Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh What A Night

So I went to John's pool party. It was a lot of fun. Stayed longer than expected, drank more than I should...but I did meet some amazing in particular. It was a strange experience. It was pretty much the first time I have ever gone to a party pretty much knowing no one. But it was fun. Found out that I don't like all. I only had one shot but that was enough to decide that it will probably be my last. It was also the only pool party I have ever been to where I was wearing a swimsuit but never got in the pool. Then I saw "Over The River And Through The Woods" at Moonlight yesterday. That was an awesome show. Now you may or may not remember that I played the lead role of Nick in that a year was an awesome role...a horrible experience..but an awesome role. Go back to last May and you'll see what I'm talking about. So I am sitting at the show, was horrible. I was sympathizing with Nick(the actor playing the role), Nick the character, and the Nick that's left inside me from playing the was like he was losing his grandparents all over again. Crying and crying..the lady beside me turned to me just before the end and said "Are you alright?" I just sarted laughing. It was really good though. Sharon N did an amazing I've ever seen her..and Nick and Tonya were amazing as well. The show is just so superbly written...really a breathtaking piece of theater. I have the script if anyone ever wants to read it. Annyway..I have Encore rehearsal tonight....YAY! I'll blog later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you met someone. You deserve it!
<3 Trisha