Monday, February 09, 2004 a funny thing happened on the way to the forum...I made some GREAT friends. And I am not talking about normal friends..I am talking about the kind of friends that make you look back on the friends you had in the past and go...OH!!! that's what friends are supposed to be like. I made some new friends, got closer to some old friends, and found out some stuff about some current friends. And if you're reading this you prolly already know this about me...But I am the kind of person that, if I don't have a girlfriend, my friends are the center of my life...and even if I do have a girlfriend, my friends are rotating around that center of my life very closely. I just want you guys to know that you are the greatest and even though we have only known eachother a short without you guys seems pretty much impossible...well maybe just a lot more boring...but anyway...enough with the goosh. Have a great day..make a friend.

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