Continued Goodness
So today was a good day all in all. I went to work ridiculously tired. Got sent home by noon. Went over to harrass Billy who was stationed at Men In Black all day...last time he joneses for a Rescue shift. His face is burnt to a Crisp...and not the good british kind. I dropped Midsummer Nights Dream today. I wrote Jan an email explaining why...and I will post it now.
"Hey Jan,
Unfortunately I am going to have to drop Midsummer Nights Dream. All I do lately is go to work, come home for 30 seconds, go to the theater, come home, sleep 4 hours, go to work, come home for 30 seconds, go to the theater, come home, sleep 4 hours. I can't keep living like this. Work has me working at a minimum 40 hours a week and I have been at the theater pretty much every night for a couple months. Today I almost fell asleep on one of the boats while I was waiting to move forward into load. They sent me home early, yet again, I have been REALLY tired for the last couple weeks. So, I am sorry to do this to you, please don't hold it against me...but I am only doing what I think is best for me and the theater. I am no good to anyone if I fall asleep at work or on stage. I will leave my script at the theater tonight in the desk out front.
This is what I got back.
"I am sorry you have to drop out but I have been in the same position. Thanks for letting me know early enough. Jan"
So things went pretty well all in all. Then I talked to Lorri on the phone for a few minutes. She read my journal..which is good. Cause now she knows that beyond a doubt I had a good I just gotta get my hands on her online diary address. Even after putting my ultra super sneaky spy powers to work...still no good on the address...but I will get it. Right after she tells me. FYI: Giddiness levels at...85 percent.
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