Saturday, February 14, 2004


Ok. So you know how sometimes you feel things and then you get away from the source and you forget how you felt? Well I had that today. I went to work at MIB...which used to be a great place to work..and there are still some great people there. But when I got there I remembered why I stopped working there to begin with. The staff has totally changed...minus a few friendly faces and a few..not so friendly faces. Lots of people were happy to see me...but the new staff is RIDICULOUSLY annoying. And then the fact that a lot of people thought I was a new guy...when in fact I should be running the building I have been there so long...pretty much the longest still currently on staff but not being able to really say anything about anything cause I didn't want to sound like a know-it-all asshole...which is an attitude I have had a lot of contact with lately. ANYWAY....I am going to Mummy soon as long as everything goes as planned..and I am REALLY excited! It is supposed to be the most themed attraction in Florida...but that's all I know and...this is going to make some of you question my sexuality I'm sure...THE COSTUMES ARE REALLY COOL! STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT, STRAIGHT, SINGLE! So I am off to Billy's house to celebrate Valentine's Day in the true spirit of the Action Movie Marathon.

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