Friday, March 31, 2006

The Game That Stole My Heart...(And Other Cheesy Headlines

So I have been playing Kingdom Hearts 2 pretty much every spare moment of my life for the past few days...getting only the required amount of sleep to function and drinking AMP by Moutain Dew. The game is great. Love it. Got a PS2...and this time I swear that is my last frivilous spending for a while... I am going to Bonnaroo again this year with Joel. That was fun last why not do that again. One of the few vacations in my entire life that I came back feeling rested from...just got away from the outside world for 4 was nice and it will be again....and this time I will have a little money to buy my friends nice hippie merchandise. calls. I want to go to the movies tonight if anyone is interested give me a call or a message or whatever. I was thinking horror...but if no one contacts me I will delve back into Kingdom Hearts 2. I'll blog later.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

So My Conscious And I Got Together And Talked About It...

And we'er not going to feel bad about this. "Yeah...f you!" he he he. That was one of the many highlights of last nights rehearsal. I know it's only the second rehearsal but this show looks like it's going to be great. And not even cause of me...I'm pretty...boring really. The rest of the cast is hilarious...and we've only blocked the first Act...and there are 3. Gonna be fun. I'l blog later.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Return To Solla Solew

So last night was the first real rehearsal for "You Can't Take It With You". It's so good to be back. I only did a few minutes of work last night..but it was great. Having a director talk to me about voice placement and characterization. It's just...refreshing. So...I'm back..and I'm happy. It was good to spend the night thinking about Tony's crap rather than Eric's crap. And it continues tonight. On a totally different note...a pretty nerdy one..KINGDOM HEARTS 2 COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!!! If you lost respect for would have lost it pretty soon anyway. It's going to be hart to tear me away from the ps2 for until this weekend....well it will be hard for most people. There are a couple that I would sit the controller aside for. Call to find out if you are one of them. :) I'll blog later! <~~~~What's that mean again? Alyson? Billy? Anyone?

Monday, March 27, 2006

Wants vs. Needs

So I was thinking about life today and where I am at in it and something crossed my mind from a conversation I had with Tracy the other day. I told her that most people focus on what they need and let what they want fall to the wayside. That society forces what we "need" to do on us and makes us let go of most of our wants. I think that is why I am attracted to the people that I am. Usually they are people who have found a way to make the two things mesh. To make their wants fulfill their needs. I want to be that kind of person. I find myself frequently enjoying what I do...but it isn't what I want to do. I want to be onstage, I want to entertian people, I want to make kids laugh, make mothers cry, make fathers look at their lives and their children differently. That's how I feel when I am onstage. I truly love going on the thrill ride that is being someone else. I sit at work today and while I am doing the job that I am truly enjoying and trying my best to love because I know it's what I "need" to do...thinking about the show I am rehearsing for tonight and the people I will get to see and share the rehearsal space with as we shed ourselves and slip on something a little more unknown and comfortable at the same time. I have to figure out how to make what I want and I what I need to mesh. My mother spent most of her life to this point doing what she needed to do and now she is medicated to stay happy. I know it's a genetic thing...and work didn't have a lot to do with it...but it did have SOMETHING to do with it. I love you all..I really do. You hold me together. You keep me in line. And you are one of my wants that is a need aswell. I don't say it enough..and I don't show it enough. And this job does have the fullfil the want of having the money and the schedule to show you all how much I love you. Please think about this for a few minutes and see if your wants and needs are meshing..and if they are...bravo. You have achieved something that I feel few do. I know that this is kinda strange coming from me right now. I've just been kinda comtemplative lately...about life. I met someone who I find very interesting and think maybe I want to spend some time with and that seems to want to know about me....which made me want to try to know me better as well. I think that's all for now. I'll blog later.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Oh The Stupid

So I got one of the harshest rejections I have ever gotten last night. The exact words used as an excuse for standing me up were, "Um, I unfortunately I got a better offer." ....
Yeah. That's right. Someone actually said that to me. It's things like that that make you want to just give up on dating and finding someone special all together...cause you just start to think that there isn't anyone special...just a lot of people who are especially ignorant to the way to handle any social situation. On other news...AHHHH!!!! Also.. I am working a lot. La Maitre is fun..most of the time. Building a lot of pyro. That's fun. Also doing Mardi Gras as showboat dancer #4..who I have named Showboat Willy. Just seemed to fit. And my white man dance is apparently getting less embarrasing. In the beginning I was scoring a 1 on the white man I am up to a 6. The scale works on a reverse numbering system where 1 is more white and 10 is less white. But I have been informed that a 6 on the white man scale is still like a negative 8 on the black man I got some work to do. Anyway..back to the ol' exploding grind stone. Later yall.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Strongbadia Lives!

So we got the apartment. We move in on April 13th. That is exactly 5 weeks from today so if you guys have furniture or anything that you want to get rid of message me or something and find out if we need it. We will probably pay you for it..or atleast cart it off for you. The apartment is over in Ocoee, just east of the West Oaks Mall. Vizcaya Lakes. Beautiful property. I am at lunch now after 2 days of not working cause I was ridiculously violently 104 temp...for 2 days..not good. I am now popping vitamins like they are candy. I'll blog later.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Bloggin From Work

So it's really slow at work...and I know I get no sympathy and I am not asking for it. That seems to be something that people get confused lately...sharing what is going on in your life and how you feel about it isn't necessarily begging for sympahty. I feel like crap...The flu has claimed three people's time and energy at the shop thus far...and there are only 5 of us...and now it's seems to have set it's sites on me. Headache, sniffles, body aches. No good. I am supposed to go to a show tonight called "Musicals of Musicals". That should be fun.
Now...on to what is really on my mind. I want to know...and to apologize if the answer is yes to this...if I have been a little hot and cold lately. Bi-polar I mean. I know it's genetic...and I have noticed getting ridiculously mad over nothing...I just want to know if it's all in my head knowing that symptoms of bi-polar usually show in your early to mid-twenties and I have a history of it. I know I am stressed right now...about the apartment and everything. Just want to get my life going and it seems like everyone else in the world is just kinda trudging along waiting for things to happen...I want to make things happen. And no Billy..I am not directing this at you...We talked...I understand why you didn't go get the paperwork. The apartment complex is taking their time too.
I think that's it for now. Blog later.