Monday, February 23, 2004

Bum Day

I am a total bum...or atleast I was today. I spent the majority of the day..doing nothing. Sat here on my butt in bum clothes and talked on the net or on the phone. Talked to Jen a lot today..being her personal advisor, and her Rupert Everret apparently...that's what I do. She tells me she is a dork, I agree and tell her that is allright. It's a complicated friendship..but it suits us. I was supposed to take some stuff to my Aunt but being a bum I didn't manage to do that...Totally lost track of time what with the talking. I played Fatal Frame 2 some more after I got Nathan off of it. It is one scary game...but excellent. There was a faint chance that Castle Greyskull might have an encore performance starting today and carrying on until Thursday or so...but was not to be. Which is cool...BUMMING IT IS! Hell week starts today for Lost In Yonkers..I am scared...very scared but we will make it through. I have joined the Fellowship of the Dorks today as Rushee. Because...I am officially a dork. So I am off to experience on of the lower levels of Hell. Pray for me...and my financial freedom...just for kicks.

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