Third Time's The Charm here it goes. The last week or so has been great! I apologize to my readers..if you still exist. I will try very, very hard to post more regularly. Between my brother living here, work, my newly found romantic side that is constantly at work trying to eek out a few more minutes with the beautiful Alicia while not giving up time with my friends and making them 2nd, rehearsals for two shows, and freaking out about said shows during the hour drive between work and home..I just haven't had time. Jaws is one of the greatest places on earth. I have discovered the joys of text messaging..and I am sure I will discover the woes when the bill comes in. My next couple of days is frustratingly busy...but I don't really care. Tomorrow up at 5, leave at 6, back by 6:15, leave for work at 9, work at 10, out by 6, rehearsal an hour away at 7, take Billy home at 10, home by 11...repeat. Friday I have to be at work at 8:30 and I don't have rehearsal afterwards..but that's pretty much the only deviation from the afformentioned schedule. Man of La Mancha is going pretty well...concidering where we are doing it. I get to sing "Little Bird" which I am very excited about...GREAT long as you don't know what is going on in the show during it. My part is getting progressively larger as we go along..which is fine with me...I am such a freaking stage whore...but the unpaid I guess I'm just a stage slut...Oh well. I will post later. In an attempt to catch up with Alyson I am going to try to post atleast twice a day.