Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Life is complicated. This is something I have come to realize. I was watching Dead Like Me…which is pretty much a nightly ritual (I’s a problem…but have you SEEN that show? I mean come on..awesomeness on tap.)….and something was said that I felt was blogworthy. It seemed very relevant to several current situations. Here it is.

Set up- (Riverside. Betty has just pulled herself out of the water after jumping off of a nearby cliff.)
Rube: Where you off to?
Betty: I’m going again. That was a hoot.
Rube: Oh, you like falling do you?
Betty: Well it’s not the falling, it’s the jumping.
Rube: Well, you know, I’d feel a whole lot better about the jumping if it weren’t for the falling.
Betty: Falling’s easy. You just fall. Jumping requires strength of will.
Rube: Unless you’re on a plank.
Betty: Then it isn’t your choice, but if it is, it’s the best feeling in the world.
Rube: And you don’t care where you land?
Betty: Landing’s a lot like falling. You just land.
Rube: (chuckles)You’re a force of nature.
Betty: You should really try the jumping. It’s the greatest feeling in the world.

So today I am going to close a little differently. You must have the strength of will to jump. Be confident that you will land where you are supposed to. Our friends and family are the cushion that will catch us. And I know that my cushion will never fail to support me when I jump. Be a jumper. Be a force of nature. And love every minute of it.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

One Weekend Gone

So the first weekend of Scrooge went well. first weekend of Scrooge went well. So did everyone elses...but this was there second weekend of Scrooge..and only my first...but it went well. Alyson and I found that we play love for eachother pretty well...we also realized that generally when we are doing that...we are looking at our own reflection in the other's eyes. What does that say about us? It says that we are actors...and apparently fairly self centered actors at that. After realizing that we realize that we are doing it and burst into giggling fits in the middle of's good times. Luckily giggling is a sign of it works out. Nothing else really happened this weekend. Billy is in total loss of contact with him...that was sad. I work at Jan's school tomorrow...YAY! It is going to be fun. On a totally random and disturbing tangent that has nothing to do with anything that was said in this blog up to this point...I was propositioned last night an old guy. He offered me 250 dollars for...intimate touching. I'm not cool with that. I politely declined...several times...and then blocked him. It was incredibly disturbing...and for some reason..kind of a little flattering. I'm worth 250 dollars... Is that wrong? I think it might be a little...but atleast it's honest. I'll blog later.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Day of Delicious Turkey Death

So I got up at 5:30 this morning and cem over to Orlando to my Aunt Jackie's house. I am cooking the turkey, stuffing, gravy, and a maccaroni pie. So good. Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving. what am I thankful for? My family, my friends, my acting theater life, the call from Universal offering me rollerblader for Macy's, the call back from Universal saying the days I have to take off is ok, my health, my dog, my cat. Lots of stuff. Can't think of a whole lot that I am unthankful for at the moment. A romantic relationship of some kind would be nice...but I'm not pushing. I really enjoyed my time with the elementary kids this week at the montessori school. Now I must go and continue with the basting. I'll blog later.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Municnexorcism of Eric's Nose

So that chest cold I have had for a week is finally on it's way out. I went and bought some Mucinex. Damn that stuff works. I took one dose and the next morning I woke up and there was green stuff everywhere. It was awful. But get a chest cold that just won't quit...leave the priest alone..get mucinexorcised. Just as good. I think maybe I will write a commercial for them. Anyway...I worked for Jan's school the last couple of days. I really enjoyed it....a lot. Those kids are really great. I got to cook with them...even though the soup turned out awful..cause of the stone in it. We were making stone soup...with a stone in it..just like the story...and the only problem with that can't stir it on the bottom...cause the huge honkin' stone in the bottom. So it got burnt a little..and the whole soup tasted as such. Made cider too...that was a hit with the kids. They loved it...and so does Alyson. Gave her the rest. There was like a gallon left. So Thanksgiving is tomorrow...I am feeling much better..and I am cooking an awesome turkey tomorrow. So...yeah...that's all really. I'll blog later.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Stop The Production I Want To Get Off

Stress city. I have discovered something new about myself in the past few days....I have trouble accepting compliments. I am not sure why. I always justify them with something along the lines of "Anyone else would have done the same thing. I just did what was right." Even if I don't say that...that's what is going through my head when I say "no problem." or "Thank you." Everyone is saying I am doing a wonderful job as Ebenezer....even though I am not entirely thrilled with my performance...but I am never entirely thrilled with my performance...on stage, in a relationship, in life. I always could have been a little more convincing, could have been a little more caring, or could have made better choices. I got a call today from the Macy's Parade at Universal...not the whole it finds it hard to coordinate and make a phone call...but a coordinator who speaks for the parade. I was offered Rollerblading clown. That's right...Eric got the ever coveted position of rollerblader. I get 10.80 an hour verses 7.15. It's cool. Then I told them about Scrooge and they told me they have to get back with me to make sure that the 2 Sundays I have to miss aren't so big a deal as to take away my role. If they call back and say that it is..then I will tell them I can probably get out of one of them..and then call in one of them. These are the days of my life now. Everyone pray for me...cause if I get this get presents. On a related note...I said happy holidays to someone today on my way out of the grocery store...and I got all giddy with holiday cheer. There's a chill in the air, candy canes on every shelf, the smell of pumpkin pies and cinnamon and gingerbread fill the air in publix. I love this time of year. Sure...I don't get to scare people...and it's no Halloween...but what is. Christmas has a singular charm I wouldn't trade. I love you guys. Blog later.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Schroeder Tired

So the first weekend of Charlie Brown is over. The houses have been...pretty empty..but receptive. There have been some really funny "Baseball game" moments. I don't want to spoil that's all you get. I'll blog later.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Do What Now?!?

Ok so tonight is our final dress with invited audience...and the first time we are running the show without stopping. FREAKING OUT! Blog...terminated.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Why Don't I Care More?

My uncle died today at about 3 p.m. I am not sad. I feel like a horrible person cause I don't feel horrible. He was in the hospital for a few pneumonia. He had cancer. A spot on his pancreas, a spot on his lung, and his liver was messed up. I know I should be sad..but I'm not. I gotta learn to let go..but...I just can't. My dad's side of the family and I just don't get along...we exist together..that's about it. They live 10 minutes away, have only two nephews, and they can't remember our birthdays. They have never tried to come to one of my shows...or even ask how they are. They bought sporting equipment for me for Christmas every year...until they just stopped buying gifts for us all together. He died...and I'm sorry that my aunt reba lost her husband..but I am not sad yet. I don't know if I will be. Maybe I don't have a soul anymore..maybe all the joking is right. I'll blog later.

Friday, November 04, 2005


So this blog is dedicated to Alex. He's awesome. Saw him in Salt And Pepper today...and it was awesome. Rather than type it all out I am going to copy and paste from a previous entry during Lost In Yonkers. "Alex (Arty, the youngest of my two sons in the show) is truly amazing for his age. He is 15 and doing things as an actor that I don't think I could have pulled off at his age...and really just an all around great kid while doing it." So the opening of Charlie Brown looms in the not so distant future. We open one week from today. Show dates and times are as follows.
Friday 11th- 8 p.m.
Saturday 12th- 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.
Sunday 13th- 2 p.m.
Friday 18th- 8 p.m.
Saturday 19th- 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.
Sunday 20th- 2 p.m.

I hope I will see you all there. Go see Salt and Pepper too. I'll blog later.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Wait...What Was I Saying

So I'm blond now. It's wierd. I don't hate it, I don't love it. Halloween is over...I hate that. How does the end of Halloween sneak up on me every year? You'd think I would totally see it coming..but I never do. I am profiling to be a entertainment coordinator. That could be cool. It's atleast in my field. I'm still tired..but not as tired. Ran out of gas at home this morning. No more hot water until I will be bumming showers from all my wonderful friends. That's right Tracy and Billy...this means you. That's about it. Blog later.