T | Tame |
H | Hilarious |
E | Enchanting |
P | Perverse |
O | Overwhelming |
E | Enjoyable |
T | Twisted |
R | Radical |
E | Edgy |
M | Masculine |
A | Astonishing |
G | Gloomy |
E | Emotional |
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
My thoughts on life starting at the age of 21, a gay man dating women for everyone else in his life and continuing through turning 31 and learning to live for himself. Keep in mind as you read that this story was written over the course of 10 years and, much like it’s author, it grew and matured as time went by. If Art is a living, breathing thing, these pages are the marks on the doorway to keep track of it’s progress.
T | Tame |
H | Hilarious |
E | Enchanting |
P | Perverse |
O | Overwhelming |
E | Enjoyable |
T | Twisted |
R | Radical |
E | Edgy |
M | Masculine |
A | Astonishing |
G | Gloomy |
E | Emotional |
"Hey Jan,
Unfortunately I am going to have to drop Midsummer Nights Dream. All I do lately is go to work, come home for 30 seconds, go to the theater, come home, sleep 4 hours, go to work, come home for 30 seconds, go to the theater, come home, sleep 4 hours. I can't keep living like this. Work has me working at a minimum 40 hours a week and I have been at the theater pretty much every night for a couple months. Today I almost fell asleep on one of the boats while I was waiting to move forward into load. They sent me home early, yet again, I have been REALLY tired for the last couple weeks. So, I am sorry to do this to you, please don't hold it against me...but I am only doing what I think is best for me and the theater. I am no good to anyone if I fall asleep at work or on stage. I will leave my script at the theater tonight in the desk out front.
"I am sorry you have to drop out but I have been in the same position. Thanks for letting me know early enough. Jan"