Saturday, July 30, 2005

Ah....There It Is

Why can't I ever be wrong? I got dumped yesterday. I mean we weren't really, truly a couple...but I basically got the boot. And through an IM no less. So I guess that's that. Guess that's one more source of happiness gone. Lately those are in short supply. Anyway...I was assured it had nothing to do with me..lots of know...same old story. Well I'll stop thing that came to me after that was..."Funny how when things are looking up you can't see the falls ahead." So after that I went and did Cabaret, got out of there at around 11. Luerne and Erika came..along with a bunch of people from Jaws. They all seemed to like it. Then I went to the Frosty Mug for about 30 minutes cause it was Joel's birthday. Then I went home...was asleep in 15 minutes or so. Then I had to get up at 7 to be at my Grandmother's at 8. So I did that...and when I got here...everyone was still asleep. We are supposed to go buy shoes today. I have to be at the theater are 1...takes me an hour to get's 8:30 and we are still here...Great. Anyway..I'll blog later.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Where Am I Going?

I hate not knowing where I am, what I'm doing, Where I'm going...But that seems to be the name of the game lately. Living in the moment is fine for long as the particular moment is interesting. As soon as I am bored I reflect on my life and what's going on in it and wonder what it means and if I mean as much to others as they mean to me. Not to mention worrying about work, my future..other stuff like that. Life lately has been very strange. I have been thrilled the majority of the time. Just flat out glowing most likely. Bailey noticed it yesterday when I went into Jaws and I had to tell her what is going on. She was thrilled too. Trying to work this all out. I am happy..happy as all hell. Just can't help but question what the universe is planning to kick me in the balls with. tonight...maybe not home...might be going to stay at Nicks.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Pretty Freaking Happy

So things have improved in atleast one category of my life. Money is still REALLY tight, still no TV, Phone, Internet..but there is something great going on in my life at the moment. Would love to elaborate more but there are some people I have to fill in first on what's going on with me. Promise to fill in more later. Lets just say I've been kinda flying around cloud 9 for a couple days. Anyway..things are great. Hanging out with Beth and Nick a lot. Probably not making my parents to happy cause I am not there much..but oh well. I will blog later.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Things Are Looking...Forward...Not Up, Not Down, Just Forward

So Cabaret is going. Some nights better than others..but that's true of any show. My flirtatious may be turning fruitful in atleast one place. Life is whether that is because it has been like this so long that I am getting used to it or because it is actually getting better I'm not sure. Someone stole all the money I had in my wallet from me last night at the theater. It as only 5 dollars..but that was literally all the money I had. Oh well..I will report it to Joel..I don't expect anything to come of it though. Anyway..I am off to see the Wizard with Tracy, Madeline, and Bryan. I think I'm probably the tin man of the group. Tracy is Dorothy, Bryan is scarecrow, and Madeline I guess would be the lion? Whatever..I'll blog later.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

And With A Firm Blow The Universe Spat Soundly In My Face

So that 200 dollars I had in my wallet...gone..and not to make my car payment. Nope. I had to give it back to the person that gave it to me. Turns out that the product I sold didn't work out so well and now I have to refund. GREAT! I can't take much more of this. Seriously. If something outstanding doesn't happen in my life pretty soon I am going to resort to sitting in my room in the fetal position crying and sucking my thumb. I have no gas in my car, I'm over by UCF, I have a show tonight, I have no toll money, I have no money period. Why does the universe hate me so much? Horrible, horrible luck. I am just waiting for the owner of Hoolihan's to call me and tell me that the restaurant burnt down and now I won't be able to work there. On a related note. Billy is not going to be working at Disney anymore...Jan offered him a job at her school. Great for Billy. Kinda pisses me off a little though...not at Billy...but at Jan. I've been openly looking for work for almost two months now...NOTHING. I have even helped at the school before....gee..glad to see where I fall in the Karma butt kicking club. Anyway...I'm off...Blog later.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

And The Winner Is...Drum Roll Please....ERIC'S AN ASS!

So I piss people off pretty frequently. I am not going ot be text messaging any conversations anymore. I come off much more...I don't care...than I mean. that that's said. I am still holding firm that life pretty much blows and sucks simultaniously...and while that sounds like it might be a great things...IT ISN'T! Still no phone or T.V. or Internet at Casa de Crappo. You'd think I would get used to it. Nope. I have watched all the movies I have, read all the books I have for the second time. It just keeps on sucking. I apparently watched A LOT of TV and spent a LOT of time on the internet and phone. Pretty soon I am going to have to resort to excercising...gah! People are already complaining I am too skinny..wait till I actually put some effort into it. Geez! Cabaret is going wonderfully. Shows selling out like crazy. I have secured a way to get to Arizona for Joel and Amanda's wedding. That's cool. I have 200 dollars in my wallet...until I make my car payment..but atleast I can make my car payment. Anyway...I'm off to house of crap. I'll blog later.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Follow Your Instincts, Unless Your Name is Eric And They Tell You To Make Out With Someone

So I went to work..and quit the next day. It was awful infact that I am not going to blog in detail about it. Then I went to the Jaws Party..hosted by Gerard..or atleast opened up to the Cabaret cast by Gerard. It was fun. I drank, I made out with two people, (apparently took advantage of one of them depending on who you ask. If you see the pictures though I think that no one was taken advantage of.) It was a party in true Eric fashion. When did I become a slut? Anyway. Cabaret is going very very well. We are selling out evernight and overselling some nights. Such a good time. The cast is getting pretty close and we seem to be doing it right. Someone thought we were a touring group the other day..that was cool. Anyway..I am going to go and cook something and then eat it and then READ HARRY POTTER! I'll blog later.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It Won't Be As Bad As I Think

So tomorrow I start my career in the exciting and lucrative world of auto-parts delivery. I am not excited. Not only do I know NOTHING about auto parts, but I know very little about Groveland which just happens to be where I am delivering them. We will see how things go tomorrow. Hopefully it's my overactive imagination working overtime and it won't suck at all. Damn my parents for instilling in me that "eat everyday" law at such a young age. So on the upside I get to ride in a car a lot and listen to music. And I will be making some money. So..yeah.

Cabaret has already proved itself as the most successful box show ever. Go Joel. We are almost sold out for the second week in a row. I am sure we will be by Thursday. So YAY! Anyway..I am going to go home where the TV is full of infommercials and the phone only dials Sprint. the not so mighty have stumbled. LIFE DOESN'T SUCK! I'll blog later.

Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm Sorry, I Asked For The No-Nazi Section

SO the first weekend of Cabaret has come and gone. There were a few...hitches...but nothing we didn't make it through. It was a good weekend in all. Standing ovations..good show. Terrance gave me positive notes..which means a lot. He even started them by telling me he wouldn't have cast me in that role...and told Joel so when he made the decision. But he said that I have come very very far in the time that he has known me and looks forward to seeing me grow even more in the role over the course of the run. Now to explain the at the show..right after the first act. They finish "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" and the lights go out..then someone yells "Sig Hial" loudly and strongly from house right. It was... terrifying. The show went very very well today though. We have had our rough spots..and a few not so flattering reviews from friends and family who came to the two preview final dress performances..but they are outnumbered greatly by the glowing compliments of everyone since the show has opened. The chemistry with Amanda and I seems to be tightening a little. It should get better as the run progresses...I felt less like she was ignoring me in the first act and more in love today. So Thursday will tell all.

I also went to see Tom's show at Moonlight. "All Stars" was wonderful. It was written by a local playwright and a first of it's kind for the Moonlight stage. I am proud of everyone for taking the chance. I wish they would have given them more time for rehearsals, maybe workshopped it a little more, and atleast another weekend for performances. The show has great potential. Well..that's about it. Blog atcha later.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Heavy And Awkward...Stupid Typewriters

So rehearsals contiue to go beautifully. Cliff is still "coming along nicely" according to Joel. It continues to rain oceans daily. I continue to be broke as all hell. Things are good. It's wierd how one can almost enjoy the starving actor lifestyle. Eat a little, lose weight, and rehearsse your butt off. I would like to apologize to anyone (Alyson and Travis) for not telling them about the free performances earlier. I didn't know about them until the night before I blogged them..otherwise I would have. Joel didn't tell us about them because he wasn't sure if they were goingg to happen....he wasn't sure if we would have a show by Wednesday night. But we do..and we! Anyway..Off I go to find a "real" job...whatever that is. I'll blog later! <~~~Anyone remember what that means?