Someone To Watch Over Me
Well I went to my first night of rehearsal last night. I have run the gambit of feelings about it. First I was upset, then a little excited, then VERY excited, then crushed, and then just tired and ready to sleep. Basically my job is bead captain is to walk along beside the float and make sure the guests are doing as they are told regarding bead throwing. Then I clean the float after each parade and reload it. It's basically a management position or atleast the stepping stone to one. It was rough, watching all my friends from previous events out dancing and having a great time in the parade while I walked and watched the float. I felt like the only kid who wasn't picked to play softball. By the end of the night I talked to my Stage Manager and told her that I couldn't be sure until I had done it with guests at a full run..but I think this whole bead captain thing isn't for me. I told her that I would stick it out a weekend and give it a REAL try but just telling her that the possiblity of me not wanting to do it was there. She had a plan that I might just do it the first weekend and then go to active back-up because she actually had someone who DESPERATELY wants to be a bead captain and already has the training and they can take it after I am transferred to active back-up. I am not worried about finding hours as active back-up because I have 3 or 4 other ASMs who actually want me on their cast. And that is that. I got to walk through one of the houses last was awesome. Having friends in high places definetly pays off. I think I am going to try for Coordinator or Bead Captain for Macy's or Mardi Gras. I'll blog tomorrow about the last night of rehearsal.
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