Tuesday, May 11, 2004

The Longest Night of My Life.....Thus Far

At 2 a.m. my cell phone rang just as I was laying down to go to sleep. It was a friend of mine from College, Julie, telling me that another friend of mine had attempted suicide yesterday. They had been trying to track down my phone number and had just gotten it. The friend is in New York right now, in a hospital. Julie and I talked until just now, 5:16. I am calling into work because I can't handle it today. This is the second time this guy has attempted suicide...the first since I have known him. Last time he took a bunch of pills, this time he was more serious I guess. He just didn't think his roommate would be home so fast. He slit his wrists in the bathtub and they found an empty bottle of pills nearby. He must have JUST done it when his roommate got there. He is going to be ok they think, but they are putting him in a mental ward for a while so he can't hurt himself. He and I were friends, not really close, but still friends. Julie was really upset, they had dated for a while during College. He aparently left a note saying that he loved everyone but he thought that we would all be better off if he wasn't around. So he was going to help us by getting out of the picture. I just want each and every person who reads this to know that that is never the answer. I am going to try to go to sleep now..but I am not expecting sleep to come easy this morning. I'm fine emotionally...just not sure exactly how I feel right now about all this. Not really sinking in..just staying on the surface. The guy actually mentioned me specifically in the note....he said he wished he was more like me....I used to wish I was more like him. Popular, athletic, great singer and actor, a great girlfriend. How wrong was I?

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