Wednesday, August 04, 2004

It's Back

My laptop is finally back home. It took 2 weeks, 400 million calls, and Billy and I driving over to my old apartment and getting it..but it's finally back. Now I am goingg to use it a lot. So Billy came over today and took me over to my old apartment for the computer getting. Then we went to Chili's for lunch. It was fun. Listened to music, talked to the Jen on the phone, went to Target to get a Thank You card for the McCoys, and then we came home. Fun times. Billy got in a couple games of Mega Man collection before he left. (that was the gift my little brother gave me) Then he went off to rehearsal. Good times. My Aunt called and I am going to spend the night over there tomorrow night to help her out..and to help me out a little..we don't know what my leg is going to feel like tomtorrow. If everything goes as planned I am going to drive home Friday and everything will be just fine. I had to postpone mine and Carrie's tradition for a few nights. Dad came home for the night. That's pretty much it. BRACE COMES OFF TOMORROW!!!

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