Keeping My Mouth Shut....On Most Subjects
So...I haven't posted yet cause a lot of things have happened in the last few days that I didn't want to type on here because my best friends are involved and I didn't want to divulge information that I am not supposed to be just blabbing all over the internet. So I avoided blogging alltogether because sometimes I get on here and things just start to flow and I look down and I have told my life story. Then something else happened yesterday, involving my roommate and his girlfriend...that's all I am going to say. If you know what I am talking are one of either an honored few or a cursed few. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS STUFF! I am jut going to talk about it...because they don't read my blog anyway...and if they did..they would have a lot more to find out about than what I am going to say cause I complain about them all the time. My roommate, after a month and a half went and looked at engagment rings yesterday because the girls aunt hugged him and said, "Welcome to the family." THAT IS CRAZY! My aunt once said to my date, "You two would make really beautiful babies."...I didn't pull her into the nearest bedroom and impregnate her. If the girl doesn't want to move in with you...why the hell would she marry you? If he shows her a ring there will be a castration. So last night I made a line graph on my computer of the normal progression of relationships vs. Nathan's progression of relationships. The normal line is pretty even flow up in a steady kind of slope. Nathan's...pretty much straight up. I am just worried that he is trying to latch on to something to make up for his first failed marriage. Like getting married again asap will make up for the last marriage. I just know that one divorce crippled him emotionally, a second one will kill him. He has only been divorced for like a year and a half, he's only been dating this girl for a month and a half, she just got out of a serious relationship. WHATEVER. I am going to have a talk to him...another talk where he will tell me that he has taken actions to slow down...and it is slowing down and this time I AM PREPARED! GRAPHS ARE POWER! He will say, " I have taken actions to slow this down. I've got everything under control." and I will say, "Well if you take a look at figure 1.a. you will see that this is not the case." NOW ON A TOTALLY UNRELATED NOTE! My Papa Dee is in town. That's grandfather in Eric talk. I went to the condo yesterday, which is where he stays, It's out by disney, 2 big pools, all kinds of fun. Last night I was just sitting around with him and my grandmother from the other side of the family, my aunt Ruth, my mom, dad, and brother. I was talking about how I was planning on going to California this summer. I didn't know how I was going to pay for it but I really want to go. MY grandfather then started talking about how my aunt wants to go to Disney. Then he says he is giving me a hundred dollars to help go to California. I was like, "No, you don't have to do that Papa Dee. I will come up with the money." he said, "I know I don't have to do it. What have I given you in your life." I said, "Lots of ham sandwiches, and graduation money and lots of stuff." there was no arguing...before I left I had a hundred dollar check. So that is that. I am going back to the condo today to hang out, swim, and not talk about how I need money at all ever again.
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