Tuesday, April 20, 2004

And He's Back

Hey everyone.....or anyone who is still checking my blog. Sorry it has been so long since I updated. Just been really busy. Ok...so we are 2 weeks into Annie shows..it is truly an aweful show. There are a few redeeming qualities I have been told. Our Grace has an amazing singing voice and has the part down..she is just very soft spoken and sometimes you can't hear her. The maid in our show are really good..they got a great mention in the review. I didn't get a mention in the review..but I was told by several I was one of few redeeming qualities in the show. The kids have a few cute scenes....And the Oxydent Hour of Smiles isn't too bad. Bert Healy is good..and some of the Boylin sisters. I am not going to talk about the bad stuff in the show...cause I will dwell and I am trying to avoid that. I have been running boats at Jaws for 2 or 3 weeks now..I have lost count...but my voice is feeling it. Really feeling it. I have almost lost my voice several times now. But I am taking the best care of it I can and I think it is finally coming back. I have achieved full time status at Universal and as soon as all the paper work is done, I will be officially a full timer at Jaws. I haven't REALLY talked to Lu Lu in weeks...nearing months. Billy and Jen are happy as ever. Nathan and Amber are pretty happy. I met my soulmate today....but she wouldn't give me the time of day....maybe she was just wearing someone else's shirt. This will need a little explination. I saw a girl at Jaws today wearing a shirt that said "Pineapple" across the front of it. I said hi..she kept walking without even really paying me any attention. So I think she stole the shirt. Jen however thinks that we will meet at a later date and I will be wearing a shirt of some signifcance to her and she will feel the overwhelming need to talk to me and happiness will ensue. If she is right..she gets a bunch of cookies. I am in "Complete Works of William Shakespeare Abridged" as Stage Manager but my part seems to be growing more and more every rehearsal. if Billy has his way I will be a 4th main character. And I think Nathan and Andrew are behind him on this one. Well atleast Andrew...nathan isn't behind much lately..except Amber...AWAY FROM THAT SUBJECT.... Rehearsals are going well...still don't really like Tim that much..but you can't like everyone. I just did auditions for "A Midsummer Night's Dream" they went very well. I am sooo proud of Alex...my son from Yonkers. He is an amazing kid. He did such a great job at auditions that I stood up and yelled "THAT'S MA' BOY!" This is the cast I am hoping for. Me:Demetrius, Billy: Lysander, Jen: Hermia, Amber: Hellena, Alex: Puck, Nathan: Oberon, Cindy: Titania, Andrew: Bottom. And everyone else..i don't really care at the moment. I HAVE SPOKEN. Call backs are Sunday..and then Jan will speak...to bad we don't have the same voice. We'll see how it goes. My regular work schedule is Tuesday's through Saturdays with Sundays and Mondays off. I usually work morning shifts..getting me out by 3. Talk to you all later.

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