Why You Shouldn't Drink And Run A Light Board AND An Oscar Party
So my day started at 10 this morning when I got up and went to Moonlight for my Matinee show. The show didn't go very well. We think the lighting board operator had been drinking or something...he missed several light cues and turned off the lights early a couple of times. It was bad...Then Jay started missing lines...that didn't help. Good thing I can cover like nobody's business. Tim was there (A Director that nobody likes..including me)...he gave me the "I"m going to shake your hand and tell you did good cause there are other people watching handshake but I'm not going to make it convincing at all" handshake. After the show we cleaned the theater a little..cause that is the joy of community theater. Then we went to Walmart and bought the stuff to take to Billy's party. I almost didn't go cause I was really tired and bummed about today's show. I got everything and made a vat of Hormel Chili, Velveeta Cheese Chili Cheese Dip...it was a hit..and I have enough for 3 more parties. Things I learned tonight about that dip. 1. Tortilla Chip, Dip, and a Cinnamon Jelly Belly...GOOD, 2. Celery, Dip...GOOD 3. Chocolate Chip Cookie, Dip...GOOD. 4. Orange, Dip...NOT SO GOOD. 5. Spicy Dorito, Dip...GOOD. I thinks that's it on the dip are. It was a great party..enjoyed every minute of it..even the getting pelted with Dry Splash Bombs, Confetti, and Silly String...It was just fun. Nathan hit on Billy's little sister..but I guess we should have expected that...it was a female...who spoke to him...and showed some sort of interest...which means..she said hi. That guy needs to show a little restraint..I mean common curtosy says..DON'T HIT ON YOUR FRIENDS 17 YEAR OLD SISTER...EVEN IF SHE IS GOING TO BE 18 IN A FEW MONTHS....EXSPECIALLY IF YOU ARE 24 SOON TO BE 25. Nuff Said. It was a great party. I got a Harvey for Best Male Animal Sounds....I beat out Hugh Jackman for his work in X2...that says a lot. I mean even if I hadn't won....I would have been happy just getting recognized in the same category as such a great animal sounder. And now I crash. BAM!
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