Eric Hurricane Survivor AND A Letter To The Big Guy Upstairs
I have decided that Florida is as close to be hurricane prepared as it ever will be...if anything..we are getting laxed because it's like..."Look...we do this all the time..Don't worry." My parent's house is fine. It is without power...and will be for several days due to the complete lack of power lines in my hometown. Jeanne sucked them up like spagetti and then spewed them all over the ground like they had too much pepper and made her sneeze. Jeremy's, my best friend from high school, parents lost their house. It was condemned this morning. A tree branch as big as an enormous oak tree crashed through their living room ceiling. I stopped and helped them for about 2 hours..until my knee started to give out and I had to stop. To tell you the made me feel a total self revelation thing. Ultimately I think I am a good person. Because today when I saw that they were working in the yard..I litterally dropped what I was doing at my grandmother's house and went to help..without a moment's thought. I think it shows that my first impulse is to help...and I think that is an excellent quality that my parents taught or gave to me or whatever. I went and saw Shaun of the Dead today with Billy. It is the greatest Horror-Comedy-Romance Zombie movie EVER.'s the only horror-comedy-romance zombie movie ever...but's GREAT! Now..I close with a letter to God...I decided to cover all my bases after watching Bruce Almighty...Maybe God does have email.
Dear God,
I thought I would write this letter to inform you of something you might want to keep your eye on. I believe that perhaps someone in the Department of Natural Disasters may have a grudge against Florida. Maybe they were born in the arctic and always wanted to bask in the glory of a warm Florida day at one of our wonderful theme parks but instead were condemned to a life of cold and the local idea of fun was sawing through 14 foot of ice and dangling a frozen sting in the sub-zero water until some starving unsuspecting fish grabbed it out of sheer desperation. Or if this is not the case..perhaps it is a technical space bar sticks sometimes...perhaps the Hurricane button on your master controls is just stuck. I bet it's the first one though..perhaps a penguin who wasn't picked to come and live at Sea World. I mean you can't trust a penguin to begin with...always wearing a tux..who does that?!?!? I mean you can't blame them...I can barely stand a couple hours in formal wear...a lifetime of it..that would push even the most mellow of fowl over the deep end. If I am completely off base with all of this I am very sorry. I know you have a lot to look after and Florida can get away from even the most observant of dieties. I mean why keep an eye on tropical paradise...that's probably what the penguin was thinking...penguins.. I think Shamu is in charge you know. I mean who else would be? They wear a tux...he wears a tux. I think it's a whole gang thing they have going on..Secret base in florida. They can go underwater...hide from the hurricane..while we all get blown to Atlantis. I think I have said enough. Thank you for all of the good fortune that has fallen on the majority of us. Lots of damage..but few lives lost. A clean slate for many.
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