Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Snap To Reality

So everytime I am not here enough to let it bother me...My parent's house turns around and does something that irritates me beyond normal levels of belief. Everything was fine...just going pretty smoothly for my parents house. I get up to cook dinner and the flame goes out under the half-melted butter that was on it's way to being Alfredo sauce. That means that we are out of propane...and everything here at Casa De Diablo is gas powered. So..that means no dinner, no shower, no...normal everyday accomidiations. I call my dad who has the only means for getting the enormous freaking tank to the place where they can refuel it and he basically told me he will try to do it tomorrow afternoon...which translates dinner, shower, or anything tomorrow before rehearsal. Just infuriates me when things like this happens...cause it always happens to me. It never runs out while mom is in the shower, or mathew is making tea, or in the middle of Dad's 5 course meal..nope..just Eric. I told my mom I am going to look into getting an apartment at the beginning of the new year..cause lets face is not going to happen anytime soon. I will get an apartment...get out of here...get on with my life. Believe it or not..I had a good day. Now I am seriously concidering skipping rehearsal and going to see Blade 3 with Billy. I'll blog later.

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