Monday, September 13, 2004

I Think It's Time For Efficiency Counseling In Heaven

So today I got out of therapy and called Billy. He informed me that Jaws is closing for 5 weeks starting Sunday...I can go back to work on Friday. THAT SUCKS! Anyway...through this ordeal I was thinking...I think that life in general would be easier and much more efficient if we all recieved monthly statements directly from heaven detailing all sins and itemized Karma in general. So then you can take out your statement monthly and look at it. " is closing for 5 weeks just when I can finally go back and my mother has decided to tell me that she is tired of supporting me as bills continue to pile up...That is payment for...Running over an old lady on a sunday afternoon who was holding a box full of puppies and not stopping...Good To Know." That would be so much easier. Rather than things like this happening and you wondering if this is payment for something you did previously or if this is just good Karma building up for the future. Just a thought. I really am going to lose it if I don't get out of here soon. My mom is trying...I know she is. My dad..well...he's doing what he thinks he needs to do where my grandmother is concerned...but it is hurting the family. It's hurting me...I know that part. I don't come from a broken home...wellI do..but not an emotionally broken home..just a physically broken home. So now basically living in one years after I have moved out and now had to come home..not only come home..but come home in a weakened is driving me to the edge. The dreams have stopped...but atleast then there was somewhat of an artisitic outlet going on...even if it was making me not sleep at all. I'll be fine. I know all of you care. And I miss the hell outta you guys. Tomorrow are Halloween Auditions...maybe scaring the living spit outta people for a month will help...I HOPE IT DOES. Don't know what else is going to.

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