Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm Sorry, I Asked For The No-Nazi Section

SO the first weekend of Cabaret has come and gone. There were a few...hitches...but nothing we didn't make it through. It was a good weekend in all. Standing ovations..good show. Terrance gave me positive notes..which means a lot. He even started them by telling me he wouldn't have cast me in that role...and told Joel so when he made the decision. But he said that I have come very very far in the time that he has known me and looks forward to seeing me grow even more in the role over the course of the run. Now to explain the at the show..right after the first act. They finish "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" and the lights go out..then someone yells "Sig Hial" loudly and strongly from house right. It was... terrifying. The show went very very well today though. We have had our rough spots..and a few not so flattering reviews from friends and family who came to the two preview final dress performances..but they are outnumbered greatly by the glowing compliments of everyone since the show has opened. The chemistry with Amanda and I seems to be tightening a little. It should get better as the run progresses...I felt less like she was ignoring me in the first act and more in love today. So Thursday will tell all.

I also went to see Tom's show at Moonlight. "All Stars" was wonderful. It was written by a local playwright and a first of it's kind for the Moonlight stage. I am proud of everyone for taking the chance. I wish they would have given them more time for rehearsals, maybe workshopped it a little more, and atleast another weekend for performances. The show has great potential. Well..that's about it. Blog atcha later.

1 comment:

LuLu said...

Congratulations on your opening weekend! Hope to come see it.