move furniture. Now I am home. Tomorrow I am waking up early for the Eric, Billy, Sarah, and Alyson day at Universal. It will be fun. I'll blog later.

Where Did You Find Red Vodka And How Did You Get It To Congeal?

So we went to Phil's party. It was fun. I got the tour of the house..very nice..but kinda creepy. There is a door on the second floor that leads to's a sliding glass door and if you exited from would fall to the ground..and break something. There was twister and jell-o shots..but with less jell-o and more vodka. Amazing that they were solid enough to call jell-o. I had two..and I buzzed..and now I have a headache. Things weren't really all that akward between Alicia and I..I was afraid that they would be. They were a little strained..but no more than they had been the days before the talk. I come to Billy's and we watched the rest of Christopher Tidus' One Man Show on Showtime. HILARIOUS! Eric's statement for the new year... "Why don't you get down off your cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it!" Great stuff. I really enjoyed hanging out with the Jaws people tonight. Seeing other people drink enormous amounts of alcohol is funny. ANYWAY..I am going home now...and I am going to continue to ring in the new year at my house with Bacardi 0 and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. I'll blog later. Hope everyone had a Happy New Year!