Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Cruel Illness Leave My Lungs

So remember that gunky feeling I had in my throat last night. Well i drank some tea, took some vitamin C, took some medicine, and went to bed. Well when I woke up this morning I can't speak, I can't breath, and my chest hurts. I my friends have apparently developed a BAD chest cold in one day. FUN TIMES. I blame Stacey...she had the flu last week at work and I drove her home. DARN IT STACEY! So now I can't breath and I can't go into work. If you can't speak it is common knowledge that you call in. It sucks. But I will get better...lots of medication and wads of coughed up gunk will do me good. I hate being sick...but that's part of life. I am still planning on going to rehearsal tonight if anyone who is involved with Shakespeare is reading this and wondering. I'll be there...I have missed to many of them as it is.

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