Monday, April 26, 2004

Fall From Esteem

Isn't it funny how when someone falls from esteem in your eyes, YOU are the one to feel the pain when they hit bottom. They feel nothing unless you let them in on your silent torment. They hit the bottom of a pit that everyone thought was bottomless and lay broken against the crumbled earthen floor and yet they feel nothing. While you wretch and twist on your own two feet as your soul tries to escape from a body still not ready to let go. Isn't it funny? What cruel joke was God working on when he decided to give actor's, the people who will everyday face rejection, an ego made from blown glass? Glass so fragile and thin that breathing to hard on it can cause it to crumble into shards in your hand. That's how I feel right now. Jan has fallen, she lays at the bottom of the pit at the edge of her pedestal.

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