Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Fun Times

Today was a long, fun day. I went to Jaws at 9:15 and started working. My knee was giving me trouble so I worked Preboard all day. It was fun. Lorri came to ride my boat. Everyone at work thought she was cute...even though they all gave me was obvious that for the most part..they approved. I got off at 5 and Billy and I went to rehearsal. Everything is coming together nicely with the show. Then we went to Lu Lu's show at the Fringe. How in the hell I managed to not go to the fringe ever in the past 21 years of my life..I will never know. But it saddens me. It was amazing. As soon as I walked in I was overtaken by srtistic surges of sweetened air. The whole place buzzed electric, poetic, artistic mojo. I can't even explain it. I felt at home. Lu Lu's show was...amazing. The writing was beautiful, the set, music, everything just amazingly done. Then on to the real amazement of the night. Jay and Lu Lu. They were both...brilliant. How I am blessed with a friend like Lu Lu I don't know. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Everything she puts her hands in is immedietly turned to gold. Jay did an amazing job as well. Me, Billy, and Cindi were crying in the front row. Beautiful. Then we all went to Denny's and sat arouund and ate and laughed. It was a great time. I really miss that. I said my happy was the fringe...but I would like to ammend that. It was the fringe with some of my most favorite people in the whole world.

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