Life is complicated. This is something I have come to realize. I was watching Dead Like Me…which is pretty much a nightly ritual (I know..it’s a problem…but have you SEEN that show? I mean come on..awesomeness on tap.)….and something was said that I felt was blogworthy. It seemed very relevant to several current situations. Here it is.
Set up- (Riverside. Betty has just pulled herself out of the water after jumping off of a nearby cliff.)
Rube: Where you off to?
Betty: I’m going again. That was a hoot.
Rube: Oh, you like falling do you?
Betty: Well it’s not the falling, it’s the jumping.
Rube: Well, you know, I’d feel a whole lot better about the jumping if it weren’t for the falling.
Betty: Falling’s easy. You just fall. Jumping requires strength of will.
Rube: Unless you’re on a plank.
Betty: Then it isn’t your choice, but if it is, it’s the best feeling in the world.
Rube: And you don’t care where you land?
Betty: Landing’s a lot like falling. You just land.
Rube: (chuckles)You’re a force of nature.
Betty: You should really try the jumping. It’s the greatest feeling in the world.
So today I am going to close a little differently. You must have the strength of will to jump. Be confident that you will land where you are supposed to. Our friends and family are the cushion that will catch us. And I know that my cushion will never fail to support me when I jump. Be a jumper. Be a force of nature. And love every minute of it.